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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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...2) If you're born under the birthsign of The Lover, "kiss" the next person you see. Then slay them before they can report it to the Imperial Watch.


3) Bow. Arrows. It's simple: play Cupid.


4) ... Or a poisoned apple on the table— whatever passes your fancy.

That's love? :ohmy:

Something about a thin line between love and hate.


Okay, if you want 'friendly', then use the Lovers' Kiss and then run away. It doesn't actually kill, and if you have a secret admirer in the form of a Town Guard with 90+ Dispo, he'll take care of the fine for you.


Use the CS or whatnot to create some arrows with Restore Health, Charm and Calm effects that makes the victim happy when you shoot 'em.


Or you can give a girl some diamonds and pearls.


Thing is: none of that is funny. Mischief's much more amusing. ;)

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I made some arrows in the CS that charm 100 on the target, and at the same time have the Deadly Poison script running. The name? "Love Hurts". I also like putting poison apples in peoples inventories while they sleep. And then I leave a bouqet of flowers. The AI can't feel love, but they can feel death!(While trying to take one out, something startled me IRL, so I accidently snacked on one. Not the proudest moment for a brotherhood member, to say the least).
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some time ago, when I have killed a goblin he first is died and then the corpse is flown away! o_O


hahahahahahaahahahahaahahahaahahaha ;D

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:D I was in the temple of THE ONE and asked one of priests about rumors he told me that he was wanted to see a VERY BIG STATUE OF AKATOSH...

He was wandering around the statue for a few minutes and then gone to have some rest very upset...

Maybe he was blind?



Hot greetings from Russia!! :P

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Funny things in Oblivion? well i can think of one very funny thing.


My very evil 100% vampire assassin goes to skingrad at night to kill someone. I try at first to sneak inside the city, but suddenly a begger runs over the street going through the whole city. He is followed by no more than TWO guards who stops turns at my an yells: "Feeding time is over vampire! Go back to the grave that spawned you!" Well i agreed and tryed to leave town in quiet and order, but the guards had other plans. As i went outside the city the guards follows me and trys to kill me. Pretty standard. Well i run for the stables where my beatifull Shadowmere stands. She start fighting the first guard while i shoot the second one full of arrows. As i run back for the stabels i just arrive in time to see Shadowmere fall. And here comes the funny part: Out of no where arrives a sheep and starts attacking the guard. Although the guard hacks it to pieces it doe'snt seem to lose any life. Ind the end the guards is owned by the sheep. Three other guards arrives and the sheep followss me and kill them all! Good job for a sheep. Well then i went into the town kills my target and goes out agian. There is my brave sheep killing my poor horse!!! When it is done it turns on my! What do you do when an immortal sheep gets angry with you? You run like hell!!!


I'd never found out what the **** happened back there at skingrad, but it sure was a mess, ending with the sheep dying from a big fall......

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Eh, mine doesn't compare to that...


I was sneaking around a ruin, killing vampires. One of them spotted me, and ran at me saying "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you--*thwump!*". Not a one shot kill, but it was a knockdown on my first shot.


I most certainly do not miss the way Morrowind's NPCs finished their lines AFTER they died...


EDIT: I was wandering around east of Kvatch, when I saw (DLed) something behind a rock. At first, I figured it was a bandit, but when I got close enough to see around the rock, I saw hooves...so I figured it was a deer, and took a shot at it. And hit it, only to find that it was a Legion trooper on horseback. So, I used setcrimegold 0, and once he forcegreeted me, I gave him a two-hundred eighty-something gold bribe.

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Mine doesn't involve immortal sheep so it isn't as funny, but it still is good.


I was playing my favorite quest, Whodunit and had just killed my first person. I shot her with an arrow in the head and her head went through the wall and she got stuck halfway through the wall. It was hilarious. Then, out of nowhere, my modified adoring fan started attacking the legion guy. I guess when I changed him to a her and edited her script, it enabled her to enter the house with me. All of the other guests started attacking my adoring fan at once and she killed them all. The entire time I stayed off to the side and hid in the shadows laughing. After all the guests were dead, I left and I still got the bonus for completing the quest without being detected ;D .

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