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Adoring Fan. He kept coming back when I killed him, so I used the console to put a 2000 gold bounty on him while in Imperial City. Guards chased him off and I actually never saw him again.
Oooh, now that right there is brilliant...


Here, have a cookie.

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I would have to say that my moist hated npcs are Glarthir, Maglir, and Chancellor Ocato. I hate Glarthir because he makes the perfect stalker and seeing that I have bad luck he decides to make me his target along with the others. I also hate Maglir because he is a lazy Woodelf that deserves nothing. I even did his stupid Fighters Guild job for him and he still decides to be lazy!!!! And at the end of my list is Chancellor Ocato. Why? Because he gave me crappy armor with crappy enchantments and he also faild to make me Emporer!!!! Angry Face!!!!
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Adoring Fan. He kept coming back when I killed him, so I used the console to put a 2000 gold bounty on him while in Imperial City. Guards chased him off and I actually never saw him again.


That's just evil. I'm sure people would enjoy such a mod. :whistling:

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Mraaj-dar, as soon as you're about to kill him, he starts acting all nice and friendly. I kinda hate those DB dudes (and dudettes) who murdered Lucien for nothing (even if it wans't for nothing; he's too cool to get killed).

Glarthir also really sucks. And that orcwomen near those stables just outside the imperial city; she's like, greatest female dog ever. I also hate pretty much every archer that gets in my way; those cowards keep running away and insulting me. Until they meet my sword that is. Or Shadowmere ofcourse.

Now that I think of it; that old nagging women in the arena, that suddenly starts acting real friendly after you've killed the grey Prince. Professional female dog.

And, last but not least, the Yellow Team guys in one of those areas in the testing hall..

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