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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Guest Tessera
Here is the scene. I bet all of my save games that nobody can find it; if anybody DOES find it, and tells me its location, I WILL delete all of my saves.


If I had to guess, I'd say it's all the way in the eastern edge of the map, past the marshes. I've found a few really pretty locations in that area.


There's also a spot south of Kvatch (kinda) that looks similar to your screen shot.

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Here is the scene. I bet all of my save games that nobody can find it; if anybody DOES find it, and tells me its location, I WILL delete all of my saves.


You didn't create this yourself with the CS did you? That would be unfair! :huh: :happy:

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Here is the scene. I bet all of my save games that nobody can find it; if anybody DOES find it, and tells me its location, I WILL delete all of my saves.


You didn't create this yourself with the CS did you? That would be unfair! :huh: :happy:


No! I think I took this screen before I started modding.



You can clearly see some mountains in the distance, so it would have to be South of Kvatch like Tessera said, or in the Northeast, also like Tessera first.


P.S. If I find it first, I am not deleting anything. :D

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I had another incident lately, I was randomly running in the wilderness testing out a bow I had enchanted when I saw the little mountain sign. I ran towards it and found a unicorn surrounded by minotaurs. I had never seen a unicorn on this game before and wanted to see how fast it was. I first had to disable the minotaurs. I killed two easily and when I came to a third one I fired and guess what, the unicorn got in the way. I had shot it and it died. I decided to use the ressurect thingy, I used that and it fell from the sky and died. I then cursed myself for modding. I tried again and it wouldn't work. Then when I thought it couldn't get worse all my saved games didn't worked. Thats when I cursed myself again for getting rid of a mod. So I have started again with a level 1 and guess what happened. I found the unicorn again and a guard for some odd reason killed it. So here I am now, an angry level one with a dead unicorn and a dead guard (No I didn't kill him, I DIDN'T fire an arrow in his back then shoot him a couple of times).
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Heres another incident that resulted in the death of 119 npcs. I actually counted. Being my own dumb self i decided to buy the frenzy up to lvl 7 spell i didnt know what affect it would have on an npc so i tried in out in IC market district. All hell broke loose as i repeatedly cast spell on all the npcs. I was using jms barfight mod so i cast it a couple times in the taverns and watched as 10 or so deadbeats chased me outside holding bottles. The bodies were flying, literally! I saw a guard fly up 30ft from a stale bread power attack. I ran around all of IC casting spells on everyone and watching them kill eachother. I them summoned all the daedric creatures i could muster to wreak havoc on ..... SKINGRAD! I finally was forced to reatreat in glorius combat with all the guards in the garrison. And thats why lvl 7 frenzy is my favourite spell lol.
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Yesterday I made a new race called the Lutre. I made a new game to take screenshots and in the cave at the beginning there was a goblin and a tripstring. It ran right through and didn't trip it cause it was running the other way. So I jumped over it and it followed, tripping the string, making 3 huge maces flying from the celing killing it.
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Well, it was pretty funny when I saw it... but now I think about it, it aint that fun anymore ;(


I was raiding some cave, as I most of the time do, because I love it, and I was done with this one cave... When I got out the cave, I mostly see my horse standing there, but not this time... I was like: wtf? where did it go... I turn around, and see some elf STEALING my shadowmere! I take out my bow, and start shooting it, but... it's a damn fast horse so I wasn't really hitting it... Ever since, no sign of my shadowmere :(

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