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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Just discovered for guilt-free mayhem, the combination of the Wabbajack and Everscamp Staff are like peanut butter and chocolate.


Consider: a readily available supply of creatures you can lead into a city, then mutate into something ferocious for the guards to play with. You're not assaulting anybody, hence no bounty is lain upon you no matter how much carnage comes as a result.

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Just discovered for guilt-free mayhem, the combination of the Wabbajack and Everscamp Staff are like peanut butter and chocolate.


Consider: a readily available supply of creatures you can lead into a city, then mutate into something ferocious for the guards to play with. You're not assaulting anybody, hence no bounty is lain upon you no matter how much carnage comes as a result.

And they are both Sheogorath's weapons... Go Sheo!


And then when the guards have finally killed the transformed creature, new scamps are spawned which you then transform into a daedroth or something similar again!

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I attacked one of those filthy imperial city beggars for fun, and naturally all the guards attacked me with their mighty silver longswords. Two seconds later I was dead, slumped against the wall. And what was the last thing I ever heard?


"You're off duty."


Eh, I was in Cheydinhal, and tried to pickpocket a poison apple from the Essential guard I'd given it to. Since I didn't have any Chameleon equipment on, he noticed me, which started a little war in which numerous guards died.


After they finally killed me, 10-15 seconds after my death, a guard walked up to me, and said "Excuse me, are you all right? M...Oh my goodness, this person's dead!"


Hmm, but wouldn't the load screen appear before then? Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me... as always! :D


It would, but the game carries on in the background when it is up.

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I decided to head for Dive Rock, as I had an idea. Zapped the UM a few times (down to 250-300 health), led it to the ledge, paralyzed it, and hit it with Fire Storm. When I finally found its body, it was just over the rise from Aerin's Camp.


EDIT: Gonna use a few Fortify Healths, and see if I can survive leaping as far as I can from the Rock.

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I decided to head for Dive Rock, as I had an idea. Zapped the UM a few times (down to 250-300 health), led it to the ledge, paralyzed it, and hit it with Fire Storm. When I finally found its body, it was just over the rise from Aerin's Camp.


EDIT: Gonna use a few Fortify Healths, and see if I can survive leaping as far as I can from the Rock.


LOL But that kind of makes me think, who's job is it to clean up all the bodies people dump off there?

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LOL But that kind of makes me think, who's job is it to clean up all the bodies people dump off there?

The adoring fan when he ressurects himself after the fall, or whatever he does?

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::Possible Spoilers::


Not really a story to do with me or the AI, but more to do with an odd little glitch. I was doing one of the early DB quests, i forget what it's called, and at the time I was Role Playing a character with an assassination style similar to Gogron's, up close and personal.


And violent, very very violent. So, during this quest I went in through the front door swinging a large Claymore. After killing the main target, an old man named Baylen if memory serves, and went for his "Manservant", as the game describes him, and well this was the result.


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A while ago, I was looting a few houses in Skingrad. Oddly, despite it being early AM, Falanu Hlaalu and Lazare Milvan were still wandering around...but when I unlocked their bedroom doors for them, they went to sleep!


I was outside Fort Ash, and I Detected someone standing outside. So, I cast Ghostwalk, and tried to sneak up to them...only to have a Khajiit highwayman run up to me and present me with the standard "You pay me 100 gold, or you get my glass weapon and Elven armor!" choice.


A bit later, I was poking around the highest above-ground floor, and I Detected someone entering the fort headed west. I figured it was a Legion trooper (it was), so I jumped down, costing me a good bit of health. The response? "Speak."

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