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Toolset Version 1.01


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Version 1.01 of the Toolset has been released!


The Download is here: http://social.bioware.com/page/da-toolset#downloads


I just downloaded it fine, its 507MB, took me 20 mins.



I have added a Mirror for the Toolset Download here: http://www.filefront.com/15109317/DragonAgeToolset1.01.zip/


Feel free to add more Mirrors if you make one or find one.



This is from the official Thread at the Bioware Forums: http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/index/173428


Dec 10 Update:

A new version of the toolset has been posted for download. This is not a patch, it is a brand new installer. What this means is that YOU WILL LOSE YOUR EXISTING WORK IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE STEPS LISTED AT: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...abase_migration


If you are upgrading from version 1.00 of this toolset and have database content that you wish to migrate into the new version, you will need to follow a special sequence of steps to preserve it. Builder-to-builder files (extension DADBDATA) are not compatible between the first released version of the toolset and subsequent versions. See http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...abase_migration for more details.


Please read the information found at http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/i...ing_the_toolset for more details about how to install the toolset.


Oh, and by the way, this version contains the full single player database resources!


end of update


To sum it up, Read these pages on the Builder Wiki at least before installing or overwriting your toolset!


- Installing the toolset

- Database migration

- Database backup and restore


Also its probably wise to check this threads!


- Issues relating to version 1.00 of the toolset (now superseded by version 1.01)

- Toolset Patch Information



Also report problems here and ask questions if you have some regarding the new version of the Toolset.

I most likely cant answer them, but hopefully someone else can =)


Again be carefull when updating, and doing the database migration so you dont loose your work, read the wiki faq´s they seem to be important on that matter.


From that little that i understand in regard to the toolset it seems that with the new patch and the new toolset 1.01 the core files got replaced,

i think that could lead to some searious issues with mods that where made with the old toolset for the pre-1.02-patched DA game, please correct me if i am wrong with this.


Good Luck for your installation/update of the Toolset =)

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Woah did I read that right? This version contains the full single player resources?!

AMEN! No more hacksville!


Could you elaborate what you mean with that?


Going to be a significant amount of work to update for people who have modified core resources it sounds like.


That means rewriting the whole mod dosent it?

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Actually it means, forget that backup/restore thing... it will work only if no core resource is used at all, but 'anything' you do someway uses every core resource it can...


The better is, save the content you already have and get it on the editors to be remade from scratch... still the structural problems are yet there, there is no mod isolation at all, exporting without dependent resources will export with all dependent resources it can, actually you can remove them from the doomed folder but can't do it from your mod itself.

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