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New Armor Models You'd Like to See in Game


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Those of you looking for a solid Leliana armor set, look no further. This is by far the best I've seen, even over some of the projects that have been linked thus far.


Armour of the Devout.


& for whomever requested the Mord-Sith armour, here's a WIP that is pretty solid. There's some issues around the chest/breast area, & the mod currently replaces all light armor across the board, but there's a stand-alone version in the works.


Mord-Sith Armour



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Holy crap deep impact, though pics are frackin awesome~ They remind me of warhammer elves lol. If this kind of stuff was modded into the game, i'd just poo myself.

lmao ditto

its too bad these armors cant be made in the DA Toolset.

God I miss the soooo easy to use Neverwinter Nights toolset.

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Id love to see some simple dresses and robes both sleeveless and in different lengths,like a summer dress.

Id also just LOVE to see some Native American styled dresses...i posted the same request earlier but was logged in on my brothers account.


Even if someone could make me just the base dresses,i could maybe learn to texture these to look like buckskin. I would need to know what tools to use to re-texture items and a tutorial (for dummies lol).The DA toolset is no ways near as easy to use as the Neverwinter Nights toolset and seems like it cant do some very simple things such as changing item colors or textures.


Id love a re-texturing tutorial that assumes the reader has never even fired the DA Toolset up. All the tutorials ive seen so far assume some basic knowledge of the toolset,and so they skip some steps.


How do I modify armor/clothes appearances,colors,textures...and how do I get them into my game? What 3rd party programs do I need?


ALOT of the armor/clothes ideas ive seen dont look at all difficult to make for someone who knows how to mod,re-color,re-texture items.

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Just to complement the 'New Weapon Models You'd Like to See in Game' thread, good idea to put all new Armor mode

I would like to see some of the concept art Armor, I think everyone want to see better light and medium armors.






Sacred Ashes - Youtube




and this as arcane warrior/blood mage armor :woot:


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I'd pretty much have to agree with all the suggestions in post #22


I mistakenly downloaded the DA toolset thinking this whole modding lark wouldn't be all too hard and have since been banging my head against the wall.


I'm pretty sure someone made a mod for this in Oblivion... at least I think it was Oblivion - I've never played it so I've only seen videos of it on youtube but I would love to see this guy in my party




Only downside would be how helmets get removed during cutscenes :sad:

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