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BIggest dissapointment of the decade 2000-2009


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Wha?! Mechwarrior 2 doesn't belong here, it's a classic 90's title


for me it was Neverwinter nights 2

I think he ment Modern Warfare 2.


Actually she did mean Modern Warfare 2! :wallbash:


that made me lol a little.


For me it was Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. It doesn't deserve to have a name Operation Flashpoint.

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I agree with Spore completely. Mine was Sims 3.


I wasn't expecting much, but now that Maxis isn't involved, it just isn't fun anymore.


Not to mention they deliberately make those games near impossible

to mod. :mad: It can be done, but adding new meshes in Oblivion is

ridiculously easy compared to the Sims games.

I'd be tempted to agree with Sims 3, except that the modding community over there actually seems to be making decent ground. It's only more difficult to add new meshes because there was never any really good support or explanation for working with the bone weighting and body morphs present in Sims 2/3. Oblivion modding is easy only because the meshes used are fairly simple, and there have been people who have gone to great lengths to research the file structure.


The only real thing that irked me about Sims 3 is how pushy and expensive the paid DLC is. $5 for a model that has product logos on it is just plain ridiculous. Not only is it product placement, but it's product placement that the user has to pay to see. It's worse than buying a $50 T-shirt with "Gap" on the front, but is otherwise plain and no different than a $2.50 Fuit of the Loom T-shirt. There's only so much "milking" that can be overlooked.

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I haven't tried Modern Warfare 2, but I'm sure I'd be disappointed-- it's not my type of game. Short campaign, bad PC version, generic modern military setting, etc. Yeeaah ... not my cup of tea.


I think I will stick to TF2 as far as competitive shooters go.

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Wha?! Mechwarrior 2 doesn't belong here, it's a classic 90's title


for me it was Neverwinter nights 2


NWN 2??? :ohmy:


One of my favorite rpg's!

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For me it was Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. It doesn't deserve to have a name Operation Flashpoint.


I remember the first OFP. And you are absolutely right in what you said. I never bought Dragon Rising because of all the negative posts I read from people about it. I know that a lot of people instead play Arma 2 or AA (whatever version it happens to be on now) and most consider Arma2 to be the successor of OFP and not DR.

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Great gameplay, cool gadgets and amazing graphics, but it ruined it by using up most of the game time in cutscenes which lasted ages. Some levels were actually 90% cutscene. The entire gameplay bit of the game, excludng bosses, could have been done in 2 hours by a regular gamer. Mind you, Drebin was a bit of a redeeming factor.

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