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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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(She's in one of the shops, just standing around, I forgot the name)


Early morning shift change in the south west guard tower, Imperial city. I'm waiting for the watch captain to rise from his slumber, wondering if it'll help to go up there and kiss him. Sitting down on an uncomfortable bench, minding my own business especialy seeing as how I'm carrying a full load of stolen goodies.


Enters four guards from two doors and three from the barracks on top. And every one starts looking for food, and a chair. One is running so hard to get down from the crate he climbed on to get fed before his buddy who snatched the apple from the table, that anyone who comes near him gets shoved into the table sending everything flying, repeatedly. All the while they prentending there's nothing going on, with statements like 'I'm your relief'. The answer? "Good, I'm hungry' And then they go at it again...


Or maby they like a good game of king of the hill. And I missed the exit of the watch captain :P

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last night i made a new char, and i stole from Baurus. Well, I got his bracers, but i go to get his gold and he busts me. I figure no big deal, but then he begins to man handle me. He was standing in front of me, while doing the open door action, so it seemed like he was trying to grab me like Michael Jackson grabs little boys. I was quite disturbed...
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I just finished the main quest with another character (wanted to explore the paradise a bit more). I won't spoil things but the main point is that High Chancellor Ocato accidently hit Jauffre a bit too much, so Jauffre's disposition towards Ocato was too low. So when all the "trouble" was over, Jauffre started attacking the Chancellor, and Baurus helped him. ;D


A bit funny that he kept on attacking him, but I tried very hard to keep Baurus and Jauffre alive through the whole quest line, so I didn't let Chancellor Ocato (with the imperial legion) kill Jauffre and Baurus. Ocato was essential, so Jauffre wouldn't be able to win anyway. A lot of stopcombat console commands, and quickly fast travelling somewhere far away, stopped them from killing each other. :)

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I just finished the main quest with another character (wanted to explore the paradise a bit more). I won't spoil things but the main point is that High Chancellor Ocato accidently hit Jauffre a bit too much, so Jauffre's disposition towards Ocato was too low. So when all the "trouble" was over, Jauffre started attacking the Chancellor, and Baurus helped him. ;D


A bit funny that he kept on attacking him, but I tried very hard to keep Baurus and Jauffre alive through the whole quest line, so I didn't let Chancellor Ocato (with the imperial legion) kill Jauffre and Baurus. Ocato was essential, so Jauffre wouldn't be able to win anyway. A lot of stopcombat console commands, and quickly fast travelling somewhere far away, stopped them from killing each other. :)


Yea that happened to me as well except during the Bruma Oblivion gate. Martin and Jaufree had a bit of a fight with some of the milita :)

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.: Slight Dark Brotherhood spolier here, nothing really serious. The other ones are clean anyway. :.


I was in Bruma for the Dark Brotherhood quest in which we have to kill old Baenlin by making a big head fall on him. To get the bonus I had to keep Grom, his assistant and "maid", alive. And so I did.

A few days later, I was hanging in the local inn, and found Grom, who attacked two poor guys walking by, killed them, then sat at the table, mourning poor old Baenlin. Guess that's the way a nord relaxes when he's sad.

Anyway, I didn't pay much attention to who he killed. After a while, I was in Bruma again. I had become quite wealthy, so I decided to buy the house. I follow the marker to find Suurotan, to buy some furniture, and I find myself in front on the inn. "Uh-oh", I said, "Wasn't Suurotan the guy Grom killed?". Indeed, Grom killed Novaroma's owner and his wife. Yet the green marker pointed me to the floor. Bugblivion always hits, I couldn't find the bodies, so I couldn't resurrect them. I supposed they just sank underground, or something like that. I had to download the CS to find the IDs and use the placeat command.



As almost everyone, when the pirates on the Waterfront attacked me, quite a ruckus came out. Two civilians lost their lives. Their dead bodies stayed there for months. One day I was passing by, and just couldn't stand the sight of 'em anymore (sheesh, nobody ever cleans these places? Man, corpses stink!), so I dragged them and threw them in the water.



I was wandering in the forest, at night. A wolf attacked me, so I started running backwards, while shooting arrows at it. When I finished, I looked around and saw an Imperial Scout who kept switching torch - bow - torch - bow, endlessly. I guess I just killed the wolf the moment he saw it, so he couldn't decide anymore what to do. I tried to take many screenshots of him, so I could recreate the moment, but tapping too fast the 'screenshot button' I made Fraps crash, which made Oblivion crash, which made Windows crash. I swear I'll never try to take fast screenshots again.



I saw once an Imperial guy killing a creature (can't remember what) and then heading back to his horse... in a rather odd position. I'm uploading a screenie for this because it can't be explained with words.



Again, with Grom. In the same inn as before, he was still there, sitting at the table, sipping his mead. Then the owner of the place talks to him (I can't remember perfectly the lines, but they kinda sounded like this):

- So, what do you think Grom will do, now that old Baenlin's dead?

There Grom answered:

- I don't care at all.

This one really made me smile. Really... coherent...



That's all for now, can't remember more.


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Not sure if this has beenposted.


Great stuff so far!




Spoiler -


I was on a DB mission, my first after the initiation. So I Killed the Captain stealthily but was glimped by the two pirates who came to investigate. I ran to the balcony and jumped into the bay and swam round to the shore.

Anyway when I went back to the Waterfront dock what did I see?


Heironymos Lex charging the poor pirates abpard their ship, killing them all for no reason whatsoever, the Beggars called him a madman, the Guards stood nearby in a semi circle watching, and the Black Horse courier guy started fisticuffs with the good captain.


I just stood in awe with the rest of the Npc's as Lex killed the crew, Maybe he hired the DB to kill the captain...

He certainly didn't need me in any case!

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Spoiler -


I was on a DB mission, my first after the initiation. So I Killed the Captain stealthily but was glimped by the two pirates who came to investigate. I ran to the balcony and jumped into the bay and swam round to the shore.

Anyway when I went back to the Waterfront dock what did I see?


Heironymos Lex charging the poor pirates abpard their ship, killing them all for no reason whatsoever, ...

What likely did happen was the two pirates who saw you simply ran out the door and began chasing after you outside the ship. The City Watch doesn't care why an NPC is running after you with a drawn sword— they only notice some guy running around with a sword who needs to be put down.


Weird, that. The Dark Brotherhood is clearly a criminal organization, but most (but not all) of the contracts are scripted like missions where there is no real legal consequence in killing the victim(s). The pirates are a prime example— you need only be seen by them and as soon as you run back out onto the Waterfront, the City Watch will treat the pirates as the hostile instigators and respond accordingly.

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Often when I'm done playing and save my game, I like to stroll around town casting frenzy touch, or whatever it's called, on random folks, Now with the new disrobing spell, it's even funnier with half naked bodies lying all over the ground, and after all that, the survivors often stop and look at the bodies, saying things like, "Oh no, someone's been murdered!" Guess memories are pretty short in this game.
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