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Guidelines for reportings, users, files, etc.

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Moderator MotoSxorpio has asked me to post this here to help expedite and alleviate the process of reporting mods, images, or users that infringe the ToS we have all agreed to.


As a person with an excess of time, I do a lot of record keeping. One such place I record is the nexus chatroom, during times that I am available, and no moderator is, I keep an eye out for anything that is a blatant violation of the ToS. If spotted, I jot down the details (as shown below) and ship it off via the report button.


Formatting your reports in this manner saves the site staff time and effort by presenting them with all the evidence they need to determine if a user has or hasn't violated the ToS. This also allows the us, the users, to take a bit of a break from some of the borderline criminal comments that can be left on our work by being clear, concise, and providing ample evidence. This allows the moderator to make a clear, quick, and concise decision, rather than wade through hours of chat logs, or follow a treasure map of vague descriptions through the forums. In essence, this allows judgement to be swift and fair, and also frees up time for other tasks that need to be done.


All vague blabber aside, heres a cut and mashed guide to reporting:




Incident Report: D,M,Y (01/01/15
Presiding Moderator: Please use only if incident occured while in the Nexus Chatroom
Report author: Your Username
Users Involved:
Offending/rule breaking user,
profile link for the above user
Offending/rule breaking user #2, etc
profile link for the above user

I, (your username here), do not claim authorization nor entitlement to distribute
any action against any user of Nexusmods.com or its affilliate boards. I
keep detailed reports of anything I observe while in the Chatroom (Forums.
Nexusmods.com/index.php?/chat/) in the case of a moderator being missing,
away from the keyboard, or otherwise distracted at the time of the incident.
These reports are transmitted Electronically to Site Staff Millenia,
Micalov, or TheVampireDante. In the event of a user approaching me in regards
to questions regarding site rules, offenses, or an incident, I will provide
the report to them, and recommend they contact a member of the site staff to
resolve the issue.
*end optional*

Note to Moderator:
This copy of the chatlog has been edited for continuity and relevance; please
refer to the administrative log if there are any questions regarding the
completeness of this report.

Report notes:
This is the second time the user (username here) has came into chat room,
spamming, and harassing another user. From my
perspective, (offending party) is intentionally attempting to grab
(username of a site user who has come under attack) attention. While his motivation may be innocent,
____ has expressed distress and discomfort at the
hands of new user. It is of my humble opinion, that the user
_____, while ignorant of the effects his words may have, is
basing his beratement out of a malovelent intent.

*********Please Attach at least five minutes of relevant chat logs for ease of access for the reviewing mod and/or admin**********

has entered the room

**Plays the piano**

_______, do you ever leave the chat room?

Thanks Micalov

Whos' asking?


Then no



I love this

What if someone else asked?

Then what?

Hey ____ do you ever leave the chat room?

**Enjoys the smooshing, soothing music**

Why yes _____ I do

only with an N


And there it is muzz

I feel disliked

evening all btw

I'll leave now

Evening ________

has left the room

again only with a N


You know, I would like that fellow just fine if he would leave me alone, instead of purposely trying to irritate me.

has entered the room

I couldn't leave you guys

I hate you so much ________.

So much.


**Bites tongue**

Words cannot express how much i hate you.

I just hate you so much.

**Bites tongue harder**

I see what you posted.

Your not fooling anyone.

now now we are all internet nobodies here no need to get nasty

**Snickers, then bites tongue harder**

I shudder in disgust whenever I read your name.



Caps lock is bad, please stop


cut the capitals


kicked -----------

has entered the room




if you cant follow the rules then your can always leave

What rule did I break?

I tikd yiou to cut the caps, and --------- asked you to

told you

You told me to cut the caps and then kick me instantly.

Like I have a chance to stop.

if you want to keep arguing about it I can remove you from chat permanent if you like?

Upon completion of these forms, Please send them immediately to a moderator or administrator by using the "report" button, and including the body of your report as the message.



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slapped on some glue and moved to rules and bans forum so every one can see it.

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