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gday everyone.i'm new to all this forum stuff but i'm about to start modding skyrim and don't know where to even start-there are so many mods.at first i would like to start with character creation mods - knew bodies,faces,hair etc -change the ugly elves into pretty ones would be nice.then move on to armour and weapons,the environment itself,enemy A.I. such as the bandit raids and so on and so on.is there anyone who can suggest where i should begin all this ?.thankyou in adavance for any help offered .i'm also a big lord of the rings fan.

Edited by Hipshott57
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i would suggest the same as Notmyhome here, what you might do aswell is start dowloading just a few mods from the steam workshop. altough not ideal they are very eassy to install.

also, if you want to start modding then I would suggest taking a look at the Nexus Mod Manager.

furthermore, for most mods the installation process is on their respective nexus site or included as a readme with the dowload.

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Honestly, I'm sceptical about NMM.

The Mod Organizer recommended by S.T.E.P. has many more features.

NMM's big strength is the vast amount of supported games, but I don't play any of these, so Mod Organizer + Wrye Bash it is.

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Actually, NMM's greatest strength is it's simplicity. Mod Organizer may have more features, but NMM is far simpler for a beginner to wrap their head around. The worth of both MO and the STEP itself is heavily subjective.


I'd also strongly recommend checking out Gopher's

. An invaluable resource for any beginner, and even useful for intermediate users as well. Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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