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Good God Please Help (Insta CTD)


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So the only indication I have is:


"Only one root object allowed on file "base_anim_female.1st.nif".
Make sure the object was exported without cameras."

I've managed to order everything so that this is the only error message that shows. Is it a terrible thing? I don't know. All I do know is that upon starting a new game, it CTD's just after the intro video. Not even a second to consider the implications of such a tragic thing, it simply whisks my screen away into a mediocre Windows 7 error screen of apathetic puke.


So, 5 reinstalls of Morrowind in the perfect order later, here I am, unable to play the game. Now, I can open a quicksave that I made outside of the building for some strange reason. The ship outside the census office is missing, and things are awry. I don't know why things are awry. Perhaps I'll d-... I digress. The point is, I can't start a new game. Ever. This is bad. I have MGSO installed (which worked after extensive testing by the way) and upon reaching this problem I have gotten rid of all mods. Still crashes. Still it will allow me to load the quicksave but at the cost of the idea that everything is bugged to hell.


Any ideas?

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