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The Master Of Zooz


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The boy's word kling through Tiax's mind.. "Only one woman was killed"........... "Only one? ONE?!?!? That is still ONE to much!!"


"Poor creature.."

Work seems to be going pretty fast when thinking what would happen if he forsaw that..


"Why do yoo not tell us your name lad?" Tiax says with the most friendly smile he put on yet. "Would make convercating easier... I am Tiax."


"And if you are so capable of doing this job as you say we could do a lot more.... On the other hand, if we are finished......"

"Say? Do you know something 'bout that old temple there by the docks?"

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Mandrake tekes a shovel from the boy and starts digging.

"Say how many of these sandstorms come here by the way? "

then he turns to tiax.

"I think its best if we don't return to the temple before dusk, we might not be alaod to go there and if we are going to break in its best to do without the whole populacyan watching."

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Shrugging, T'skar roles her eyes and starts following Sael's lead, if you can call it that. If you can't beat them, join them, she thinks, besides, I never was an exceptional musician. Humming tunelessly with Sael, she continues to dig.
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Kalmer has been up since a few minutes after the storm subsided. After a few hushed words of comfort to Kyah, who has become extremely skitty - not due to the sandstorm, but due to not having been cared for by Kalmer - Kalmer got straight to work shovelling enormous amounts of sand from around the South Gate and the animal penns. Admittedly, the animal carers are actually very efficient, and Bil has become quite fond of one of the female camels, it seems, but Kyah is a law unto his own, and will only obey his master, Kalmer.




Again having calmed Kyah down, Kalmer turns in afriendly manner to one of the carers, and in an off-hand manner says, "I have heard about these sandstorms in Dohoti, but had never witnessed one until now. In fact, I here this city is renowned for more than just sand. Plenty of history and ancient artifacts. Know much about that, do you young man?"

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You all get very strange looks when assisiting with clearing the sand but they are not unfriendly ones. Unfortunately the answers to your questions do not give you much information.


The boy Tiax and Mandrake are helping says: "Name is Ganesh, boss. Jade Temple is very old. Never been there myself. Not a god I like much. Most visitors go there to see the jade statue."


Kalmer gets even less response. This time it is not unwillingness on this subject's part. They clearly have no idea what you are talking about. But then perhaps you already have all the information you need.

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Ara whistled a tuneless melody as she set to clearing the walkways along side Baba and Gnaag. She thought upon what Baba had said to Gnaag and her alone. The man was too hard on himself. He shouldn't feel guilty for judging the people of this city. They were extremely rude after all. The people's general behavior towards outlanders merited any rudeness they received from the group. Maybe even more. After all, these villagers couldn't expect kindness from outlanders if they were treated like dung. Ara broke from these thoughts when she caught the smell of herself.


It had been nearly three days and her robes and armor were beggining to stink. She reminded herself to wash them the next chance she had. There was very little privacy in their room in the Haven so she would have to wait. She sighed adamently. She had a brief moment of panic when she realized Aena was gone but then she remembered that she had seen the owl inside feasting on a desert lizard. Ara was relieved that she wasn't there for the event.


The time went by quickly as each shoveler appeared to be in their own world. She finished her section and stepped back to examine her handywork. Looking at the others with her, she turned and asked.


"Are we all done? If so we should probably meet with the others in the tavern."


Ara waited for the affirmative response, then walked with her group from the Honeycomb Haven to the Arms of Dohoti.

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Finishing up where she was working, T'skar turned to see Baba, Ara, and Gnaag walking up, seeming to be finished in their area as well. She wondered out loud, to noone in particular, "I hope we get that breakfast now, I sure could use it." She turns and heads into the Arms of Dohoti, checking if there is more to do before going.
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Having finished their shoveling, Ara, Gnaag and Baba wash themselves and head for the Arms of Dohoti, for breakfast.


Baba ordered himself breakfast, with extra bread on the side and a jug of milk.


When he had finished eating, he took out his pipe and lit it. He sat there smoking for a while, just looking at his companions.


What a mottled group we are.................................................he thought to himself. :wacko:

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Gnaag woke up early in the morning, because he falt an opportunity to show his abilities that day. As he went to the entrance he saw a shovel. He still remembered dreamless night he had slept. Probably all streets were full of sand. Nobody else was there so he picked up the shovel and started to lean on it. After a few minutes others came. The work started.


"I have finished. I can go." said he when others were already leaving their posts. Although his place wasn't done already, but it wasn't so necessary in Gnaag's view.


When he entered the bar he immediately order a glass of wine. He still had that strange taste of previous day beer on the tip of tongue.

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