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Lore Friendly names


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This guide was made to help people who wish to use lore friendly names with their characters, NPCs, and companions. Let me stress the fact again that this is a GUIDE, and doesn't need to be used if you choose not to.




The Argonian naming scheme is generally a two to three syllable name, in some cases with a pair of syllables separated by a dash. In some other cases they are named for a unique physical or personal trait.


Ex: Ah-Malz, Skaleel, Numeen, Grey-Throat, City-Swimmer, Scar-Tail




The names of the people of this race are predominantly french sounding


Ex: Mathieu Bellamont, Antoinetta Marie, Francois Motierre


Dark Elf:


The names used by the dark elves usually contain 5 or less vowels, and some have "ni" on the end of the surname


Ex: Arvena Thelas, Alves Uvenim, Noveni Othran




The names of many imperial NPCs in the game are heavily influenced by names of people during the real world Roman empire.


Ex: Arentus Falvius, Marinus Catiotus, Sergius Verus




The names used by the Khajiit are similar to the naming scheme for the Argonian race in some aspects, except that the name is one or two letters followed by the rest, seperated by an apostrophe.


Ex: Ra'qanar, M'dasha, S'razirr, S'Krivva.




The names used by this race are often reminiscent of names often found in early Nordic history.


Ex: Hlofgar, Rigmor, Gromm, Skjorta




Orc names always follow a strict format, being that they have a main name, and a gender prefix preceding a last name. For example, Burz gro-Kash, or Snak gra-Bura. (gro = male, gra = female)




Redguards have similar names to Imperials, with a few exceptions here and there.


Ex: Cyrus, Neesha, Roderick, Phintias


Ainmhi (The only custom race that is going to be in this guide0


Due to the fact that the Ainmhi are very similar to the Mithra race of FFXI, they would probably have the same naming style as well, having rough sounding names that often resemble the names used by the early Aztecs and Maya peoples.


Ex: Mep Nhapopoluko, Koh Lenbalalako, Lhu Mhakaracca, Mhao Kehtsoruho


I hope this guide helps with giving your NPCs, companions and player characters lore friendly names if you choose to do so. :D

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nice guide :)


My avatar is an Ainmhi and so is my companion :D But I think I am going to stick with using Khajiit names that were slightly modified (because the backstory for me and my companion was that we are Ohmes-Rath. Lost the fur on our body from the side-effect of some potion ;) )

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A fantastic resource is the everchanging book of names. I've used it for years to create names of characters for any gameworld, especially useful when writing stories or DM'ing where lots of names must be invented in a short time. There's hundreds of name chapters, each chapter generating a particular type of name from a chosen real or fantasy world group. With the free version, to create more than 5 names for non-core chapters, just re-select the chapter in the dropdown list.


Roman and French are both included (both male and female Roman names, and of first-name, common-name, and family-name variety). Tolkien's "Sindarin" language has proved wonderfully useful for elven races in almost any fantasy world; I've used it for Ayleid names.



For example, on the topic of Aztec-sounding names (which most people would probably have a hard time thinking of names for), here were some generated Aztec male names:


Acochtzin, Tilmecolhuacxocloc, Cicitoactzin, Cuizonachtzin, Zicopoitzoyotl, Pococuetzuiltzin, Tlahtzuichcecemoc, Xocechatzin, Picozca, Acihuintzin, Tecoyol


and female names:


Chaxtecinche, Aticochitl, Omahitl, Chintico, Quiauhxochitl, Cecuelcuetzin, Tlalchiuhtlicue, Toleoixochitl, Canteotl, Atencueitl, Talonen, Itzpaxolotl

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All this time and I never noticed the Gra/Gro thing. Nice to know.


As for argonian names, I've also noticed that many of them aren't their real names, but Cyrodiilic corruptions of them created because humans can't pronounce the real ones. Hauls-ropes-faster, for example, complains about this if you talk to him. Conversely, Witsidutsi's name is pronounceable, but it certainly doesn't seem to mean anything descriptive.

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A fantastic resource is the everchanging book of names. I've used it for years to create names of characters for any gameworld, especially useful when writing stories or DM'ing where lots of names must be invented in a short time. There's hundreds of name chapters, each chapter generating a particular type of name from a chosen real or fantasy world group. With the free version, to create more than 5 names for non-core chapters, just re-select the chapter in the dropdown list.


Roman and French are both included (both male and female Roman names, and of first-name, common-name, and family-name variety). Tolkien's "Sindarin" language has proved wonderfully useful for elven races in almost any fantasy world; I've used it for Ayleid names.



For example, on the topic of Aztec-sounding names (which most people would probably have a hard time thinking of names for), here were some generated Aztec male names:


Acochtzin, Tilmecolhuacxocloc, Cicitoactzin, Cuizonachtzin, Zicopoitzoyotl, Pococuetzuiltzin, Tlahtzuichcecemoc, Xocechatzin, Picozca, Acihuintzin, Tecoyol


and female names:


Chaxtecinche, Aticochitl, Omahitl, Chintico, Quiauhxochitl, Cecuelcuetzin, Tlalchiuhtlicue, Toleoixochitl, Canteotl, Atencueitl, Talonen, Itzpaxolotl


That looks very useful, thanks for sharing this. :thanks:

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Something interesting I've noticed regarding First and Last names.


Imperials almost always have both.

Bretons generally have both, but only one is more common then for Imperials.

Nords generally only have a first name, if they have a last name it follows a descriptive pattern "Irroke the Wide" "Jayred Ice-Veins"


High Elves and Wood Elves always have only a first name.

Dark Elves almost always have both.

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Nice guide. But i usually have only 2 chars.

One male and one female so i don't think to much about names.

Anyway this is great to know. Maybe some day i become lore friendly and don't call my male char Kusta :)

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