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Fairly simple "deposit all" idea


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Ok im hoping this would be a fairly simple thing to do, I cant seem to find anything that does it yet so maybe someone here would be able to help out.


Basically I would like a mod that does the exact opposite of the "Take all" command when opening containers. I want an easy way to drop everything i have, including stuff im wearing, into a container without having to individually click everything. Hope its a pretty simple scripting job, but i dont have even the slightest clue where to start.


Of course, if there is already a way to do this, could somebody please enlighten me?


Thanks :thumbsup:

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lol. i asked for this about 2-3 months ago, and i swear, couple days later someone released a mod called "Dump it". but i didn't get it then and can't find it anymore. a few other people've asked for something like this recently so be nice if it was made
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It's obviously possible since TL and OA can dump all your stuff. The thing is, it isn't a highly useful function for most people. I just use the keyboard when I switch into container mode and that makes moving your junk around a lot faster.


I think the way to go is something like this Mini Hideout mod, which can take a lot of stuff and dump them into various containers using the computer terminal. It doesn't handle armor and weapons, though.

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I have mini hideout actually. But I dont want things sorted like that all the time. Basically I want a quick way to drop all my combat gear, everything I use on a day to day basis, so I can load up with sellables and have the extra weight by just wearing pre war clothes or something.
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