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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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I was in a bandit cave/dungeon. I stealth my way down from the main entrance, sneak attack the guard at the bottom of the ramp.


I begin exploring down either side tunnel. As it turns out, both wrap around and meet in the middle again in a large, open area with 3 visible bandits wandering around and a flooded section in the middle.


Hmm... What to do? I know I'll get creamed if I try to fight more than one at a time, face to face. Bummer, looks like I'm gonna have to move on and find another cave to loot.


Oh well, I guess I'll see if I can drop a bandit by sneek attacking with an arrow.


I get over by the bend in the hallway, take carefull aim and let loose with an arrow at the only bandit I can see at this point (a female in robes facing away from me). I immediately duck out of sight and listen to see if I hit anything.


I hear a yell, but my stealth indicator shows I'm still hidden. Cool, I must have dropped her!


Then I hear some more yelling... And explosions! And swords and things clanging on armor!


What the? The noise gets louder with more voices yelling and more clanging but it doesn't seem to be getting closer to me so I stay put. After a few minutes the ruckus fades away to nothing.


I sit still another minute to be sure and then move to investigate.


I sneak down the hall to find 7 dead bodies and one live one that took one hit to finish off...


My mystery arrow started a falling out among thieves and they killed each other off for me!


Horray for free loot!




Creaping through a goblin cave, coming up a tunnel and seeing a human standing out in the middle of the cavern ahead and another hanging from the cieling by the feet.


Shooting several arrows into the standing human and trying to figure out why I'm not getting any reaction, other than him slowly turning around to face me... Sneak a bit further into the room only to finaly see that both humans are hanging from the cieling but that one is now a pin-cushion...




Best one is my roomate getting annoyed when he watches me do the same dungeon he played before ony I find more hidden chests and secret rooms than he did and he has to go back for the extra loot he missed in his game. ;)

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The funniest thing I have seen to date is that, while walking on a road in the woods one day, I stumble across an Imperial Legion soldier (the horse riding type) and an Imperial Ranger (an archer soldier) fighting each other. This incident allowed for a short laugh, and promptly looted the body of the poor dead guard.
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dc4bs thats awesome.


for a bit of amusement find a high level goblin shaman and have a fight of the summoned headless zombies :P


oh, i've got another recent one (just had to quit oblivion for a bit like 5 minutes ago, and it happened soon before that).

(note, I have both the deadly trap mod and random monster level mod on)

I was in an Oblivion gate, fighting Daedra, mostly slinking around and dropping them with arrows (lots of arrows). I go into a room, find a fire atronarch and some scamps, no biggie for me, so I take out the scamps. I level an arrow at the atronarch, in sneak mode, when suddenly I feel a huge shaking, my sneak indicator shows that I am visible, and I think "Oh no I got attacked from behind!" I jump out of sneak mode and try to shoot the atronarch before it gets me, and about 6 arrows and 3 fireballs later I am spinning circles trying to find out what hit me. Go back into sneak mode, and I am hidden again! alright...I go up the stairs, and see a huge hallway, and I stop at the corner enough to see a level to activate a trap. Careful now, I round the corner, to find a Daedroth and a Dremora both dead by huge guillotine trap. Apparently they heard me and were so anxious to come put the hurt on they forgot to turn off their own traps :happy:

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This is relatively normal stuff here but I'll mention it anyway:


I was on a mission for someone to stalk someone else, and when I was doing so I noticed someone else doing the same (!). When the Stalkee went up to a shack to eat her lunch the guy snuck up to her and tried to have a conversation, but she just told him to *censored* off (not literally) and she stormed off, that was pretty funny to me.

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Just had to grin when the heavily armoured commander of the Kvatch guard earnestly told a girl in a dress who's desperately trying not to break a fingernail that she had far more combat experience than his soldiers... sort of explains what happened in Kvatch!




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I was caught with my pants down by the Night Mother.


Here's the story, I got caught lockpicking and I resisted arrest. I was losing a big fight with the guards, so I ran out of town and made a break for one of the theives guild guys to take care of my bounty. I eventually reached him and had my bounty taken care of. During the fight, I gained many armor and block levels so my character leveled up, and I also killed one of the guards which caught the attention of the dark brotherhood. To process my level, I went to the Fighters Guildhall to find a bed. I slept in one of the big upstairs beds for 12 hours so that I would wake up in the morning instead of at night. The darkbrotherhood dude came to me and I excepted his mission and such, but when I gained control of my character, I noticed my greaves had been broken in the earlier fight so I was without pants. Then I turned and looked at the bed and there was a dude sleeping on the far side on his side facing the side of the bed I was sleeping on.


OMG I was caught with no pants on being spooned by a big red lizard man!!!!

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HAHAHHA, nice thread. Can I share my own?


Its similar to hazindu's. I wanted to join the Thieves Guild and Morag Tong from the GetGo and so i punched a guard in cheydinhal and ended up in jail and was lucky to pick my way out only to fin a dozen guards outside. I couldnt even kill one of them let alone 12!!! So I legged it, I know I couldve just spent my time in jail as my bounty was only 5 or something. Amazingly again I escaped prison and wanted to find the thieves guild, But I hadnt been invited yet, so basically I was screwed until they invite me... I managed to get outside of cheydinhal (running and jumping like a baboon) and still a guard was after me. for some strange luck It was an archer, and I was a formidable apprentice marksman then, and I killed him. So my bounty here went from 5 to 1800 already. but I had the guards armor hehehhehe. so I ran away only to be intercepted by an Imperial guard on horseback, and as guards where still psychic here he went after me, got off his horse and after like 10 metres I turned around and STOLE his HORSE! it was sooo cool, but the horse was slow. so I thought just do the same I did with the other guard (kill him with my BOW) and I got off the horse, 5 meters away I turned around and saw this guard still smiling at me :) and behind him his HORSE was being stolen by some other Bandit!!! :) :)


I know it was a long story but it did bring my bounty up to lke 2800. :P :P

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"Those aren't pillows!" -Steve Martin, Planes, Trains & Automobiles






Finaly did Kvatch. In one of the side towers, I killed a guard with 1 hit. He fell down the central shaft onto the "elevator" platform by accident. ;) Ahhh... Thud. Clang, clang, clang...


The fun part was after I went all the way down there to loot the body, I jumped on the platform to ride it back up.


The guards body started break dancing! The Havok physics engine would notice that the platform had moved up but the guards body hadn't so it would shoot the body straight up into the air to correct the overlap problem. Then "gravity" would bring the body back down onto the platform and it would bounce to a stop. The platform moves up more. Havok "notices"... Wash, rince, repeat. Hard to describe, but VERY amusing to watch. Untill the body finaly jumping-beaned its way over the side and fell down the shaft again.



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I was just in the agricultural area west of Skingrad on a Mages Guild quest. I got too close to an old mine that was being used as a bandit hideout. A bandit archer saw me and began firing arrows at long range. I started throwing firebolts back at her.


Some of her arrows hit my shield and others missed and flew past me. Then I heard some kind of animal sound from behind me. "Oh no," I thought. "Is a bear going to attack while I'm fighting off the bandit?"


I was still facing the archer when a wooly sheep barreled past me and attacked the bandit!

The archer drew a dagger and she and the sheep went at it. I stood back and watched the epic struggle. The bandit archer finally killed the sheep and then fell before my blade.


An arrow must have gone past me early in the fight and hit the sheep? There were two arrows in the sheep's corpse. I will have mutton tonight to honor that brave sheep.

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