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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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I'm really enjoying reading this. I started last night, read until I could barely stay awake, then finished the most recent chapter this morning on the train. I'm totally hooked on this, you have great talent :)


I can't wait until you write more

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Thx Species n RS1T :thanks: I'm really glad yall are enjoying it. I'm in the process of putting the next chapter on the computer ( I wrote it down on a notepad.. which was misplaced :unsure:) So the next chapter will be coming up by the end of the night :thumbsup:
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Daniel and Zhou both contemplated camping at the factory for the night, but Renzo gave the notion it wouldn't be wise. Night fall is our weapon. The element of surprise would throw them off, was what he said to them. Daniel had worked with Renzo before, and knew of his overbearing demeanor. Renzo had a way of instilling fortune and grandeur in the eyes of those around him. Worked on Daniel five years earlier and it worked on Zhou and Jack now. They disregarded their sleep and stayed on their journey Northward.


Many times, has Daniel traveled this area. Traveling to the Republic of Dave, and even Old Olney. It was dead, the land that they were on. Raiders, rad scorpions – monsters up north, were all they would encounter it seemed. Fear, death, and abandoned houses, was all that was left in countryside of the DC ruins. It was dark, the only light they had was attached to the black Mr. Gutsy's chassis, along with its meters and gauges that lit up its robotic sphere. The Robot, and Renzo were at the head of the group taking point. Daniel welcomed it, seeing it as an opportunity to keep his eye on his old 'friend'. A job up north? Daniel wondered. What could he possibly be up to in the middle of raider filled lands? If it had something to do with the gold, or another score worth attention, Daniel wanted to know about it. Or be the first one to shoot if things didn't turn out as planned.


After a few more miles north they took another short break. They set up camp near a row of tattered, run down out-house, that bordered what was left of a wheat field. A few high, dried wheat stocks rose from the grounds of the field, the others had fell over to the side, being too decayed and weak, due to being neglected for so long. A high rise of land formed a small mount at the center of the field. Beside it a rusted pickup truck with airless tires. Old farm houses, far, and few between were all they could see beyond the blackness of the night. The same blackness that had kept them unnoticed, and safe throughout their journey to the place.


Daniel took a chug from his canteen and offered to Renzo. He declined, having one of his own that he stashed in the Mr Gutsy's storage unit. Zhou with his own canteen, took a light sip, then used some of the contents inside to wet his pale face. Daniel thought about offering to Jack. But with him being a Cannibal, Daniel took the thought from his mind. Jack yawned out loudly and rubbed at his stomach as he watched the others replenish themselves with water. All he could think about, was another liquid substance that could sustain him. This one red – thick and dark, with and a copper taste and bitter smell to it. Blood, and the chewy flesh that came with it. He took in a deep breath of air through his nose, absorbing the smell. Then let it out through his mouth with a sinister blow.


“The hell is this brahmin man..” Jack muttered. His stomach growled, and he thought about the raiders that may, or may not be with it. I'm getting hungry.. he though to himself.


“Can't really follow the tracks with it being so dark.” Zhou said.


“Relax.. We'll find it..” Renzo shouted back.


“And how are you so sure?” Daniel sad to Renzo. Jack and Zhou both brought their attention to the elderly man who gasped as he finished his serving of water.


“ There's a raider Base not far. Old factory. If they were heading north like he said, they should be there.” Renzo replied.


“And how do you know about it Renzo?” Daniel questioned. Renzo squinted his eyes as he looked towards Daniel. He was about to speak until he heard something off to the distance.


“You here that..? “ Renzo said his deep voice. He rubbed the gray goatee on his chin and stepped ahead of them, and looked past the field towards the direction of the closest Farmhouse. From the outside, the barn didn't seem like much. Dingy, loose wooden boards barely kept the structure stable. Beside the structure stood an rusted grain silo that towered from the ground. Metal plating were removed from the side, and Renzo could see a bright light from within it. A campsite, surrounded by stacks of wheat and wooden crates was a few yards away from the Barn. He could see movement. Raiders, Wasters settling down for the night? Renzo didn't know for sure. But he could see that they were armed. He pointed towards the campsite, and alerted the others.


“Think its our guys?” Daniel said as he equipped his Assault rifle from his shoulder and walked towards Renzo. He looked ahead towards the campsite.


“Maybe we you should find out?” Renzo said. He called for his two robot companions. The Mr. Gutsy's storage unit opened up, and Renzo put his canteen in its original Spot. He closed the compartment shut, then reached for a switch on top of Mr. Gutsy's chassis that shut off his search light. Renzo pulled out his sig sauger sidearm and began to sneak towards the barn, with Sgt. Slickster and Pvt. Jam hovering behind him.


“I'll check out the barn. See if there's anyone inside.. You three see what our friends over there are up to.” Renzo ordered to them. Daniel grinned sarcastically, and gave the man a military fashion salute.


“Finally.. “ Jack said said with an excited smile. He pulled out his 44. caliber magnum, gripping it with his left hand, and he readied his makeshift sword, his Shishkebab with the right. Zhou strapped his canteen back to his belt buckle underneath his heavy cloak and walked over to Daniel.


“Lets try not to make a lot of noise.. We'll sneak up to them – see if they have the brahmins, or anything we're looking for. If not, we leave.” Zhou said.


“Agreed.. But if they try and kill us. We're going to defend ourselves. Kill them – if we have to.” Daniel said back to Zhou. He patted him on the shoulder and kept his head low as he creeped into the wheat field.


“Agreed!” Jack said as he quickly followed behind Daniel. Zhou slowly did the same, making his way into the field. They kept their heads low, and by the time they reached the center of the field, nearing the center mount of dirt and the pick up truck, Renzo and his robots were already out of sight – nearing the farm house. Daniel was the first to notice that their stealth approach has been compromised. From the darkness, he could make out a man in makeshift thrown together armor waving a Sledge hammer with an old prewar batters helmet as headgear he screamed out 'Kill the intruders!' and before they knew it, a group of popped from the fields, charging towards the three men.


“ Raiders!” Daniel shouted out. Using his assault rifle he laid a burst of shots to slow the approaching raiders down, giving the three enough time to take cover.


“So how do you know this guy Daniel?!” Zhou shouted out above the incoming gun fire. He hid behind a mound of rocks and dirt, only to find a pile of decaying dead bodies. He pushed them over, searched through them looking for something he could use to defend himself. Gripping on something hard, past one of the bodies, he pulled free a worn 32. caliber hunting rifle. Zhou looking across to Jack and Daniel, who were hiding behind a downed pickup truck.


“Renzo? Talon Company wanted em dead!” Daniel shouted back, he waited a moment, to let his Laser Carbine settle down from the previous blaze of shots it let out, the aimed the weapon around the corner, firing it blindly. The shots caused the Raider attackers to duck behind crates, and push carts for cover. The burst of shots gave Jack – at the opposite end of the truck the opportunity to fire his magnum at one with poor concealment while the attackers focused their guns at Daniel. The shot hit the raider in the bicep, rendering his firing arm useless. Jack howled when the shot made contact.


“So why didn't ya kill the crazy old male without a father?!” Jack finished the shots he had left in the chamber of his high powered magnum at the raider, filling the wild man with holes until he fell lifelessly to the floor. Jack nodded, pleased with his accomplishment and licked at his lips with an animalistic stare.


“Offered me a job that paid twice the amount of his contract!” Daniel screamed out so they could hear past it all. He arched his body around the corner with his weapon aimed, and shattered a raiders skull with a burst of gun shots.


“A job huh? Doing what exactly?!” Zhou took a deep breath, and quickly crept from around the corner aiming through the iron sight of the hunting rifle. He caught an approaching raider by surprise, and sent the 32. caliber round roaring, straight into the raiders chest. The raiders body fell back dead, then Zhou returned to his cover as his position was riddled with bullet holes.


“Helped em' rob Tenpenny Tower!” Daniel responded back. He continued to fire at the raiders, taking out another that had approached passed the stacks hay. He continued to hold back, as the focused their fire in his direction. The trucks windows were shattered, and the tattering sparks of gun shots lit up the downed vehicle. Daniel's rifle began to steam, and he let it rest while he reloaded it.


“male without a father better not have lead us into a trap..” Daniel said. His eyes looked towards the ruined barn house.


- - -


Renzo, who was out of sight from the action was hiding behind a hay stack with his focus on the light coming from within the wheat silo. He could see several shadows, and waited for what ever was making them to pop out. With the gun shots, and screaming heard from the distant farm ground, It wasn't long for the two raider to leave their post inside the wheat silo. Renzo aimed his gun at them, and the to robots swooped past him in the direction.


“KILL EM ALL LET GOD SORT EM OUT!” Sgt. Slickster screamed as he aimed his Plasma guns in their direction. The eye bot, used precision and timing to take out one of the Raiders in a few easy laser shots.


“Holy shi-” Was all the other could say before being blasted into a steaming pile of blood, bones and green goo. Renzo smiled, and ran towards the farm building. He called the Robots over to his side and went inside the barn. Renzo looked through the window of the broken down farmhouse, watching the initial fire fight, from a safe distance. He expected there to be an attack, and was sure Daniel and his friends could take care of themselves against a group of ill trained, and prepared raiders. He signaled over to he Mr. Gutsy unit, Sgt Slickster and it floated itself over to him in an attentive manner.

“YES COMMANDER?” Echoed from its voice box. Renzo scanned the inside of the barn. Not expecting to see much. He clicked on the Mr. Gutsy's search light to make up for the lack of light the decrepit place had. With it, he could see a few odds and ends. More stacks of hay. Old farming tools, decorated the walls and the ground. Some with dried blood stains on them. A tracker filled the majority of the room, but past that he could see a low sitting desk. Resting on it a computer terminal. Not knowing whether it was working or not, Renzo headed over to the computer console, with the Mr. Gutsy right beside him.


“Defend this position. While I'm on this thing I don't want a new ass hole.” Renzo said. “If it isn't Danny, the china-man or that boy Jack, melt em.” The Mr. Gutsy gave out a boastful pit of laughter.


“YES SIR!” Sgt. Slickster responded. The robot circled around and faced the entrance they had used. Its twin plasma Guns hummed, waiting for an enemy. Renzo powered on the station with ease, and after a series of blank screens and rhetorical messages, the computer system was online, but the password protection prevented him from accessing its files. Renzo face looked satisfied. The dim light from the computer screen made his eyes glisten as he scanned the contents of the screen trying to decode the message. He used the panel below the screen to highlight several different phrases. Unsure which one to choose, he surveyed them all, comparing the ones similar, and disregarding the ones that had no use.


“JUST PICK ONE ALREADY!” Pvt. Jam Said. Renzo disregarded the Eyebot's remark, letting The Mr. Gutsy unit shout out military protocol to the Private. After a delay, taking in much thought he finally highlighted the word: OBEDIENCE on the screen and pressed it, accessing complete control of the computer:




Patrollin' is easy! Just keep an eye out, kill any son of a b*tch that gets close! No one's stupid enough to try and take on raiders not while we under King Mancho's lead! So in case ya do get into any trouble down there just split some skulls and kick some ass! And if ya get caught - Keep ya damn mouth shut!



Mancho Factory Employment – [File not found]

Mancho Factory Sewage System. [Open]

Gamora Station Access – [File not found]

Patrol route 1 - 10.

Patrol Route 11 – 28.


Renzo smiled as he views the green words that filled the screen, and brough up the Mancho Factory Sewage System option. After scanning it for a brief time, he highlighted the print button, on the corner of the screen. The terminals printer rumbled, and began to function. Renzo looked around the terminal, and beside it he saw a clipboad. Unlike the other worn out objects in the room, it was mildly fresh. Pages still white. A black pen was lodged underneath the clip. He unfastened it and red the bold white letters along the side of the thing, then placed it one of his pouches.


“ Enclave..” Renzo said. As soon as the printing was complete, he grabbed the papers and rolled them up. He headed towards the direction of the door, then sent a shot from his 14mm pistol into the terminal, blowing it to bits He whistled for the two robots to follow him, and he proceeded outside.



- - -



Daniel had waited for the raiders, who were keeping their gun fire to a minimum to make their move. He taunted them, by raising his hand out to draw their fire. After laughing, he tapped Jack on the shoulder.


“ How many you think are left?” Daniel asked. Jack grinned, and panted excitedly. He raised his head up and peeked through the shattered windows of the truck.


“There's at least three of em..” Jack said after lowering his head.


“Too scared to get to their weapons..” Daniel added.


“ Maybe don't have any.” Jack chuckled sinisterly. He holstered his magnum and lit up the shiskebab's flames.


“Ill get the shooter -”


“And I'll get the meat!” Jack added. He leaped up from his cover and ran around the opposite direction of the truck. One of the raiders, eqquipped with an assault rifle, shot in the direction of Jack, who was to fast to be caught by the lay of fire. Daniel perched himself up, and with his laser rifle, took out the gunner with a shot to the head – between the eyes. Daniel smiled, seeing how his marksmanship was keen even at night and pat himself on the back. Jack rushed the raiders, and caught them off guard as they were skittering in fear. With his flaming blade, he swiftly lobbed one of the raiders heads off as he kicked another down to the side. He rested his foot on the raiders chest, and pressed down with it, making the man stifle in pain. The flaming blade pointed against the raiders neck, making his flesh burn and blister from the immense heat of it. After Jack could take enough of the screaming from the man, he ended it by shoving the blade into the ground through the neck. He powered down the flame on the sword, witnessing the blackened charred flesh, and severed head. He smiled and swiped his finger against his doings, and brought the blackened blood to his lips.


“I love the taste of victory..” Jack said jokingly. He licked clean his fingers and reached for his knife attached to his belt.


“DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” A muffled female voice called out from the distance. Jack lowered his hands and scanned the area. Off to the distance he could see hulking objects approaching him but couldn't make out what they were.


“CIVILIAN STAND DOWN OR BE SHOT!” The voice called out again. Jack didn't comply, instead his face wrinkled in anger as he stepped towards the approaching threats. Laser shots landed around Jacks feet holding him back, and he could see clearly who they were when it did. Beyond the darkness, past the red beams of energy He could see them. Power Armored soldiers, surrounded the area, all with their laser rifles on Jack. Their armor was a dull gray. Their fully armored masks were complex, and had a quality to them that was both sinister, and commanding at the same time. The make of the Power Armor was T-45d, and even with out them saying it, Jack knew they were from The Brotherhood of Steel. Jack looked over to Daniel, and then to Zhou who were both lowering their weapons. The two of them, with their hands raised showing no sign of threat, stood beside Jack and urged him to do the same.


Daniel was worried, and at the same time, curious as to why the brotherhood had came. Far from the protective walls of the Citadel, and with the Outcasts pitting themselves against them where ever they meet. Why here? Why now of all times, did they decide to show up? Daniels eyes studied the group, and oddly enough, watched past them catching movement. Approaching quickly form behind the armorer soldiers he saw a woman. And two others behind her all wearing a familiar Green styled Combat armor. She stopped and questioned the Soldiers on what had happened, and gasped when she looked over to Jack, Zhou and Daniel. She slowly walked over to them, trying to contain herself from screaming out. Her lush face went red as her eyes laid upon Daniel. He sighed as he recognized the woman. Her alluring, angelic face. Bright orange hair that was long, yet tired back forming a ponytail. The green combat armor she wore, and the anger he sensed wasn't far behind.


“What the hell are you doing here?!” She called out to Daniel.


“Nice to see you too Reilly..” Daniel said with a smile.

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“Well if it isn't our lucky day? “ Another voice called out. It was feminine, but when the woman came into view she was far from it. Her hair was cut low, in a military fashion box cut. Her face was covered in dirt, and like Reilly, was wearing the same green combat armor. She was wielding a high powered, 5mm Minigun with ease. She pushed past the Power Armored Paladins and joined Reilly's side.


“It's our lil' friend from Talon Company.” She said.


“Hey there B*tch.. - I mean Brick.” Daniel laughed then winked at the masculine woman. Who was clearly agitated. She began to power up her minigun and aimed it at Daniel, but Reilly threw her arm in front of her, holding her back from doing so. Another man, wearing the same armor joined their side. Daniel knew him, recognizing his calm, calculating face. The man wore a green Combat Helmet that matched his armor. He was Donovan, Reilly's Rangers sole Engineer. The gear head smirked with a shock look dashed across his face when he saw Daniel.


“Danny Reckless..” Donovan said. He tipped his combat helmet to Daniel, and watched Jack and Zhou.


“Reilly's Rangers holdin' The mighty Brotherhood of Steel's hand now?” Daniel said as he approached them. One of the Power armored soldiers stepped up blocking Daniel from getting any closer.


“You know these men Reilly?” The fully armored woman spoke. Her voice was muffled – static ridden due to the Power Armored Helmet. She pointed her Laser Rifle at Daniels chest.


“Damn right I do. He's a Mercenary – Not a raider. I can't say much for the other two.” Reilly responded back. Her eyes scanned Zhou and Jack, making sure they didn't try to retaliate. She looked at Daniel and gave him a stern stare.


“So I'll ask you again Danny. What the hell are you doing here?”


“What the hell am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here! And Get that gun outta my face Boy Scout before I -”


“Boy Scout?! My name is High Scribe Cassandra Wright. You three are interfering with a highly classified, Brotherhood of Steel operation! So Take your wasteland asses back to what ever rock you crawled from and get out of our way!” She stated cautiously, making her muffled voice echo.


“Bull poo we're not going anywhere!” Jack yelled at her. She pointed her weapon at Jack, who growled at her playfully, mimicking a small dog.


“You got quite a mouth on you Cassandra..”Daniel watched her as she steadied the laser rifle on Jack, catching her uneasiness beyond her power armored shell. It was weighing her down. Not just the Power armor, or the Laser Rifle in her hands. The whole situation it seemed. He could hear it in her voice though not clearly. Her aim on Jack was sluggish and shaky. Daniel looked at the other Brotherhood members who were lazily resting their weapons at their sides, and brought his attention back on Cassandra Wright. She was a Scribe - not a trained soldier, he could see that from her stance,and how she carried her weapon. So without thinking clearly, or at all – Daniel quickly shoved her to the ground, causing her grip on the rifle to loosen then he grabbed it from her. With out breaking a sweat, he turned the rifle around aiming it at her as she gruffly tried to correlate what had just happened.


“STAND DOWN NOW!” One of the Brotherhood Soldiers yelled out. They all raised their weapons at Daniel, who was studying Cassandra. He hasn't held a Laser Rifle of the caliber in years. The AER9 was of military grade, and from the way Daniel manned the thing he looked like he has been doing it all his life - which shocked Cassandra and the others in Power Armor. Jack clapped his hands together watching it all unfold, Zhou couldn't bare to watch.


“Scribe huh? If I knew any better shouldn't you be in a lab somewhere playing with your tech? Wouldn't expect you to be dressed like one of those 'monkeys'. Let alone outside of the Citadel.“ Daniel smiled to the soldiers who were demanding him to lower his weapon. He chuckled as he pressed the rifle against Cassandra's power armored Helmet.


“Still a Reckless little male without a father aren't you?” Donovan laughed as he shook his head. He backed away, allowing the Paladins clear aim at Daniel.


“Don't you see you're out numbered Daniel? What the hell is your problem? Stand down! Or they will kill you!” Reilly said with a concerned voice.


“Daniel.. Listen to her..” Zhou said calmly, But Daniel didn't budge, he steadied his aim on the Senior Scribe's Armored Helmet, hearing nothing but heavy breathing, from the thing.


“Reilly I told you that Talon angel was up to no good!” Brick said full of rage. She pointed the heavy minigun at Daniel, who didn't pay it any mind.


“You, you're no soldier.. So tell me. Whats so Important all the way out here in Raider Country, that needs the attention of a Brotherhood strike force, lead by a Scribe?” Daniel continued to stare at her, into the eyes of the armored helmet. All he could see was the blackness of it, not seeing anything but his own faint reflection. But he knew, that she could see him. Daniels eyes were staring at her, and he had a gun to her head. She didn't say a word, but she he could tell she was frightened.


“What? Now that I got a gun to you you're not all high an-” Daniel's taunts were left unanswered – but met with a club to the face from Reilly's strong punch. He stumbled to the side and Reilly tackled him, punching him again and then pulling the rifle from his hand. The AER9 was tossed to the side, and The High Scribe stumbled to it, Ordering her men to hold their fire. Reilly panted excitingly as she held Daniel down. Daniels face cringed in pain, but he couldn't help himself from watching Reilly in action. He slowly raised his hand to the arm that was holding him down, and began to caress it gently. He locked eyes with her for a few seconds before saying,


“Now this is familiar..” jokingly to Reilly. She growled under her lips and lifted him up with her gun aimed to his gut. She pushed Daniel to the side and aimed the weapon at him from her hip.


“Give me a good reason why my men shouldn't decorate the ground with your brains Mercenary?!” The high Scribe commanded.


“Because he's going to help us.”A gruff voice said from behind Daniel. The Brotherhood paladins focused their aim at the man approaching, then lowered their weapons when they realized it was Renzo, and his Robot companions. He laughed at the scene, and rested his arm on Daniel's shoulder as he watched the Powered Armored men and women. Daniel grinned as his eyes looked in the direction of Renzo.



“Danny, ya never did know how to play well with others did ya? “ Renzo said with a chuckle.


“Renzo I am going to -”


“Took ya'll long enough.” Renzo said to the Reilly completely interrupting Daniel. He then sighed as he saw the team of brotherhood soldiers.


“Dammit.. You brought friends too.” Renzo added. “If I would have known the Brotherhood were gonna be joining us I would have declined..”


“That's not up to you to decide civilian.” Cassandra said. She backed away from Daniel and the others, then cautiously removed her Power armor helmet. It unlatched it self with a confirming snap, and raised up above her head. Her face was young, full, and had a tan complexion. She had thick dark eye brows, and glimmering green eyes underneath of them. Her black short hair was tired back much like Reilly's, but wasn't nearly as long, coming down to her shoulders. A


“So this is you're job up north?" Daniel asked with an irritated tone.


“Roger that..” Renzo responded.


“Dammit Renzo! Don't tell me you brought this turkey along!” Reilly said furiously.


“Completely by chance. And luck. He and his friends here saved my life on my way here. They were heading in the same direction, might as well let em tag along for the fun.” Renzo said


“How long have you known Reilly?” Daniel asked with a curious look.


“A week or so.”


“And I'm really starting to regret it old man.” Reilly said. Renzo laughed and rubbed at his hairy chin.


“You sought me out, Because you Know I'm the best for the job. So you'll either like it, or I'll take my business else where.” Renzo said in a serious tone. Reilly didn't respond, her silence was all Renzo needed, knowing he was an asset to what they had planned.


“I hate being left in the dark. What the hell is going on here?!” Daniel Demanded. Reilly sighed, then lowered her weapon. She motioned to Brick to do the same, who wasn't pleased with the call. Reilly holstered her weapon and began pacing back and forth, trying to collect her thoughts.


“King Mancho.. You've heard of em?” Reilly asked. Daniel sighed, then looked back to Jack who was whistling innocently.


“I've heard stories, that's about it.” Daniel crossed his arms, then began to watch Reilly.


“There not stories. Not rumors. He's real! There is a sick raider male without a father out there, who's rallying up the raider gangs to do what ever his sick mind can think of. Think of it Danny - an army of raiders. Worse than Talon Company. Worst than those Super Mutant freaks in the DC Ruins. Crazy, violent, demented raiders. With their hands on enough weapons to take out any settlement if they wanted to. They're organizing themselves. And willing to do whatever 'King Mancho' wants.” Reilly said.


“Alright then. Send in the Regulators. Let those law dogs take him on.” Daniel responded.


“They tried. And their attempts resulted in failure. We have reason to believe King Mancho is none other than Lt. Colonel Edmund Price.” Cassandra added. Daniel blinked, and let out a sly breath from his mouth. He scratched his head and looked to Cassandra after saying,


“And that name means what to me?”


“He's Enclave. One of the last High ranking officers this side of the United States.“


“Thought you clowns got rid of them years back?” Daniel asked sarcastically, Cassandra's green eyes drove an angered look at him.


“The brotherhood of steel can only do so much Mercenary. We whip them out where ever we can. But they aren't stupid, they're highly trained and well versed on covering their tracks. They've been doing it for years, even before Project Purity was in effect.” Cassandra said.


“Okay. So why are you here? Wheres the real fighting prowess of the Brotherhood of Steel? Wheres 'Lyon's Pride'?” Daniel laughed then looked at the group of power armored soldiers. Ten in all. They wore standard Brotherhood of Steel Power armor, but Daniel could tell from the way they carried themselves and held their weapons that they were green, and lacked the full training to don such armor correctly. He refused to point it out though, anticipating one of the men would take his words to heart and try to prove to them selves that they were indeed worthy of wearing the armor.


“Most of the Paladins are staying at the Citadel. Defending it from those Outcasts. Couldn't spare the manpower to follow up on a hunch. So the High Scribe managed to put together a small force of Initiates for this operation.” Reilly said with a grin. But it made sense to Daniel. Like him, Reilly' and her Rangers were Mercenaries. The Brotherhood of Steel had their hands full fending off the growing strength of the Outcasts. So they hired Reilly's Rangers to aid in the assault on King Mancho's fortress. Daniel nodded, taking that much into consideration, but was still curious as to why a scribe was involved.


“And you Cassandra? Where do you fit into all this?” Daniel said to her.


“High, Scribe, Cassandra Wright.” She corrected Daniel. “ And if it's infact Enclave, they'll have technology, information or weapons we could salvage. Anything we can use against the Outcasts will help us in our efforts ten fold. I'm here to make sure no one destroys anything of value.” Cassandra delved into her speech, saying it with full conviction. Daniel examined the power armor she wore. He shook his head and Watched off to the distance, seeing a faint light approaching.


“Oh it's Enclave alright.” A crass voice called out from the illuminating light. A dark skinned man wearing old, worn combat armor approached them. He looked worried, constantly turning his head back to be sure he wasn't followed. Daniel began reaching for his sidearm, until Reilly stopped him from doing so.


“Hold you're fire – hold your fire.. He's one of us.” Cassandra said as she looked towards the Dark skinned Bald man. He lowered his aviator glasses, catching a glimpse to all of the new faces, recognizing none but, Renzo's.


“This is Tyson. “ Renzo stated. He patted Daniel on the shoulder and pointed to the new comer.


“He's our inside man.”


“He use to be apart of the Enclaves plot years ago. But with a little time, and common sense, We got him to join our side.” Cassandra said.


“So he's a rat.” Daniel smiled and faced the man. After locking eyes with one another, Tyson shook his head.


“Call me what you will. I'm not going to risk my life for a cause that died when the bombs fell over 200 years ago. The United States is dead. We need to start working together. Not killing each other off. Price is a sadistic man that needs to be stopped” Tyson said with a low voice.


“He has been posing as King Mancho's connection with the Pitt. We had to intervene, before a real pack between the Raider factions formed. He expects a shipment of ammunition to be delivered to him today. Instead of ammo. We're delivering crates loads of high explosives.” Cassandra said eloquently.



“Tyson will go in, delivering the explosives as planned. While we provide cover for the transaction. As soon as he is out of the blast radius, we will set them off. Then after the dust settles, we will clear the area.” The base will go She smiled, pleased with the plan, until Daniel shook his head again disapproving it. He chuckled under his breath without saying a word.


“Is their a problem? You think you have a better idea Mercenary?” The High Scribe asked.


“Ignore him, he's an idiot.” Reilly added.


“Excuse me..” Zhou said politely. They turned to him, and he had a disdained look across his face. He had his bandaged hand raised slightly to his side, grabbing their attention. Cassandra looked to Reilly, and rose her eye brow to her, confused as to who the man was.


“He's a waster, tried to Join the Rangers not long ago.” Reilly stated. High Scribe Cassandra nodded, then looked over to the man.


“Speak citizen.” She said.


“Thank you. That is quite the plan you have proposed. But how exactly do you plan to execute it properly? If this man, Tyson goes in to deliver the crates, what if they find out about the explosives before they're set to blow? He would be taken out. While we stand idle by. “ Zhou said. They took it into consideration, then Tyson nodded, agreeing with it.


“He's right. The base is heavily fortified. And even if we get the explosives to blow, we will take out a good portion of the men in the radius of the blast, but the others will be on us as soon as that happens. They've got snipers on the roofs. And Patrols scattered through the surrounding area. With their combined numbers, and the weapons they have – Its suicide..” Tyson said uneasily. He punched his fist into his palm after cursing.


“So you planned on waltzing on into a Raider base.. Start things off with a Bang. Nice fire works, get everyone inside all worked up for a few moments. Then get yourselves killed?” Daniel laughed, then rubbed at his chin “They'll tear ya to shred faster than you could say 'Lyon's Pride'.”


“You take that back!” Cassandra said with an angry voice.


“Make me.” Daniel said sarcastically. He smiled, as he watched Cassandra's tan face turn red. She backed away and huffed out an annoyed growl.


“Listen. Im not trying to be an ass, I'm really not.” Daniel said.


“It's really hard to tell sometimes Danny.” Reilly added. Daniel smiled and shrugged his shoulders.


“Its a dumb plan. How do you even know King Mancho is going to be in the blast? You go in there, set the explosives and go in guns a blazing? You wont get your guy.” Daniel thought for a moment, and paced back n forth thinking of the situation.


“No.. no here's what you do. You sneak in.. see whats what.. Find the guy – Take em out. Get those explosives set – blow em. And in all the confusion, we slip our asses out of their before they know what hit em.” Daniel said, as he rested his arms at his sides.


“A small team goes in, does the dirty little dead.. While the rest stay on the sidelines. When the bombs blow. You light them up, give us time to get out.”


“Since when are you apart of this operation?” Cassandra said with doleful laughter.


“Well you haven't killed me yet. So I'm guessing you could use some extra guns.” Daniel said with a smile.


“I'm down for the cause man.” Jack said after cracking his neck to the side.


“Great.. more mercenaries..” One of the power armorer Initiates said.


“I don't want your money. Hell, I don't even like you. But I like raiders even less. So lets say we work together and kill a few bad guys?” Daniel said as he extended his hand out to Cassandra. She nodded, but didn't return the hand gesture, only turning back to her men and begun to place on her Power Armored Helmet. Renzo laughed pleased with the ordeal.


“I like the way you think Danny.” Renzo nodded, then pulled out the scraps of paper he had printed earlier. He tapped the rolled parchment in his hand before unrolling it, then showing it to Daniel.


“Lets say we get to work.”

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Had alotta fun with this 1 lol









Tyson gave them the heads up that the raiders would be sending patrols trough to check on the Outpost they had came across. So it was time to make their move. With the Mancho Factory Sewage System floor plans at his disposal, Renzo gave the Brotherhood his approach.


A small team consisting of Reilly, Donovan, Daniel, Zhou, Jack and himself, head into The Mancho Factory through its Sewage Access. All while the Brotherhood, use the cover of night to take out the Raider patrols surrounding the Factory. The Brotherhood provides Cover for Tyson as he delivers the crates of Explosives and ammo. Brick will pose as Tyson's Raider Escort. Sgt. Slickster, will join Brick in over seeing the transaction, providing assistance if needed. When team inside has eliminated the Raider leader, Tyson will set the crates to blow. High Scribe Cassandra Wright was pleased with the idea. Under one condition. She wanted to join him inside. She wanted to see, first hand what The Enclave leader was holding behind the clever masquerade as a raider. Renzo didn't like it, but he agreed.


So their next stop would be Gamora Station. Although he didn't know the full lay out of the place. Renzo knew it had tunnels and passage ways that led into and connected the sewers underneath the Mancho Factory. Reilly, along with The Brotherhood High Scribe antipathized the fact that Daniel was on board, who unlike Renzo, wasn't a well known Wanderer. Renzo was an enigma yes, but he excelled in technological knowledge that surpassed even the smartest wastelander. He was an adventurer, who's done everything from freeing slave to trading salvage throughout the capital wasteland. He has been known to provided food and water to those who needed it. He inspired hope in those without it.


Daniel was nothing at all like that. He was in Talon Company, a Squad Leader in the toughest Assassin Unit it held. At a young age Daniel raised through the ranks rapidly with dark aphorism. He reveled in bloodshed. The pain, and suffering of others. Reilly knew him then, when he was still apart of Talon Company. They met years ago, when Reilly's Rangers encountered more than they bargained for at Old Olney. The Rangers were escorting a caravan, and traversed near the ghostly Town. Death claws had swarmed their camp, and they were ill prepared for such an encounter at that scale. The caravan was lost, and hope seemed dim for them, until Daniel and his Talon Company crew arrived. They aided the Rangers in disbursing the Deathclaw's – without their help Reilly would have perished. She knew that, and So did Daniel.


His capable experience in combat impressed even Reilly. The two of them bonded. Sharing there encounters, and tales of adventure. For a time Daniel joined the Rangers. Helped them recover from their attack at Olney, and escorted Reilly's Rangers back to the DC Ruins. It was nice. And even romantic for the two Mercenaries. Daniel was able to break past Reilly's tough outer shell. Breached past her hardened disposition to grasp her inner beauty, her willful reliance - the sparkle that was her soul. They felt together and made love. But Daniel was a heartless Mercenary back then. Daniel used Reilly's affection towards him to gain favor with her, and it granted him access into The Rangers Compound. Once inside he spied valuable information. Locations to weapon Caches. Information on the whereabouts of runaways, and people on the run from Talon Hit Men. Reilly didn't realize it until days later when the information was in Talon Company's hands.


It struck her hard, that she played the fool. Daniel was a Mercenary of course – that she knew. A cutthroat with only caps on his mind was what he was above all else. But he used her, plan and simple. And now, she's forced to join at his side once again. Reilly remembered it all as a distant memory as they made it to Gamora Station. An uneasy tension was seeded in the air on their way to the ruined Metro Station. Traveling with Daniel, a man she can barely trust, and the two men; Zhou and Jack that she barely knew anything about. She spoke little, and tried not to think of those things. Only alerting them to keep their heads low and their eyes peeled. Renzo took the lead when they entered past the shoddy double doors that led down into the Station underbelly. He began reading the printed paper regarding the layout of the Sewage System, with the Eyebots searchlight shining over his shoulder. It was dark – the Eyebot was the only thing providing light for them in the Station. All they could hear was the creaking of pipes. The dripping of old rusted valves that they couldn't see. And their own breaths, huffing within the mists of one another.


“Now if I am reading this layout correctly.. There should be a Sewer Access Door at the end of the Eastern Service Tunnel.”


“This should be fun..” Daniel jokingly said.


“And where are we now?” Reilly asked. She readied her Sub machine gun with two hands, trying to get a view of Renzo's map.


“We're..” Renzo studied the document, trying to determine where exactly they were located.


“We're..?” Jack added irritatedly, complicating the situation.


“DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO READ BOY? SHUT THE HELL UP AND STAY IN LINE!” Pvt. Jam, the Eyebot cursed out mimicking a drill instructor. Its loud voice echoed demandingly throughout the dark station shutting up even Jack. Daniel smiled, and shouldered Zhou playfully as they both laughed amongst themselves. Jack gave the robot an evil glare, and taunted the thing with his middle finger. Renzo smiled, as he payed the event no mind, continuing to evaluate the document in front of him.


“We're at the Northern Entrance. From here all we do is head down the passaged and we will make it into the Central Station. There we'll find Gamora Station, East. Then we just break into the Service Tunnel. Find the Sewer Access door. And there, we're inside King Mancho's lil kingdom.” Renzo said.


“Great, so less talking, More walking into the dark spooky tunnels.” Daniel said as he stepped ahead, trying to make out what was there. For nearly ten minutes, they silently trekked through the ruined station. examining the walls, the tattered, ancient subway banners lined up, finding some sort of direction that led them in the path they needed to be. They made there way to the center of the station. Dim lights flickered on and off giving them much needed light; it gave them a sense of accomplishment. They've made it to the split, that branched out to the opposing Tunnels. The Southern, and western tunnels were caved in. Demolished Subway cars made it impossible to pass. But to their luck, the Easter Tunnel was clear, and they could easily pass it without a problem.


“What do you think is down here?” Reilly asked.


“Who the hell knows. Could be anything.” Daniel said.


“I didn't ask you dammit.” Reilly replied. She eyed Donovan, who said nothing but rubbed at his masculine chin.


“Hard to say.. If the raiders had been using this place we would have ran into some by now. Looks abandoned.” Donovan replied.


“Could be Ghouls maybe..” Zhou said unpleasantly. He massaged the bandages on his neck, adjusting them so the others wouldn't be able to make out his radiated body. The others agreed, thinking it could in fact be a Ghoul populated Den. But they would have heard them, skittering through the darkness. rushing them as soon as they were close to human flesh.


“Ghosts...” Daniel added.


“Just shut up moron.” Reilly demanded.


“Spirits?” Daniel asked out loudly. He listened carefully, as if he were inviting something to reply to the call.


“For cryin' out loud Danny. Don't taunt em.” Donovan said adding to Daniels joke, he laughed playfully. But it fell shortly after as he saw the anger in Reilly's eyes.


“The boogy man maybe?” Jack asked.


“Oh Jeez..” Zhou said. Shaking his head in disapproval. Renzo smirked, but sais nothing, only listened to them rant.


“Knock it off you two.." Reilly demanded.


“Oh scary ghost of the sewers?! Will you please come out and play with us??” Daniel cried out and laughed.


“THATS ENOUGH!” High Scribe Cassandra voiced out. She halted the entire group and stood to the side of them her face was red and enraged.


“Its bad enough that I agreed to work with you local rock bashers, It doesn't mean I agreed to sit here and listen to your stupid superstitions! Ghosts, Spirits, what ever you idiot yokels want to call them do-not-exist! Apparitions are a thing of stupidity! They aren't real! Science and Technology is all that matters!” Cassandra growled out at them, who were all silent and dumbfounded by the speech. Renzo was the only one with a straight face. He shook his head, agreeing to the points that the Scribe had made.


“This is a serious operation! Not some damn play ground for you idiot wastelanders to scream and howl in! This is serious! You're giving out our position!”


“Oh, so you're our military expert now High Scribe?” Daniel asked. He waited for a reply for a few moments.


“I may not be some paladin or a Mercenary like you wastelander. But I do know that we are making enough noise and we could be alerting an enemy. So stay focus and remember the task at hand!” Cassandra said.


“Listen, if there was anything down here we would have known it by now. Gamora station is far from Mancho Factory so we'll be fine. Just chill your self out a bit. Relax. Don't worry about me Scribe. When we get to the Raider's bed we'll get our job done don't worry about that. I know this is serious. Trust me I don't plan on dying today. But at the same time I'm not gonna let the seriousness of the situation control me. Or weight me down.” Daniel said to her. He stared her down, and saw it in her face. She was young, and had probably been in the Brotherhood of Steel he thought. The war with the Outcasts, her former allies, friends want what they have. The Technological secrets in the Citadel. She felt it was her responsibility to do something about it. To act. Daniel didn't know for sure, but he felt that was the case as he noticed her face pit into silence.


“Yeah, I may be some dumb wastelander But I'm a survivor. Life is hell if there ever was one and we're in it. You deal. You get by. But at the same time ya don't give into it, let it dictate how it runs you. You run it. Live a lil, enjoy yourself even. But at the same time, expect the worst. And be ready when crap hits the fan.” Daniel spoke out.


“Refreshing to here ya say that Danny, you have changed. Spoken like a true wanderer.” Renzo added. Donovan rose a brow, taking in what Daniel had said. Reilly just laughed it off. She's heard similar talks from Daniel before and now they meant nothing to her.


“So no more jokes Scribe. I've gotten under your skin enough for one night..” Daniel said sarcastically as he eyed Cassandra's face. He stepped over to the power armored Scribe, and patted her on her armorer shoulder plate. She sighed, then corrected him.


“Its High Scribe.”


“Yeah, what ever.” Daniel laughed under his breath. Then they all went quiet as the flickering dim lights that had guided them into the center station went completely dead. They were silent. Trying to take in what had happened, and slowly the Light from the Eyebot's sphere began to fade. Renzo reached out to the Eyebot, grabbing hold of it before it completely powered down and fell to the ground. In complete darkness.




They all heard it. Or thought they heard what sounded like the laughter of a young girl. Faintly, then more prominently as their skin crawled and went cold. The sudden chill was refreshing to them, serving as relief from the hot night air. Renzo patted himself down, then smacked his lips angrily as he realized he had a set of flairs underneath his armored vest. He freed one, then lit the flare. It sparked out a glassy, blanched fiery light that lit the room enough for them to look around. It began to flicker, and started to fade suddenly as they saw off, into the distance. A Glowing incorporeal being that neither of them could make out at first. It began to slowly move closer. Inching towards them they could make out the pale, almost translucent face of a child. Renzo quickly lit another flare, and guided them towards the direction of the Eastern Service Tunnel.


You still wanted to play with me....


The child spirits mouth didn't move, but its voice was embedded in their minds. Echoing throughout their thoughts as it glided towards them in a ghoulish glow. Daniel backed away as he watched the thing approach, then looked towards Cassandra, who was mortified. He could see her tan face go nearly white as she skittishly followed behind Renzo.


“Don't Exist huh..” Daniel said as he watched her cower. He also noticed Jack who had ran ahead of Renzo into the darkness. Jack screamed out, telling the others to do the same. Zhou cautiously followed behind, keeping an eye on Donovan, Reilly and Daniel who were memorized by the wraith. Its ghostly voice wailed out its words like cold death.


Its time for you to play with me....


“Danny I'm going to kick your ass when we get out of here!” Reilly aimed the gun out to the spirit child. Reilly turned her fear into anger towards Daniel, for mocking the spirit – calling it out earlier.


“If we get out of here!” Donovan said Said, trying to pull Reilly away, as the others headed in the direction of the Eastern Tunnels. Reilly opened fire at the spirit, the bullets screamed out rapidly, only flying through the visage of the ghost.


“Yeah, okay shoot the ghost, That's definitely going to get rid of it!” Daniel said to Reilly. She emptied the entire clip out. Daniel aided Donovan in tugged her away, and they ran frantically towards the dimming light that Renzo was sporting.


At the Sewer Access door, it was as they figured – securely locked, and badly damaged. Renzo held up the light and motioned over to Donovan, who was an expert at such things. Renzo knew his way around locks, and computers, but tweaking old doors wasn't one of his favorite hobbies. Donovan examined it, as they all watched towards the direction whence they came. They could still here the haunted wailing coming from the poltergeist. Donovan, could hear the voice still running through his head. But he had to stay calm. Had to stay focus. Finally, under the dim fading lights, he managed to repair the damaged door. It flung open as if nothing was wrong with it. They all ran through it, and sealed the door behind them. They were in a brightly lit corridor, and a few seconds later, the Eyebot, Private Jam powered back on. It scanned the area and began to recite reboot protocol.


“WHAT IN THE SAM HELL HAPPENED?” Pvt. Jam's robot voice shouted out.


“ Well at least now we know why Gamora Station is abandoned...” Jack said, looking at the others as they panted excitedly. Daniel laughed, then rested his back against the nearby wall. He looked up, and was glad to see a working light fixture. Even Reilly, let out a soft laugh underneath her breath at Jacks remark. They were on the right track it seemed, and prepared themselves to continue on.

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