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Stupidest monster 'suicide'?


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was on the run from the law (bout 10 guards!!) and for some reaosn they started attacking each other n i made my get away ;)


Happends all the time. When they are more and you are in trouble, they use thier bows and they hit each other. Funny to watch :D


That's about the worst thing in the game for me.


I agree it can be amusing but I also find it very immersion breaking.


"oops I hit you with an arrow, bit of both our fault, I was aiming at the badguy, you kinda moved."


"die, dog!"

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Running in front of me when I'm launching a Nuclear Blast with Midas Magic. Truth is, I haven't really seen, nor do I remember watching a monster die a horrible, dumb death even when they run right into and Ayleid trap. Maybe a stunted scamp getting crushed by a rock slide. Usually their dumb death are caused by me pushing them into traps.
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  • 11 months later...

This is not technically suicide, nor is it done by monsters, but

rather the incredibly dim Imperial Legion Foresters.


I saw two going after the same deer when one accidentally hit the other,

naturally resulting in them shooting at each other until one of them died.


It was not only good entertainment, but it was early in the game and

I was able to get a nice full set of armor by looting the corpse.


So thats what that nose was for!

Skeletons are pretty bad about committing suicide on any traps around. =]

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I just never get tired of when guards are pursuing me and I beat them down a bit, then head down a steep hill and watch them go jetting through the air over me, only to land and die at the bottom of the hill. Dead guard, and no bounty! Where do these guys get their training? Edited by majikmonkee
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Oh, oh! That Ayleid dungeon where the hallway is trapped by a big spiky moving grate.


"Now you die! I keel you!"

Clang clang clang ....


*cough* *cough*

"Now you die! I keel you!"

Clang clang clang ... (yes, again)



He went up against that grate 3 times trying to get to me. I just stood there and laughed.


An honorable mention goes to the Dremora (or maybe it was one of those other dudes with horns in brownish-gold armor, I get them confused).

He was standing right in front of the rather poorly-conceived "spears-coming-out-of-the-wall" trap, perhaps one of the most obvious, least-well-designed traps ever invented.


"Join my trophies, Knight!"



"Fall, pathetic worm!"



The spears didn't seem to do much damage, but it was hilarious to be fighting this guy who's getting stabbed by his own trap while he's trying to insult me.


Have axe-blade pendulum traps ever done anything but inflict casualties on the enemy? Those things are like the adventurer's best friend.


If you really wanted to f**k players up you'd build spike pit floor traps but put the spikes on the edges of the floor. The first thing we do when the floor starts to fall is hug the edge. What a rude awakening for which we'd be in store if people who thought like we did designed traps ...

Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch
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