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The Bard's Tale


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Can't believe nobody has mentioned it. Bard's Tale was the game that got me hooked on RPGs clear back in 1986. Yes, we had computers back then. Shiny little boxes called Commodore 64s. Well, ok, dull beige wasn't so shiny, but still. The entire BT series was and still remains one of my all time favorites.


My most favorite moment in the first one was walking through a door on the top level of Harkyn's Castle and seeing:


You face death itself, in the form of:

99 Berserkers,

99 Berserkers,

99 Berserkers,

and 99 Berserkers.


It was worth a mountain of xp, and since I had gotten stuck in Kyleran's Tower a bit later on, I kept coming back to the same battle over and over again and eventually beat the game something like 90 levels later once I figured out what I was missing in the tower.


Of course, it was equally classic to see:


You face death itself, in the form of:

1 Hobbit


Hmm.... almost tempted to dig up a map and recreate Skara Brae as an Oblivion mod now! And speaking of maps, us old farts didn't have fancy pants automappers either. Graph paper baby.

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I'm afraid I may have you beat, old man!


My experience was with my older brother and his best friends way back in the day of the actual release of D&D, then subsequently AD&D, circa 1980. The Monster Manual and Deities & Demigods tomes were stellar releases in our world at the time.


Fond were the days of the new modules, Dragon mag. releases, miniatures, and truly RPing.


Heavy Metal mag was also big time, to me anyway!


We were a tight band of Rangers (3) that tried to attempt to right some of the wrongs in the world. (Chaotic Good)


-As far back as it kinda goes...


PS- The Oubliette, should have been a 'no contest' winner

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