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FNIS error 2023


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I use the ModOrganizer program to use several different Skyrim builds on my computer. Everything was working fine until I switched to another old build I had and I had the frozen NPCs bug.


So I quit and fired up FNIS, only to get an error 2023 message, and the Skyrim version was displayed as ??. I've turned off my anti-virus, uninstalled, then reinstalled FNIS, and removed every animation mod I had, with no luck in either getting Skyrim or FNIS working again.



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  • 2 years later...

Have the same issue right now here in 2017... still no luck for me. My problem persists even after a complete wipe of my system. Factory reset. I re-installed skyrim, skse, and the NMM. I was in the clear again, I was downloading mods off of the nexus when I stumbled upon FNIS again... I figured id need it for anim mods... downloaded it. opened it with administrative priveledges... THE BOOM :

>>: <<
FNIS Behavior V6.3 4/2/2017 2:06:05 PM
Skyrim: ??.?? - C:\Users\Torre\Desktop\clean steam install folder\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)
Generator: C:\Users\Torre\Desktop\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
>>: <<



Another problem. last time it was ERROR(5) Access denied

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You wipe your system before reading instructions??? You are a man of principles. :smile:


You cannot move GenerateFNISforUsers.exe to your desktop and expect everything to run. Your mods you don't dump on the desktop either.


Use NMM to install FNIS. And then run it from NMM's supported tools dropdown.

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