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{WIP} Kalatar ~ Custom Voiced Follower - Location/Situation Aware


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hey all,


this is going to be my stomping ground thread of a new Custom Voiced follower i am working on, his name is Kalatar, he is a High Elf Ranger, using the Crimson Ranger custom gear as well as a custom bow as well.








Just a tester video really, so you know what he'll sound like in game, i still need to fine tune things, so more will be added with a wider variety.




Things to do:


Minimum 1k lines of dialogue, looking to tip over 2k though.


Custom Perks - Done


Quests - Will be added when i finally figure some things out regarding quests.


Attire and appearance - Done


Time of day aware - Mostly done.


Will not idle chatter when sneaking. When sneaking and you talk to him, he'll whisper - Done.


So, as i will be concentrating on the dialogue for now and having a lot of free time on my hands, i shall be getting to work on the voice files at a steady rate,or at least i plan to.


I don't wish to give too much of his story away as he will tell you in game, but the jist of it is an exiled Thalmor Justiciar looking for redemption, thy enemy of my enemy is my friend. So he basically is a "nice" high elf,but is still rather elitist and pretentious (some habits just die hard)




Some Audio Lines Used In Game


Edited by Dhegonus
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Just a suggestion, to take as you will: that speech, while interesting, really was a monologue, delivered in an (overly, in my opinion) dramatic fashion which sounded as if it was being read. That's not a terrible thing for an NPC you'll meet once. For a follower you might have with you for hours, it would be preferable to have their dialogue sound more natural, more organic. Otherwise he'll become very tiresome, very fast.

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Just a suggestion, to take as you will: that speech, while interesting, really was a monologue, delivered in an (overly, in my opinion) dramatic fashion which sounded as if it was being read. That's not a terrible thing for an NPC you'll meet once. For a follower you might have with you for hours, it would be preferable to have their dialogue sound more natural, more organic. Otherwise he'll become very tiresome, very fast.


the promo was just a monologue :) the vast majority (barring a few instances) of the character's speech is actually more natural more than anything.. i decided to do a monologue for this promo because of current time restraints not wanting to give too much away currently.. but never fear, i know what you are on about and share the same views.

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Just an update, full functionality is done, i have also added whispering when the PC character is sneaking in the follower functionality menus and currently working on a third functionality set aimed at wood elfs, as high elfs and wood elfs aren't the best of friends ;-) So. basically, if you decide to play as a wood elf, Kalatar will be more to the point and slightly more rude in his answers when you talk to him and he will talk far far far less in his idle chatter as well if you are a wood elf. He's a Good guy at heart, but still an ******** heh.

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Hi! The features and dialogue count on this follower look impressive so far, and I like that he's quite far from the norm with regards to race and gender for custom followers with actual content and storylines. That said, I do have one request: I'd appreciate it if you could post some ingame footage of his character and voice. The video makes me a bit worried about his voice acting, but I don't think it's fair to judge that off one monologue that's not even in game.


Other than that the mod looks cool, and I can't wait to hear more about him (and maybe those custom perks too!)

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Hi! The features and dialogue count on this follower look impressive so far, and I like that he's quite far from the norm with regards to race and gender for custom followers with actual content and storylines. That said, I do have one request: I'd appreciate it if you could post some ingame footage of his character and voice. The video makes me a bit worried about his voice acting, but I don't think it's fair to judge that off one monologue that's not even in game.


Other than that the mod looks cool, and I can't wait to hear more about him (and maybe those custom perks too!)


i'll do a list of perks when i am fully 200% happy with them )


Currently rendering a quick 2 minute video just showing the basics of what it sounds like in game talking to him. It reminded me i need to fiddle with the timings slightly, so it isn't so repetitive.


I forgot to mention he is aware of the time of day, as well.. so he will say "morning" and things like that in the morning, he'll comment on mid day t mid afternoon and of course, the evening, too.

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Thank you very much for the video. :) I have to say, he sounds a lot better ingame than he did in the initial monologue! Only (minor) criticisms are maybe that the subtitles grammar could do with a quick scan and that sometimes he stretches words a little oddly. Neither is a big deal at all, and I suppose that the latter could be a character quirk rather than a flaw. xD

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Thank you very much for the video. :smile: I have to say, he sounds a lot better ingame than he did in the initial monologue! Only (minor) criticisms are maybe that the subtitles grammar could do with a quick scan and that sometimes he stretches words a little oddly. Neither is a big deal at all, and I suppose that the latter could be a character quirk rather than a flaw. xD


i stretch my words oddly at times in reality, that would probably explain it.. but err..yeah character quirk *cough* :D :P

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