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New Armor Models You'd Like to See in Game


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I think some scalable realism should be kept i.e. armor for mages can be revealing as mages can us magic to protect themselves but for melee chars there should be a decent amount of armor, less for archers as they're further from the fight and rogues as they need the flexibility etc.


I get what you're saying, but that should be up to each specific person whether they want realism in their own game or not. Realistically, not everyone would wear something sensible for battle because not everyone is sensible lol. And theres always the magical protection excuse. I like to say "my character's pixels feel no pain and feel no shame"



Anyways. heres some armor/clothing I'd love to see in this game. At this point I don't think body types matter due to the fact that theres only a handful. The amazon curves are my personal favorite.


















Tortured Soul (minus those extremely creepy mutilated body parts lol)









Dark Saint



Blood and Ice Queen






Mithris Armor



Stahl Armor








If just one of those were made, I my female party members wouldn't have to wear Morrigan's robes all the time. 90% of the default armors in the game are just so boring. Having some outfits like these would make the movie scenes worth watching again in my opinion. Maybe one day Dragon Age will be on the same level of Oblivion for mods. I think it took Fallout 3 a few months to finally start picking up, but they had more interesting clothes in the vanilla game.

holy crap jinxxed0 those armors/clothes are amazing.

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I wonder how long its going to take for someone to make some new decent armor/outfits for this game. I can't remember how long it took for fallout3. It may have taken a long time, but it feels like its taking forever with this game because its ha horrible looking armor (minus the armor that you can't even wear in the vanilla game)

Don't worry- in the next few weeks/months, there'll be a ton of really top-notch new mods for DA:O now that modders are beginning to be able to import/export new meshes and the like for the game.


By the time the modding community is in full force for Dragon Age, we'll beat any DLC that BioWare decides to release by a mile, mwahahahaha! =P

I wish I could find a modding tutorial to make armor/clothes that is written for peope who have never even fired the DA Toolset up.

I did find one tutorial that was super...untill the next to the last step lol,then it had no screenshot and completely lost me. If the screenshot would have been there it would have been soooo easy.


Aghhh so close lol.

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I have a Lineage robe,but i cant remeber who made it nor can i vouch for its accuracy as i dont play Lineage.

I do know i downloaded it from this site though if that helps.

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Simply put, Assassin masks and hoods. The nexus is already getting some awesome standalone armors into the game, but my rogue just doesn't feel right w/out something covering her face. When I think of an assassin, I think of someone who generally doesn't want people to see his/her face... It can definitely give your character an element of wonder and mystique.


I know importing meshes and all that stuff is time consuming, and that every characters face wont have the same general shape for "said" mask / hood. But I know i cant possibly be the only person who has wanted to see this happen. So if anyone happens to be a modder looking for a challenge, I submit this as my request. And if there actually already is this project done somewhere that I have somehow overlooked please send me a PM with the link :). Ty all !


A few examples. (the middle one would be an awesome armor project as well >_>)






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I have two requests (atm at least):


1) I second a request for the Blood and Ice Queen armor linked above! :) Also, the Lineage II stuff might be interesting for that matter....


2) Miranda Richardson's armor from ME2.... I know it' s mentioned elsewhere to have a port of her into DA, but I'm more thinking along the lines of armor (tintable preferably) that resembles hers .... I know the TNT enArmored models have a texture that uses the hex pattern motif .... Might not be too hard to piece together existing mods to recreate her body armor...

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