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Best SuperHero(es) movie.


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I have always been a huge fan of Marvel comics since, to me their heroes and heroines were much cooler and their adventures were much more exciting. The X-men were my favorites, followed close by Spider-man and the rest were that which I got when the other two were not on sale.

Anyway I was surprised when Superman came out on the silver screen and then Batman. I was never a big fan of DC comics and I was equally favorable with the movie adaptions. Superman was lame and the first several versions of Batman was equally nauseating. It wasn't till Batman begins that I saw the character as what I personally expected him to be, but them the sequel sucked and the the last one was so-so.

What delighted me was when Spider-man came out and that was cool even though the web swinging was terribly made. Then camne the ultimate. The X-men and that was exceptionally cool except they never let Wolverine out to play with his claws. They had him getting the crap beat out of him by Sabre-tooth, Mystique and the janitor across the hall.

All in all the one movie that really set the level for superheroes was The Avengers. That was an awesome movie, well made and kept to the characters I remember in my youth.

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I would nominate The Wolverine, on both objective and subjective grounds.


Objectively, it has a lot of strength. It dropped the cliché'd amnesia device from previous Wolverine films and instead focused on telling it's own story. The story itself was decently written, and perfectly paced. Characters were interesting, with even Hugh Jackman's Wolverine finally becoming an interesting and worthwhile character. The supporting cast was superb, and given the sort of script it could really work with.


Subjectively it felt more intelligent, more thoughtful than previous Wolverine films. The action was still there, but it had more meaning and impact because of it's pacing and context. I can't really talk about the film's strengths without spoilers, but ultimately it's the first film in which Wolverine as a character really, genuinely works and feels at home. Finally, it's set in Japan, and Japan is an incredibly beautiful country.


For some fun, the worst.


The worst Superhero flick I've ever seen was Ultramarine in 2010.


Ultramarine had enormous potential. It was set in the Warhammer 40K universe, a cult British sci fi from the mid '80s. Warhammer could be a superb movie, if written well. Warhammer is a Steampunk universe in which all technology relies on energy syphoned from sleeping demon gods. It's a fairly simplistic world, but tends to attract good writers and has spawned some really quite good novels.


Sadly Ultramarines by-passed the existential and magical aspects. Instead it focused on a land-war between two of the most unloved, uninteresting factions in the entire franchise, the Ultramarines and Black Legion. It was the equivalent of making a Star Wars film about Ewoks. Many fans would have prefered to simply nuke the planet, and kill off both of them.


The final nail in the coffin, was the CGI. Ultramarine was made in the original Assassin's Creed engine, which was already five years old. The CGI was abysmal, and made the whole film look like a Team Fortress machinima.

Edited by Vindekarr
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