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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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The funniest thing ever was a sheep chasing a bandit west of Skingrad. I don't know how they met, but the bandit camp is close to the vineyard with the sheep. The bandit must've been low on hp and the "battlesheep" must've been very angry lol. 1st time it happened with MMM, 2nd one with OOO.


Another one was when my char fell on her knees and stayed like that(low fatigue after combat - realistic fatigue mod) instead of lying on the ground. Got some naughty screenshots from that. :whistling:


Man, this one I would pay to see :D (the sheep chasing I mean :) )

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Somehow, I doubt that a couple would break-up over a video game... :whistling:


But it can, indeed, yet is not the one I would pay to see

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I'm somewhat concerned being misinterpreted by talking about my own work, but...

Not that is funny in itself, but exactly in the premises, it follows...

In my mod I state Great and Sound: Now you will have to fight for 'her', worse, now you will have to fight 'her'. Meaning a simple mod about a sword.


Well, i tested the quest with several different chars at several different levels and even with several types, mages, fighters, thieves... and in all seemed than a subtle approach was better advised than running head down into a dogfight...


a few days ago I made a fresh new char, a weakling antamage and decided to do that quest, but I would do the whole way to Skingrad and from there to the shrine... needless to say that this helpless moron of character died at least two times, one being ambushed by several bats and some imps (thanks OOO and MMM)... ahead she was caught by some scamps and clanfears, before Oblivion crise and at level one!!! (I really will not bet in her nor even in a race with mudcrabs)... Well, someway she managed to get at Skingrad and from there to the shrine without serious incidents and so, there she goes vampire hunting wearing stock fur gear and relying in a goblin staff and a silver dagger she managed to acquire in the way.


As expected she was spotted as soon she entered the room with the foe and got promptly attacked... and for my delusion she take down the vampire with a few hits not even needing more then a health potion... She accomplished a feat several others wearing elven or even daedric gear swept to do at high cost... and I... began to think all those that downloaded the mod and doing a quest so ridiculously easy. But no problem, this is indeed the way it was meant, Luck is really a decisive factor there. Beside, several others that relied only in their wonderful gear possibly ended as blood source :) ... see ya

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I've seen several things that I thought were pretty funny. The most recent would be when I was fighting a couple of bandits. I killed one then turned to face the other. As I did I blasted her with a targeted shock spell and quickly threw a power attack into her with my sword. I don't know what happened, overkill I guess but whatever I did blasted the bandit clear out of her boots and sent her smoking body flying through the air. I got a pretty good chuckle out of that. Deadly Reflex rocks.


http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=6698 :biggrin:

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The funniest thing that has happened to me was when, during the main quest, Barus was outside the bar in the Imperial City and I shot him with a paralize spell. He fel over and started to stretch and I pulled on his strecthy arms and legs. When he wakes up his body parts fly back into place though. :biggrin:


Also in the arcane university I got in the way of some mage guy and he zapped me and I died for no reason. He was mean so I came back later to kill him in his sleep.



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I've got an interesting one that happened to me today.


I was using Deadly Reflex (Woot! :rolleyes: ), and I was also messing with the console. Right before the part where the Emperor dies, (where Glenroy becomes non-essential), I wanted to see what would happen if I slit Glenroys throat. Well, he dies, and the assassin comes out early. Then he says, "Well done my fellow follower. Well done." Then he attacks, and I have no choice but to kill him. After that, Baurus comes in and does the usual shpeel. My class was Assassin. After that, I thought it might be funny to resurrect The Emperor, and kill him. So I did. Then, I resurrected him again. For some reason, he was immune to all my attacks! So, I've got the Emperor chasing me through the sewers! He even followed me outside!


After a while, I lose him, and then I fast travel to Weynon Priory. Eveyyhing goes smoothly, close the Oblivion gate, yadda yadda yadda, then I talk to Martin in the Chapel. As he's talking, I notice something strange in the corner. I'm trying to figure out what it is, when I realize it's the Emperor! He's staring at me like a stalker... And hefollows me around everywhere, but he doesn't move on his own. He just kind of teleports to some place in an individual cell... It's REALLY creepy... :unsure:


I can't kill him, because he's a static object with no collision, and I can't kill him using the console, because he doesn't exist (according to the game).


The REALLY creepy thing is that when he states at me, his body doesn't turn, just his head... So, if I'm behind him, he just turns his head backwards and stares at me with a face that has no eyes... :blink: EEEK! :ohmy:


What I find funny though, is that everyone's all like, "The Emperor is dead!" When he's standing right behind them. ;D

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Then, I resurrected him again. For some reason, he was immune to all my attacks! So, I've got the Emperor chasing me through the sewers! He even followed me outside!

hahahahahaha im not sure i could top that

but i dont know why but the funniest thing to me is to get the sauron club and had it super chaged (so people fly even farther)

and just go and whack ppl its hilarious

omg omg its the grand whaack!!!

and he just go flying so far i have no idea where hes landed(probably outside imperial city


and one time i was playing golf outside using the one gay gaurd who never dies(cant remember his name at the moment) and i would just whack him

get on my horse and just as hes getting up whack him again until i got him inside the ic (and i dont have the open city mod :devil: )

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I've got an interesting one that happened to me today.


I was using Deadly Reflex (Woot! :rolleyes: ), and I was also messing with the console. Right before the part where the Emperor dies, (where Glenroy becomes non-essential), I wanted to see what would happen if I slit Glenroys throat. Well, he dies, and the assassin comes out early. Then he says, "Well done my fellow follower. Well done." Then he attacks, and I have no choice but to kill him. After that, Baurus comes in and does the usual shpeel. My class was Assassin. After that, I thought it might be funny to resurrect The Emperor, and kill him. So I did. Then, I resurrected him again. For some reason, he was immune to all my attacks! So, I've got the Emperor chasing me through the sewers! He even followed me outside!


After a while, I lose him, and then I fast travel to Weynon Priory. Eveyyhing goes smoothly, close the Oblivion gate, yadda yadda yadda, then I talk to Martin in the Chapel. As he's talking, I notice something strange in the corner. I'm trying to figure out what it is, when I realize it's the Emperor! He's staring at me like a stalker... And hefollows me around everywhere, but he doesn't move on his own. He just kind of teleports to some place in an individual cell... It's REALLY creepy... :unsure:


I can't kill him, because he's a static object with no collision, and I can't kill him using the console, because he doesn't exist (according to the game).


The REALLY creepy thing is that when he states at me, his body doesn't turn, just his head... So, if I'm behind him, he just turns his head backwards and stares at me with a face that has no eyes... :blink: EEEK! :ohmy:


What I find funny though, is that everyone's all like, "The Emperor is dead!" When he's standing right behind them. ;D

Man, you got your own personal royal ghost only you can see to haunt you forever, mwahahaha

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That's awesome, gman. I feel like restarting my game just to try that.


The emperor's ghost is haunting you, making sure you complete your task.


Oh, and when I did the Breaking the Siege quest, I found Berich Inian in the Tiber Septim hotel in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City, miles away from Kvatch. I talk to him and he draws his sword and starts running all the way to Kvatch. Slowly.


EDIT: gman, provide some screenshots! :D

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