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Rebellious Children


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I am running Enhanced Children with the CUTE Body Base which are supposed to be compatible. But I've encountered texture problems. This is my Rebecca:








I believe that the dirty gray around her hips is her old underwear and that the two are clashing. I've tried removing the white underwear from the .dds, but I get a kind of chameleon effect where it used to be. I think that it must have something to do with the .n_dds which maybe tells the .dds that something needs to be there. At this point I am lost. I would like to remove the gray underwear and t-shirt as well as the "grease stains" from her skin. Could any of you nice people help a poor old rabbit out?




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Thank you once again for the response, Skotte. I found that I had missed the patch to Alicia's CUTE Shop. I reinstalled everything in your suggested order with no improvement. I'll next uninstall everything and try a reinstallation from scratch. If that doesn't work I might have another look at Ling's. When I installed it I came up with several missing mesh errors. It's unenabled at this time, but I may have to consider removing it in it's entirety.


I would have posted this at the COC site, but there seems to be some issues going on there right now and I feared that I might be intruding.


Once again thank you for your help.




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another thing that potentially could cause trouble is a hair mod.


Some modders set their hair mods to include the child races (apparently not realizing that the hairs would need to be re-sized to look right) & that can cause conflict with EC-CUTE


so it couldn't hurt to use >FO3Edit< to check to see if another mod is altering the default child races.


Just incase you might need it, a good manual for FO3Edit >Web-enized by csb<

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I have her stripped down to just the stock vanilla body now with that really hideous brown underwear and I've removed the extra hair mods. I've also deleted all of Ling's options. I noticed Lucas Simms walk by with no arms coming out of his sleeves. I will now attempt to rebuild her using your load order, Skotte.


Ranokoa, my little Rebecca has developed a severe case of ring-around-the-coller as seen by the grease stains on her arms, the back of the legs and her butt. I'm trying to remove all of that and still have a little girl left over when I'm done.




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Are you using other child mods, like from the Japanese community?

No. I probably would if I knew about them, but right now I'm just using Enhanced Children, CUTE and some additional hair mods that said that they work with children. The hair that I ended up using for her was from the CoC Project anyway. She looks like she works alright without the CUTE mod, but I just can't abide that filthy underwear that comes with Enhanced Children. I would somehow rather live with the dirty skin.




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