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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Also quite fun is when I asked Hyronimous Lex a.k.a. dunnowhoImchasing-guy about the Gray Fox.

He said: "He's that thief the imperial watch are always going on about." Lol, he sure takes his job seriously:p


But wait... right after that he started a conversation with an other guard telling the guard they're the only thing that stand between chaos and order! Hehe, guess he should pay more attention to the most famous thief ever then!

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I was exploring a surprisingly deep cave the otherday, I think it's called Sideways Cavern, or at least something to that effect. Adoring fan was behind me, I tolerate his company as his suffering brings me joy.


Anyway, I exited a room into another cell and was walking around in water about 3 feet high, I pause and wonder "Where has that wood elf gotten to?" Adoring fan is nowhere to be found!


Suddenly I hear gasps of anguish and cries of pain, woodelf pain. I turn around just in time to see adoring fan float up, face down in the water, dead as ever.


Only adoring fan could drown in 3 feet of water.

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Guest Some Guy
My funniest incident was when I didn't have the game I was playing at my friends house: I was strolling through the forest when suddenly I go on a hill and two imperial foresters were fighting each other! I just sat and watched laughing!
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My funniest incident was when I didn't have the game I was playing at my friends house: I was strolling through the forest when suddenly I go on a hill and two imperial foresters were fighting each other! I just sat and watched laughing!


I saw that happen outside Bruma. I don't know what set them off, but they were having an archery duel. I tried to stop them by using the console and turning off their combat AI, but they went right back to turning each other into pincushions. I decided not to wait around to see who finally won.

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I've seen plenty of deer in the mountains. If you have trouble seeing them in the area around Bruma, it's likely because they've been slain by the Foresters or the bandits guarding Capstone.


The place is sort of a free-for-all war zone.

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Indeed. I witnessed a battle between 7 bandits, 3 goblins, 4 wolves, and a White Tail (MMM). not to mention the groups of imps that were aggroed while I was slaying the last of the wolves. It's fun up there :)
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