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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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lol glad you like it mon :thanks: Im going to post the rest of the 1st chapter later tonight. the snow here is a real pain. hasnt stopped snowing since last night and now I gotta shovel it, clear a path cuz I havent been to the grocery store lol I hate being stranded in my house with no food :(
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OK! Finally got around to finishing up the rest of chapter one. I want to warn you all, this Story can be a big graphic I admit, prolly would be rated NC-17. I tried not to go overboard but sadly violence is the way of life in the wasteland. But anyways. Enjoy :biggrin:


Reader discretion is advised...




Noon is when the wasteland is the harshest. The beaming sun striking against the decrepit terrain makes it burn to the touch. Starch wind blows without direction, forming small dust tornados in every direction. The capital wasteland is wide awake. Dogs, raving in anger from the scorching heat. Brahmin, if not grazing the fields, waiting to be slaughtered, they are mad, attacking anything they cross. Raiders, able to see spot marks with ease. Many wastelanders feared passage under midday sun, for its the hardest time to travel some say. But that didn't stop Relo Brown from making his rounds.


His caravan was bound for Canterbury Commons with highly sought after water. Coming all the way from Megaton, he traded weapons, scraps of metal, and a few other odds and ends to a trader hauling in water from Rivet City. This was his system. Each week repeating the process. The caravan was new, but they knew the roads like the best of them. Two pack brahmin, packed with wears of all sorts, and a large amount of fresh water. The Guards, three in all, were equipped with rusty, yet quite effective Hunting Rifles, and sported Leather armor, of different shades of black and brown. An empty bottle of nuka cola rolled along the street, but the caravan's point man paid it no mind, as he guided the train of brahmin and men past an abandoned farm.


Relo was In the back, atop a brahmin, using it as his own carriage. He was a chubby man, in his late twenties, but with the frame and mindset of a much older man. His father was a trader, so naturally at a young age he learned from him, amongst others in the field. So to him, he had no need to exercise his legs. His laziness, of course bothered the others in the caravan. But they remembered the big pay out once they reached Canterbury, that would be more than enough compensation. Nearing the end of the farm The point man, who wore a lose-fitting combat helmet rose his hand to halt the troupe.


“Easy now,” He said to the men, and he pointed off to the distance. An eyebot, about 15 yards in front of them slowly Hovered The cracked earth.


“That Enclave..?” One of the men in the back said curiously. He looked up to Relo, who simply shrugged. The pointman peered his eyes as he watched the Eyebot, and rose his Hunting rifle at the thing getting a better view through his iron sights. Then he lowered the rifle, looking a bit uneasy.


“Nah.. Outcast..” he grumbled under his voice. He shook his head and continued on the path. As they passed the dark colored Eyebot, It hovering on level with Relo, he tapped it with his finger, pushing it off to the side. Relo was using a makeshift fan made from a wires and brahmin skin to give him the breeze he couldn't find in the heat. The guard rearing the caravan, Mike Sanders laughed as he watched Relo.


“You must want those clowns to come here and kill us.” Mike said playfully.


“Well If they Came here, it would be you they would be killing. You being in behind and all” Relo said confidently as he sat on the Brahmin bopping from side to side as the creature stepped. “Stay alert.”


“Right sir.” The rear guard said as he turned his view to behind them. Where he saw nothing but an endless road of destruction, accompanied by an assortment of expired scenery. It all pointed to the DC ruins, where he could spot the monument, past it all. Battered, yet still standing tall and far from reach. He continued to watch, Not knowing He himself was being viewed upon.


Piercing her sniper rifle out of the shattered window of the battered pre-war diner called, “Lucky's Spot”, The raider licked her lips with anticipation. The diner, being about a mile ahead of the path, gave her clear view of the approaching caravan. She laughed softly, pleased with what she was spying. In her sights, the caravan traveling along the road past the abandoned farm. She held her view on Relo husky face. Sweating. Panting. worn out from the heat. Not aware of his stalker. In the room was another raider, carving off the flesh from a crudely disfigured skull with an equally disfigured blade. He was muscular, with razor cuts embedded on his chest, indicating the lifes he's taken. The sun beamed down on his shaven head from a crack in the ceiling of the diner. He raised his dark eyes to his companion, at the window.


She was young, no older than nineteen. Wore a small, form fitting school uniform she had came across in her last visit to Spring vale Elementary. Not fitting properly, it pressed her bust tightly together, making her breasts pop in all the right spots the raider thought. Her hair was short, blond, with the tips of her bangs dyed in blood. He was much older than her. He loved her, and by the look on her face he knew she had something good to reveal.


“What is it Linney?” He said in a calm, raspy voice. He continued to carve at the skull, with the rusty blade waiting for a respond.


“Its that caravan again, love.” her voice was soft and lusty, and easily gave the raider a sense of sensuality as she spoke her words. He smiled and Dropped the skull to the ground, making It thud as it left a bloodstain on the ground where it had landed. He placed the bloodied blade on the tabletop beside him and made his way over to Linney, who was barely able to keep the sniper rifle steady with her small body.


“Let me take a look sweetheart.” He stuck his hand out to her, motioning her to hand over the weapon. She pouted, but he urged her with a forceful cold stare to comply. And with pout of defeat. She handed over the sniper rifle to the man. Gripping it in his bloodied hands, he looked over the weapon, a customized DKS-501 model sniper rifle. He was famed for carrying it everywhere he went, and it struck fear in the eyes who ever were alive, or close enough to see the thing. It had a fierce serpent painted with tar and blood along both sides of the rifle, giving it distinct character. He cocked the rifle, and in anger, let it release the clip from the gun. The clip made a loud clank when it hit the floor. He turned to Linney with rage in his eyes.


“Stupid witch, its not even loaded”


“I'm sorry ba-” she tried to speak but he rose his hand, as if he were going to hit her, she quickly headed to the table where the raider had been sitting, and riffled through the junk laying atop it in search of sniper clips filled with .308 Caliber Rounds. When she finally found one, she rose it with glee.


“Ta da!” She said playfully which made The Raider frown in anger. Linney, in an attempt to brighten the mood began to sexually strolled her way back to the Raider, who was completely attracted by her captivating looks. He smiled, as he loved to watch her show off her supple body in the school girl outfit. He took the clip from her hands and loaded it into the rifle.


“Jonas, can I kill these ones?” Linney said, giving a name to the muscular brute.


“Nah, I got this one babe.” He arched a stained curtain from the left side of the window, concealing him from view as he positioned the rifles barrel slowly out of the window. Jonas, aiming the rifle with ease compared to Linney, viewed through the cracked lense of the sight. The caravan, nearing closer was unaware that they had been stalked by raiders week after week. Now the raiders have finally decided to take the prize. Linney gently pressed her body against Jonas, wrapping her arms around his body from behind. The raider smiled, as he anticipated the caravan's approach.



Lucky's Spot was a few yards away, as they were entering its parking lot. Cars, now plants of rust and metal crowded it, and a dumpster at the far end laid dilapidated. The point man was happy he had reached one of the landmarks of the journey. As if it were a guiding star he though, the caravan was almost to Canterbury commons. The guard to the side of one of the brahmin cheered, making Mike sanders join in in on the achievement. But Relo, along with the Point man were not celebrating.


“We're not home just yet boys. Just cause we reached Lucky's doesn't mean we are set.” Said the Point man, who's eyes were scanning the surrounding area.


“Yeah Yeah, take it easy Don.” One of the guards said.


“Remember what happened last time? Damn Scorpions almost took 'your' legs off. And that was right in front of Canterbury Commons. So Stay sharp.” Don stated full of boldness. Which made the other men calm down and continue their vigilance. Relo nodded, smiling and completely pleased.


All the men respected Don, including Relo, because he had the experience none of them had. Years of brotherhood servitude. He was a former Knight in the Brotherhood of Steel. Lyon's Brotherhood of Steel. But he put that life behind him to protect the trade of water. That was what was important, not a war to see who can find the most toys, he thought to himself. He has been Caravaning with Relo ever since he left the Brotherhood. Gaining him fame amongst the traders for being be one of the best point men the capital wasteland had known. But he wasn't cocky about it. And he wasn't always aware, for he had no recollection of when or where the shot came from that screeched the the silent wastland air, and peirced his Helmet, rocking his head back as if it were a bag of rocks killing him in an instant.


Don's body hit the ground with a sluggish, lifeless motion. As the blood covered helmet rolled away from the dead body, it revealed the mangled remains of what was once Don's experienced face. The Guards all hit the ground, ducking behind cover of cars, that scattered the parking lot as more shots began to fire on their position. Before Relo was able to dismount the Brahmin, A shot caught him off guard, shredding through his neck, making him fall to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Coughing, reaching out towards one of the guards who was carefully hiding behind the bulk of a car door. Not a second sooner, another shot cried out, exploding into Ledo's face making it splat in a gruesome manor.


“SNIPER!”one of the guards screamed, while he looked towards the Diner, where he saw a smoking barrel poking from one of the windows. He motioned to Mike, who was hiding behind the cover from a rusted dumpster. Closer to the building , he looked directly at Lucky's Spot, and rose his rifle to the terorrizing window. Mike was out of sight from the window, and had no trouble taking aim. But he feared being spotted, so he was hesitant when readying his shot. After preparation, and a prayer to himself, he began to poke his body around the corner-


“Not so fast!” a devilish voice cried out form behind the rear guard. Mike, gasped as he turned his head up, where he witnessed a Heavily armored Raider, wielding a very large rusted machete with its jagged edges. The raider had hid in the dumpster, waiting for the sound of Gunshots. The gunshots were the signal he needed, knowing his time to attack had come. The raider gracefully dug his jagged machete into the guards chest. Mike went blank, as the Raider laughed while he twisted the blade, thrusting it in and out with a violent gestures until Mikes body was dead. Blood splashed against the raiders face and all it did was make him enjoy the kill even more.


He howled, like a wasteland dog as he pulled the jagged blade from the guards dead body, letting it drop dead like all the others. The brutish raider, pleased with the kill rose the blade to his lips, and began to run his tongue along the side of it, tasting the blood of his latest kill. He had a shaved head, with a tattoo across his forehead simply labeled, “DIE!”. He had a unkempt beard that was stained with blood and flesh. He show no remorse. No sign of fear. He looked at the final guard who just witnessed his friends brutal death. The survivor sighed in defeat realizing he had no hopes of taking on the raider. . He dropped his gun. And stood up from behind the car with his arms raised up in submission.


“I give up!” He cried out savagely.


“Take it! Take it all! Just let me live!” He cried out this time demanding it. His eyes looked in all directions as the sniper fire from the widow ceased. The Raider brute that killed his friend, was slowly approaching, laughing joyfully as he did. The guard's attention was fully on this tower of a man, that he had not noticed being knocked in the back of a head with a baseball bat. He fell to the ground, where a barrage of blows befell him. Another raider, this one, much smaller was wearing bloodied combat armor and a backwards baseball cap was fiercely attacking him. He was angry, more so than the other raider who took joy in the kill. He continued to beat the guards face in, with his bat, and his boots, until the guard coughed out an immense amount of blood, and a few teeth. The raider paused, then looked to the Brute raider who was laughing. The smaller raider turned his cap facing forward and smiled as he viewed what he had done.


“Pl..eeaa....” The guard tried to speak, but he was in to much pain to make out full words. The door of Lucky's Spot swung open, Out came Jonas and Linney, who were smiling with success. The Raider wearing a baseball cap looked back down to the beaten man.


“You ever listen to GNR?” he said coldly.


“wha.. what..? “ The man said weakly. Which made the raider even angrier, he knelt down and grabbed the mans face squeezing it. The man tried to scream but he was too weak and it resulted into a small whelp.


“GNR! Galaxy News you idiot! Don't you listen to it!” The raider yelled into his face.


“Ye..ss.. yes I do.” The guard replied. His mouth covered with blood, and lose teeth making his voice very dull.


“He always says run! Don't freakin Hide you idiot! And most importantly, don't surrender.” The raider pushed the mans face into the ground and stood back up. He patted the baseball bat in his free hand, and sighed.


“Cuz we're just going to kill you anyways” He smashed the bat forcefully into the guards head, making a loud cracking noise against the concrete. Followed by another and another. Until he finally examined the pile of flesh and skull, that was once a mans head. Jonas, shook his head displeasing. Linney, stood away from the man, and tried not to look at the vile uncalled for scene.


“You are one sick man Rodney.” Jonas said as he stepped to the two Pack Brahmin. Who, confusingly stood there unaware of what had conspired.


“Yeah well you are too,” He smirked, tilted his head to the side and aimed his bat at Linney, who was puking from what she had tried not to witness.


“Playing with kids who don't know how to hang. Pathetic.”


“Leave her out of this.” Jonas said calmly, as he scuffled through the pack brahmins various cases and packs strapped to its back. The Brute whipped his bloody face on his chest and Joined Jonas in the plunder.


“Rodney, Slash, help me with this junk.” Jonas said as he stepped away from the Brahmin, wielding a bottle of fresh water. He made his way over to Linney, who was embarrassed by her doing.


“I'm sorry Jo-”


“Shhhh.. Its okay Linney. Take this, wash ur self up.” Jonas hands her the bottle, and they both head back into the Diner. Slash, the brute had been scurrying though the backs of the brahmin, while Rodney steps past the dead body of Don. He picks up the fallen point mans helmet and lets blood spill out of it.


“We hit the Jack pot this time 'Slashy' my boy.” Rodney said as he examined the Helmet. Slash laughed, as his eyes wondered amongst what he witnessed in the packs of the Caravan. Packs of fresh water. Filled to the brim and carefully sealed. And as he dug deeper, he spotted an object unfamiliar to most wastelanders. An object so rare, Slash gasped in awe as he grabbed it, and rose it from the pack. He lifted the dull, yellow colored bar, that was heavy, even to Slash at first. After dusting it off with his hand, the suns reflection shined upon it as if it were an auric glow. Rodney grinned at his partner in crime as he dropped the helmet and joined him in the amazement.


“What ya got there?” Rodney asked.


Slash smiled, viewing the gold object. “King Mancho will definitely be pleased with this..”



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Glad you like it Maharg! :thanks:


Well im pretty much trapped in snow, cant leave the house at all. waiting for them to come by and plow it all away. So Ive been up all night working on the Second Chapter. I intended on releasing it tonight, but after finishing chapter 1 I wanted to keep on writing. And I had so much fun with this chapter, alot less graphic, shows a lighter comedic tone to the story (much needed after such a graphic scene I think). So please enjoy :)






Night fall left a cool breeze to the rolling hills that neighbored Canterbury. The men, women and children of the traders town were ready to settle in for the night. The Court Yard was empty, except for the Caravan of Crazy Wolfgang, who always decided to stay out a little later than the other caravaners, hoping to attract the wanderers that don't like to trade while being spied on by the masses of society. But, the streets of Canterbury were barren. The guards patrolling the outskirts of the town haven't came across nothing suspicious other than rad roaches racing throughout the ruined land, making easy targets for the guard stupid enough to waste ammunition on the things.


The town was quite. Which was normal in Canterbury Commons. Ever since Reilly's Rangers had a small garrison formed to help patrol the place, things have been even more so. And Old Ernest Roe, the self proclaimed mayor of the place likes it that way. The presence of the Ranger Emblem symbolized that the town wasn't corrupt. That it was pure, and untainted by raiders, slavers, or Ghoul Bigotry. But that didn't stop the New Tenant from setting up shop there in the old abandoned building.


Placing down a great deal of Caps, and renovating the place to start up a booming Bar with a home grown distillery, Dukov had a new place. The Brotherhood/ Outcast war has forced him to relocate, and the trading hub known as Canterbury Commons was the perfect place to set up shop. Pimping his women, and making a profit from his beer and gambling. He brought an element to Canterbury that was never seen, but few opposed, fearing retaliation from his hired guns.


But, even in Dukov's Place this particular night showed no action. A few drunken men sat at the bar, feeling up on one of Dukov's 'Party Girls'. The room was dimly lit by flickering light bults. The air, filled with the smell of smoke and alcohol. On the bar, to the right side sat an old radio, playing the song, “Anything Goes”, on GNR. It was had static strains, but at times remained very clear. A group of men sat at a table, playing a game of poker with a large pile of caps in the middle of the table. There stood a single man, wielding a combat shotgun overseeing the game is played fair. In the far corner, two men sat alone at a table.


One of them, covered in a dark brown cloak. No older than 30, he had black hair slicked back. He was clean shaven, with a dull almost gray complexion to his asian skin. He rested his arms, covered in freshly placed bandages on the table. He let out a sigh of pain as he reached for his beer and took a sip from it. The man next to him, had his eyes focused on the gambling table across the room. He had a suit of black Combat armor on. Its chest plate, tainted by a dark red dye to its left, carefully concealing the Talon Company logo underneath it. Originally a winterized suit, its left forearm remained unarmored. Where his arm bared a deep gashing scar on its wrist, while the forearm the word 'RECKLESS' was tattooed in plain sight. He had on a Black bandanna, lowered just above his brow giving him a sinister stare. But its quickly cast aside, by the gutsy look on his dark skinned face. He was smiling, and wore dark brown fingerless gloves that allowed him to freely snap along with the song playing on the radio with one hand, and the other, gripping on a bottle of liquor. The cloaked man sat down his beer. Then, after holding back a grizzly cough, he spoke.


“You like this song huh?”


“You could say that” The man smiled as his eyes continued to stare at the gambling men. The other caught wind of this, looking to his friend, and then slowly to the gamblers. His head turned back to the man with a look of odd curiosity.


“Listen, Daniel, I don't know what your thinkin man, But we can't pull that poo in Dukov's Place. You know that.”


Daniel laughed as he continued to snap. This time he took a sip from the bottle of liqour, with an intenser stare to the table across.


“You seriously thinking about jacking them guys?” the man questioned filled worry.


“Well now that you mention it..” Daniel tilts his head to the side, surveying the men.


“The one standing isn't even paying attention. Look at the way he's holding that gun. We act like we are on out way out... Maybe.. cause a little diversion while I snag them caps, we could be set my friend.”


the man looks less concerned, as he looks at the table of men. The guard watching over the gambling, was infact, dozing on and off. The heavy combat shotgun in his hand was slipping out carelessly, and only they had noticed it, the man scratched his chin, with his bandaged hand, then looked back to Daniel.


“Well.. I still got them smoke bombs. Set em off just right, grab the loot while every ones confused.. we can slip out of here unnoticed.” The man suggested. Daniel, still looking at the table of gambling men, slowly guided his eyes to the man. Then bursted out laughing.


“Are you kidding me?” Daniel took a swig from his bottle and rested it back on the table. “Jesus christ

Zhou, I was just joking! You freakin nut.”


“Then why are you staring at them?”


“Cause we're broke thats why. Thats the most caps I've seen in one place in a looong time.” Daniel said as he drowned his sorrows away in the bottle he held at this time he stopped snapping.


“Yeah.. Ever since that incident in Megaton-”


“Megaton Megaton megaton... you always gotta bring up what happened in Megaton.” Daniel replied slightly annoyed. “How was I suppose to know Lucas Simms was an actual regulator? I didnt know they knew who I was when I went there. Damn.. I thought that badge he had was just for show.”


“Well it wasn't. Now our Megaton contacts are no more.” Zhou confirmed. Which made Daniel hide his face in his hands.


“And now “Reilly's” Rangers are taking our contracts here.”


“But not Dukov.” Daniel said quietly.


“But hes dirty, you know it. I know it. The whole damn town knows it. We've been in Canterbury a few hours and everything that actually does go wrong here, is because of that clown.”


“But we need a job right?” Daniel said reassuring. They hadn't had a job in weeks. Down to their last caps, the pair needed to take a chance.


“Look Zhou.. You got a family to feed. I'm not going to sit here, and watch you drink up your last bit cash while this pig Dukov is making all the caps in Canterbury. Hes gotta have something for us to do-”


“I've got something for you to do Danny Reckless,” A familiar voice sang out to him from the side, and when Daniel turn he saw her. Cherry, one of Dukov's most favored girls. Her curly red hair bounced as she walked towards the two men at the table. She had on a light pink, see through night gown, revealing more than enough skin. She rested her hand on her hip and stood right in front of Daniel. Who looked like he had seen a ghost.


“Wow.. umm Cherry.. Still alive huh?” Daniel said with a smile. A smile that Cherry return, for she was angry and holding back from slapping him.


“You jerk! Yes I'm still alive! You said you were going to take me to Rivet City! And that was 3 years ago!” she said with her eyes filled with fire. Daniel's smile dropped, to a brooding one, while Zhou shook his head completely ashamed. Cherry looked to Zhou, and spotted his arms that were covered in wrappings. He laughed, and gave her a nod to great her. She shook in disgust from the wounded man, and brought her attention back to Daniel.


“Well I... things came up ya know..?” Daniel slurred his words as he tried to avoid eye contact with her, too distracted by her alluring body, he took a sip from his bottle and rose the liquor up to her, gesturing

in a toasting motion.


“You look great by the way.”


“Of course I do.” Cherry said callously, as Daniel gave a pouting, childish stare. His eyes looked weak and peaceful, and almost sorry for not being there for her when she needed him the most. For the past three years, she has seen the manipulative side of Dukov. Being abused sexually and mentally by him. And now by Dukov's men. Or who ever paid enough caps. Cherry dropped her hand from her hip and leaped into Daniel's arms. She was gently crying, tears of relief, burying herself in Daniels armored arms. He rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. Looking to the side as he left out a soft sigh.


“Listen Cherry. Its going to be okay. I'm hear for you.” he squeezed her tightly, firmly feeling her soft body against the silk night ware.


“Are you going to take me to Rivet City?” She asked wistfully, Daniel replied with a sturdy nod.


“Yes Ill take you.”


“Oh my god! I love y-” Daniel pulled away and placed his left hand up to her lips shushing her from speaking.


“But Before we go. I need to talk to Dukov.” Daniel said.


“Dammit Daniel, if this is about that damn key again..”


“No, nothing to do with any key.”


“Because the last time you said you would take me, you asked me to get the key from Dukov remember? And once I got the key from that smelly old man you said you would take me to Rivet City! Then I went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I got out of the bathroom, I didn't see you until what? Three years later!”


Daniel blinks for a moment, trying to think of what to say. He could see Zhou, silently laughing to himself out of the corner of his eye. Zhou was smart, not to interfere in his partners affairs. Daniel's past caught up to him in more ways than one, and at times, when not violent, they proved to be amusing to him.


“Listen Cherry can you forget about the damn keys? Tell Dukov I'm here. While I'm talking to him, you get your belongings ready. By the time I'm done we can head out.”


“In the night? Just like that?” Cherry backed away, feeling her chest as she gazed upon Daniel.


“Yes. Just like that.” he snaps his finger, then takes another sip of beer. Cherry smiled, whipping away the dried tears from her face, she quickly fixed her posture and headed past the bar, to a door with the words “DON'T COME IN” engraved onto it. Daniel sat down his bottle and shook lose built up tension. Zhou smiled and sat down his own drink.


“Rivet city now huh? You're really going to take this broad all the way out to Rivet City. Risk your life for some ass?”


Daniel smirked and rose a brow to Zhou. “Hell no. Of course not. Only way for us to talk to Dukov.”

Zhou shrugged his arms and the two of them waited patiently for the arrival of Dukov.





Daniel checked a cracked clock in the corner of the room. The clock read 11:20. nearly 20 minutes have passed since he had sent Cherry off to fetch Dukov. He frantically tapped his fingers onto the table top, looking over his shoulder to the door she entered. Just as Daniel began to raise up from the chair to go investigate what has happened. Dukov came busting out of the door, with a giant smile on his face. He wasn't wearing a top, revealing a flabby body with a light patch of graying hairs across his chest. He had on boxer shorts with hearts across them. And strapped to his waste on a hefty belt, was his trademarked 10mm Sub-machine gun. Dukov was a balding old man but that didn't stop him from acting like he was in his prime. He spotted Daniel standing from his seat and quickly threw up his arms as if he has seen an old friend.



“Danny Reckless! Where you been my friend?” Dukov said as he stepped towards the table. Daniel extended his arms in a similar fashion, and they held brotherly bear hug. Releasing it within a few seconds. Daniel was shocked that Dukov had remembered his old name. Danny Reckless, being his call sign when he was affiliated with Talon Company.


“Well, you know me Duky, I'm here.. I'm there”


“I'm in my underwear!” Dukov said jokingly. Daniel joined in on the laugh. Zhou on the other hand, continued to say nothing.


“Yes you are aren't you Dukov.” Daniel stated sarcastically.


“Hey! You remember that ghoul party girl we had once? Huh? You remember that one?” Dukov said shoving his elbow into Daniels arm.


“Yes.. Yes Dukov I remember the ghoul party girl.” Daniel said in disappointment. Dukov laughed and patted him on the back joyfully. Zhou looked completely surprised.


“did you just say Ghoul?” Zhou questioned.


“No no no he said Cool Party girl” Daniel Replied.


“A Cool Party girl?”


“Yes. She was very cool. So listen Dukov-”


“Did you get something to drink man? I have plenty! And the girls?! You gotta try one! On me tonight from me to you!” Dukov motioned a few of the girls to his position. two girls strolled over to the two of them. Both, equally beautiful. One pressed her body against Daniel and the other began rubbing Dukov's chest with her soft hand. Daniel laughed softly, trying to hide the fact that he was fully aroused at this point, and gently moved the girl aside.


“Now that is a tempting offer right there. But that's not why I called you out here Dukov.” Daniel looked past the two women, to look towards Dukov's door. Cherry had been standing there. Her hair, not as curly as it was before. Her left eye, bruised. Her bottom lip was cut and her silk see though night gown was stained with fresh blood. When she saw that Daniel had caught eye contact with her, she silently voiced out the words, 'help me'. Daniel looked down while Cherry headed towards the washroom.


“So why are you here? If not to drink and have sex with all the women you can clown shoes?” Dukov asked puzzled.


“Well if you remember me as well as you think, you'll happen to know I'm a mercenary.” Daniel said pridefully.


“And we need a job” Zhou added.

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Dukov chuckled frivolously, which made his flabby body animation with each snicker. He looked to the two woman, telling them to head back to the bar, where they were greeted by men filled with sexual intent. Daniel gave a gesture to Zhou, signaling that there attempts to find a job have just been fulfilled.


“Come to my office Danny Reckless” Dukov said as he tugged at the belt on his waist. As Dukov and Daniel began to head towards the back Door, Zhou slowly got up from his chair, to follow behind them.


“Not so fast Clown shoes!” Dukov said as he turned to Zhou, pointing at him as if he were a deviant of some sort. The rest of the men in the bar quickly turned to the commotion, one of the guards stepping for a closer view, combat shotgun at the ready.


Zhou quickly looked around to everyone, calmly scanning each and everyone of them. he rose his arms out slowly revealing that he was no harm. His cloak completely covered his body from the neck down to his dusty black combat boots. His arms bandaged revealing no skin what so ever, he brought his arms back in, scratching at the bandages that covered his neck as brought his attention back to Dukov.


“Is there a problem Mr. Dukov?” Zhou said very clear and learnedly. Dukov halted the approaching guard back to the gambling table, and brought his hands to cover his nose.


“This one stinks! No smelly people in my room clown shoes!” Dukov said as he began to wave his hand back and forth in front of his nose, as if he were whiffing away a bad smell. A few of the men and women laughed at the comment. Zhou nodded, unaffected by the laughs and sat back down. His decaying flesh was carefully hidden, but the smell was hard to avoid, even he knew that. Daniel patted Zhou on the shoulder, and headed to the back room with Dukov.


Quickly shutting the door behind them, Dukov came to the center of the rooms and extended his arms out, glorifying his private quarters. It was a small room, but it contained qualities that were very much larger than life. The walls were dotted with pre-war pin up posters, beautiful woman posing in different swim wear and undergarments, that caught Daniels eyes as soon as he stepped inside. Four lamps centering each of the walls of the room, emitting a dull red light that reflected off of the empty bottled of whiskey, vodka and beer that littered the floor. In the corner facing across from the door, stood a very rare, pristine nuka cola fridge. Dukov's bed in the opposite corner of the room had red silk coverings. A white satin sheet laid across from it, with small drops of fresh blood. Cherry's blood, Daniel thought to himself. Daniel paused as he saw the small table and empty stool that sat beside the bed. It wasn't the silenced 10mm pistol that was on the table that caught his eye, but the paragon that was a half opened suit-cased containing pre-war money. And caps.


A lot of them.


Daniel crossed his arms firmly and scanned the room once more then back to Dukov who was enjoying a half empty bottle of beer he had found on the ground.


“Why waste eh?” Dukov said as he headed to the corner table, taking a seat at the stool then rolling it out closer to Daniel.


“So you want a job eh?”


“I do.” Daniel said sternly. His eyes didn't leave Dukov for a second, showing the drunken man how serious he was.


“Well your talon right? Why not get a job from them?”


“Dukov a lot has changed since the last time I seen ya. I'm not In Talon Company for starters.”


“Ah... damn what happened clown shoes? You had a sweat set up over there!”


“Politics of it all. The hits...The Death....”


“The slaughter of Innocence?”


Daniel closed his eyes abruptly, and nodded. Dukov chucked softly, as he finished his beer, then tossed it to the side letting it join the other empty bottles on the ground.


“Why do you think I left the game clown shoes?” Dukov questioned.


“To get drunk, and sleep with beautiful women all day.”


Dukov laughed, “Naah that's only half the reason. So you don't kill anymore huh? That's a shame, I could use an assassin such as your self.”


“Depends. I'm not killing anyone unless they deserve to die.”


“Dominic D'Ellsadro!”


“Who?” Daniel rose a brow.


“D'Ellsadro is trying to shut me down! That pig lawman! He deserves to die!”


“Whoa whoa whoa.. I'm not killing any lawman.” Daniel laughed as he lowered his arms.


“Bah screw you clown shoes!” Dukov chuckled and soon after a loud banging was heard on the door. Dukov sneered and reached for his Sub-machine gun as he arched his drunken body up from the chair. He aimed it at the door, opened it and aimed it right at an alarmed mans face.


“Clown shoes! Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your balls off!” Dukov smiled as he aimed the gun to the mans groin. The man wore a black Duster, and a gray skull cap covering long, light brown hair. He had a goatee that pointed down like a pitchfork. He shuddered at first, and slowly gazed over to Daniel who was trying not to take notice to the man. Looking back to Dukov, he opened his lips and began to speak in an unknown dialect to Daniel, but he presumed it to be Russian. After the man s poke his words, Dukov slammed the but of his gun against the mans face breaking the mans concentration and nose. He fell to the ground, outside of Dukov's room bloodied and embarrassed. Dukov slammed the door and aimed the gun to the ceiling, unleashing a barrage of bullets into it, adding to his anger when the rubble and dust fell to his face. Dusting it off, he dropped his gun on the ground and stepped to Daniel with a cold smile.


“I think I've got a job for you.” He said playfully as he rested his hand on Daniels armored shoulder.



“Does it involve killing anyone?”


“No no no. No one you need to kill, something you need to find.” Dukov answered.


“Dukov! Are you alright?!” a muffled voice said from beyond Dukov's sealed door.


“I'm fine clown shoes! Leave me alone!” The drunk Russian replied. He then sat back down in the stool and rolled it back to the tabled corner, where he fully opened the suit case of treasure. Daniel watched as Dukov ran his fingers through caps and old dollar bills. It made his mouth water.


“So listen, Danny Reckless.. A caravan was coming in tonight. Coming from Megaton you see. And they didn't show.”


“Raiders..” Daniel said as he shook his head. It rose a smile across his face, remembering the many times he has crossed past with such bandits. Every time they were unorganized, making them easy targets he thought.


“Raiders..Super Mutants.. Deathclaw.. Rad roach who knows!”


“So you want me to scour the wasteland in search of a missing caravan? Whats the Catch Dukov? What was it carrying?”


“Listen Danny. You don't need to know”


“Then how am I suppose to know what I'm looking for?”


“Dammit!” Dukov banged his fist against the small table. The silenced pistol jumped from the table as his hand landed.


“You win sheesh! This guy, the caravaner, Relo. On my payroll you see. I give him the booze, the drugs. He brings me a lil something back every other week.”


“Caps?” Daniel looked pleased with the idea.


“No clown shoes! Gold!”


“Haha.. Gold Huh? Next thing you'll be telling me is you seen a flying saucer! And aliens or some crap!” Daniel said sarcastically, shaking his head in disbelief. Until Dukov dug his hand into the case, digging past bottlecaps and crinkled dollar bills. He had his hand on something, then tossed it over to Daniel, who caught it with his left hand. It was flat, thought to be a bottlecap at first he examined it. The smooth, almost glossy object had a yellowish tent to it. After rolling it in his fingers he pocketed the thing then looked back to Dukov who simply said Gold.


“Gold bars! I melt them here, make them into coins, trinkets, you name it. People go crazy for the stuff! Bring them back to me and I'll make you a very rich man!” Dukov stated.


“Sounds like a plan then..” With that information said, Daniel wouldn't need to bring it back to Dukov if he found it. If a caravan full of gold was somewhere in the wasteland, It was all his. He grinned accepting Dukov's request. Then began to leave the room.


“And if you don't come back. I'm gonna kill that witch.” Dukov said before the door was half way open. Daniels hand was on the knob still, he turned his head to Dukov, and cautiously spoke.


“What are you talking about man?”


“I know you're talon company ways. And I'm telling you that if you try and pull a fast one on me Ill kill that witch Cherry!”


“If I don't come back, its because I didn't find it yet. Or I'm dead” Daniel gave out sly fake laugh, but this time even Dukov wasn't laughing. His face was cold, and stared at Daniel with a sense of seriousness that he had not seen before until now.


“Three Days Clown shoes.” Dukov said. He could see right through Daniel, who simply nodded and left through the door. Dukov knew he had gone soft, and used Cherry as a bargaining chip to get him to do what he wanted. Oldest trick in the book, Daniel though, using a mans emotions against him. He hated being used, especially by a low life like Dukov. But what could he expect from such, after all he did plan to work with the man. Zhou rose from his seat and followed Daniel who was heading out of the bar. When the two of them were outside, Daniel lowered his bandana to his neck, and ran his hand across his woolly black hair. He was looking into the night sky. The night sky that hid the horrors of the wasteland. Under its darkness, Daniel felt a sense of security, knowing that he had survived another day. But also, a tad bit of disdain, due to the fact that he would have to endure yet another day. In a few hours. Zhou stood beside him, His Heavy brown coat swayed as a small gust of night breeze gave them both a much needed embrace.


“First thing tomorrow morning, we head out.” Daniel gazed out into the sky a bit longer, taking in the faded scenery. The moon was half cast, making it darker than most nights. Zhou nodded obediently, as he watched his friend stare into the night sky. Zhou, knew when Daniel wanted to be left alone, and Headed for the Local Inn, a few blocks away. They had placed a few caps down once they got to Canterbury only hours before, and Just as they came, they would be out the next morning he though. But this was the life they chose. The life that defines them as men. Breaking a ball of sand and rock under his feet, Daniel pursued Zhou heading to the Inn. He had to find the Caravan. The Gold, In three days. So he needed at least, a few hours of sleep.

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