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(Request) Playable Barenziah character/Barenziah character template to use in race menu


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Ever since I read the "The Real Barenziah" books, I've really liked Dunmer history/lore. Until I read the Barenziah books, I hadn't made a dunmer character. After reading the books, I decided I wanted to make a character that looks/acts like Barenziah (when she was young, at least), but I have searched and searched and searched and I have been unable to find a mod that allows you to play as her/a template or reference to use to make a character like her.


I have no idea if this has been done already, though I have searched the nexus quite a bit. If you can give me any help, or give me any reference (preferably a Skyrim-graphics version), I would greatly appreciate it.



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I have 3 Barenziah saves, Whiterun Barenziah (young Barenziah dressed like a boy), Thieves

Guild Barenziah, and Queen Barenziah. They are alternate start saves with no quest in the

journal. I'll upload one if you are interested.


Here's the pic of Barenziah dressed like a boy:




If you want to check out pics of the other saves:


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In that picture, I used these mods:

The outfit is from Combination Vanilla Outfits.


This shirt is the prisoners shirts and the pants are

Karliah's pants, both from the mod.


The shirt has been retextured. I got that on

the nexus, too.



The hair is morten hair. I think I got from an asian site,

but you can google it.

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