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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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During the battle of bruma where you try to get the great sigil stone


martin is giving his speach -- blah blah blah -- bandit emerges from hill attacks me the entire group including martin attack this poor sap i of course run out of the fray -- i turn back around and for some reason jauffre and baurus are both beating the holy hell out of martin in fact it seems that the entire gathered army to defend bruma has descended into a melee resulting from them all tryin to hit the one bandit and inadvertantly beating the crap out of each other -- by the time it was over i had to restart from my save because jauffre baurus and half of the defenders where dead from killing each other


there have been lots of funny moments with the game but this was one of my fav





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Not really funny, but a testament to the many ways to die in oblivion. Anyways, i was rummaging around a cave, looking for black bows, and little did I know, the deeper I ventured, that it was in fact a bear den. So outta the shadows a HUGE brown bear lunges at me swinging, "SWEET MELINDA" It scared the crap outta me. Anyways, I remembered a large pool of water near the entrance and double back to dive deep in. I had on my Blackmarsh Helm Luckily (Breathe Water) So I waited him out hoping he would drown. I was hiding behind some roots and the giant bear got tangled in them and drown while trying to fight out of it, it was sad, but I laughted because he died and I lived. HAHA...
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Here is something funny that happenedd in the last DB quest where you go see the night mother. Me and my fellow black hand buddies were standing around the statue. And just as the statue started to open a begger walked around the corner and started having a conversation with a gaurd. niether one noticed the people in black robes, or the lucky old ladey turning into the night mother.
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Ooh, I should complete the game before reading forums, there's too many spoilers!


Anyway, heres one. At the end of the tutorial dungeon, [spoiler for serious noobs] Emporer Septim came up to talk to me about giving the amulet, the last conversation before he's killed. However, I couldn't take it seriously enough, because just before the dialogue started, a mythic dawn agent jumped in front of him to attack me. I spent the whole of the conversation with him with a guy with a purple hood in front of Uriel's face!

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Ooh, I have one ^_^


Possible spoilers though:


Anyway, during 'Light the Dragonfires' where you have to get Martin into the temple, Chancellor Ocato always gets in the way! >< I find myself happily hacking away at a Xivilai or whatever and then suddenly Ocato runs in front of me to attack the beasties too. I had an enchanted blade (Goldbrand) and as soon as the kind Chancellor gets in the way, the ragdoll physics kick in.


'Chancellor Ocato is unconcious'.


And I'm like: "o.o Oops! Erm, sorry... I lost Martin. *goes to look for Martin*"


And coming to the end, before Martin gets inside the temple, because I knocked Ocato unconscious a few times before, he keeps getting the crap kicked out of him by the attacking hordes XD So I constantly see 'Chancellor Ocato is unconscious' on the top left of my screen. x3

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This happened about a week after I bought the game:

I was off in the woods for my first hunt. I spotted a deer and prepared my bow. I shot my first arrow which, by my fault, never made it half way to the target. My second arrow flew far over the deers head, hitting some trees in the distance. My final arrow was, or shall I say would have been, spot on. But to my suprise, right as I shot the arrow, the corier for the Black Horse came riding by, and was nailed right in the face by my arrow. She, being in a state of confusion, road into the woods as fast s possible.



Another Incident:




In the main quest as I assembled the force to close down the main gate, I left the Chapel for my parade through the city before the battle. But at that point all hell broke lose. Everyone started brawling, the guards when crazy and started hacking away at me, and when I tried to defend myself, the promtly tried to arrest me for attacking them. I managed to escape through the main gate before I was killed, but even then Jaufree (Spelled wrong probably) continued to attack me.

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I was in Bloodcrust Cavern doing a little spring cleaning for the Count of Skingrad. I snuck up to the female Redguard vampire and attacked— it took only a few blows with Umbra to slay her, and when I landed the death blow, the vampire fell back... straight into one of the empty coffins propped against the cavern wall.


"Back in your crate, Blood-Rat!"

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Ha! Accidentally hitting the horse courier in the face with an arrow...that is gold.


This one is not really a story. During one period of the game I was making several trips from Skingrad to Anvil (I don't like to use fast travel) and the road is literally lined with bandit camps. I would make short work of groups of bandits, and then come back through to find the camps full of bandits again. A short distance along the road from Skingrad to Anvil, theres a stone bridge. I decided that, as a warning, I would put the boots of the dead all along the low edge walls of the bridge. Needless to say there is quite a nice selection of footwear lining that bridge...and strangely the number of bandits I encounter has lessened....?

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best event ever lol. main quest martin screaming at me to take him to the temple. I draw my sword and do the brace hero thing. and what do you know i get hit in the head with an arrow!
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I have taken Ob up again recently to get ready for mod testing. Being a little rusty, I decided to play part of it through.


Having been cured from vampirism, I am told to wait 24 hours for the Count of Skingrad to grieve for his wife. I clear out Fort Facian and the area around it. After about 36 game hours I go back to Hal-Liurz . She goes off to fetch the count then never returns. Huh!


So I think, maybe something is up with the game clock. I reload to where I left fort Facian and decide to kill a bit more time by clearing out Goblin Jim's cave first. I fast travel from Fort Facian to Bleak Flats cave and walk to Goblin Jim's.


After a while, as I am contemplating the corpse of Goblin Jim - already dead when I got there - I have a warning 'Janus Hassildor is unconcious'. Eh?


A few minutes later Count Skingrad appears in Goblin Jim's cave with Hal-Liurz running along behind him.


What? Is this where he mourns for his wife? What is Hal-Liurz doing there? (In this game I had not been back to the castle since being told to wait 24 hours.)


I followed him back to the castle to fend off marauding beasties.


It is now about 72 hours since I was told to return after 24. I speak to Hal-Liurz who goes to fetch the Count from beside the corpse of his wife. Except he comes downstairs and tells me to go away before leaving via the front door.


After a while he comes back in through the front door, as he should have done the first time, with the concluding dialogue and the quest ends.


Weird eh?

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