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Player Exclusive Combat Animations for Immersive First Person View Mod


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If you've ever used this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49036/?, you know that combat is be rather... painful with it. Other than than, it works great and I love the mod. So it would be great if you could actually go into combat with this mod and be able to do it (without just using that in-game option to switch to vanilla first person for it). It'd be nice if the weapon view could be adjusted so you can see it like you normally would in first person, and still be able to see your body like you do in the normal mod. Same with weapon swings, etc. (and it would also be cool if you actually swung your weapon where you were aiming, because if you notice in third person you always swing right in the middle, even if your looking straight at the ground.
Obviously, doing this wouldn't look quite right in third person, so as the title says, you could just use FNIS to enable them for the player only so you get the best experience in first person and NPCs still look normal in third person.

Just an idea. I'd do it myself if I were actually good at animating.

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