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How Do You Edit What Shop Vendors Sell?!?!


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I can't believe I dont know how.. Ive looked everywhere on the NPC sheet.. If anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to edit what someone sells.. I could get somewhere in my mod making learning process.. Please someone clue me in..
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Check the ownership of the items in the NPC's shop.


To add something to the NPC's stock try placing the item in the NPC's shop and in its reference data assign ownership to the NPC.


Unfortunatly I cant find the shop in the Cell menu, the shop im looking for is a Fighting Chance, so I cant get into the interior, so do you suggest I look in the NPCs Use Info (there it shows what items are attatched to the NPC) then try to load one of those up, or what?


** Found it, now to try and do what you said...

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In the use info for the NPC you should find out which cell the NPC is in - just double click on that, and the cell should load in the render window.


It should be something like ICMarketDistrictAFightingChance


Awesome, worked.. Thanks alot.. Now I can finish up my mod.. Thanks again..

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