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dimond mines

Stalin Jr.

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Well, António de Oliveira Salazar lived from 1889 to 1970 in Portugal. In 1928 he was nominated finances minister (at the time of a coupe d´état that established a Dictatorship ruled by a general) he would never leave that position! He was a fachist male without a father, who established a infamous prison in Angola ( at the time one of our colonies) , a political police (called PIDE) that tortured and killed a lot of people, and IMO did only two good things 1-modernized the country

2-Kept Portugal from entering WWII

His regime would fall in the 25th of April 1974 (4 years after he died) at the hands of discontent group in the army, the revolt ended with absolutely no bloodshed.

And thus the Portuguese Republic appeared! :D



ps:Anyway, were deviating from the topic here. :)

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incredible... someone notices this is going off topic and just when people have a chance 2 go back onto topic, boom it veers straight off course again... fascinating 2 watch :P
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Portuguese is a bit more, i´d say 80%, just for example casa (house) is the exact same word in latin.

Lampadarii in latin originaly designated two slaves who walked in front of a rich man at night to iluminate (iluminar in portuguese) his path changed to lâmpada (or lamp in english)

Arena is latin for sand, you know what it means, sand in portuguese is areia, so it didn´t

change much.

Most of the words in portuguese that start with a A or an Al originate from the Arabic, since the occupied the Iberian Peninsula for 700 years.

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Err. By the way. What does your signature say anyway, I'm fairly certain it's... Latin, correct?

I never learned any latin but still it is easy for me to understand. Lets try...


Procedamus in pace

Go in peace


In nomine Christi, Amen

In the name of christ, amen


soda pop angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur

With angels and ??? the faithfull are present



Attollite portas, principes, vestras et elevamini, portae aeternales et introibit rex gloriae

Rise, glorious gates ??? and everlasting gates, and the king of glory shall enter


Qius est iste Rex glorie?

Who is the king of glory?

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Good job Shakkara. ^_^


If I took a moment to read it again, I would probably understand it as well. But it's 5:29 AM, havn't gotten my first cup of caffine.



Err. As for diamond or ruby mines, I have found none, only glass, ebony, and egg mines. There is however in the plugin The Illuminated Order, a small vein of diamonds I discovered once under water. But that's the closest I've gotten to diamond mines...

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