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Mothership Zeta, Missing Sally


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Hey I found another way just now. I tried pik's way and sally wouldn't talk. The placeatme way gets her stuck in the vent (used tcl to find what was taking so long and found her). So, I used Pik's method to safely spawn her. Then I used the controle panel to command "kill" her followed by "resurrect". She then ran off and everything acted as though I had found her normally. Dialogue also activated after she opened the door and Somah commented on how sally had suckered me (pfft).
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Something that people generally don't seem to understand is that placeatme SPAWNS an NPC, whereas moveto player moves the target to the player.


That is why you have 2 Sallys - you spawned the second one.

ITS SO GAY THAT I CANT USE THE PLACEATME CODE i found her way b4 i tried the zeta dl and got her in a underground base at pointlookout thunking she was part of the dam base now im stuck in alien jail

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