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weird ctds when starting to play, otherwise fine


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here's a papyrus log http://pastebin.com/MpB54cj6

load order http://pastebin.com/0q7uw6Kx

skyrim.ini http://pastebin.com/XBUe3C1R

skyrimprefs.ini http://pastebin.com/n7aGXzAU

enblocal.ini http://pastebin.com/xUZYwGFc

system specs: nvidia gtx 660m, 2gb vram, 8gb ram, intel i5-3230m 2.6ghz

using skyrim2k packs for textures, ssme set to default, enboost set to default for my video card, and a simple enb preset

skse 1.6.16, newest skyrim on steam

it last happened loading outside of high hrothgar, and trying to fast travel to windhelm stables or winterhold. i ctd'd when trying to travel to either location, even after waiting 1 - 2 ingame days. loaded up an earlier save in whiterun and had no issues in a two hour session of playing. this will happen every so often where i have to switch between saves to find one that works.

Edited by Unhooman
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Disable all of the USP's for a moment, sometimes those cause horrifying problems, and really don't fix as much as they're worth the trouble for.


Now that's a pretty weak CPU, you've never had this problem before, right?



Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp

Disable all your relevant

"Immersive whiterun, windhelm, etc files"


What's OBIS.esp? You can probably decide whether to disable it.


If none of those things work, then your last resort is to disable EVERYTHING, and then one by one, or group by group enable and test again and again.

Just a note, it's much easier to click the first mod, hold shift and click the last one if you didn't know that, to disable all plugins.


Um disable all those patrol mods. Those can cause issues with their scripts.


Wait so you mean, that some saves have this issue, and after a while every save will get messed up like this and CTD?


Oh and what settings are you playing on?

High, medium, or ultra?

Edited by Cowgoesmoo3
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No, do not disable the unofficial patches....


Replace your load order with a BOSS log, include the SKSE information, and the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated.

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It says XCES.esp is active, which is incompatible with ethereal elven overhaul, and three lines below you have that very overhaul, which again notes it is not compatible with XCES. And that's just one i've seen. Although it may seem minute, and they don't always kick in right away, such "Skyrim Sorcery" will eventually dismantle your game and make them foo bar. So again, check up on the compatibilities; you can't just install every top file. modding needs alot of attention to details, especially if you are also using SkyRe, which needs alot of patches to work with other mods

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1) Check your BOSS log for error messages, such as this:

  1. hunterarmor.esp Active
  2. Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version, hunterarmorv1.2.esp.
Make sure you catch them all.
2) You are missing the unofficial patch for the hi-res DLC, advise you get that.
3) You seem to still be using an outdated version of 'Immersive Armor.' Unless SkyRe still doesn't support the new version, or there is some other reason you can't update it, you should update it to version 1.7. In fact, while you are at it, you should make sure all of your mods are updated to the latest possible versions. This may very well be the cause of your instability issues.
Edited by ripple
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i'm not using the official high res dlc, do i still need that?

No, if not using the HRDLC"S then on need for the patch....it gets confusing when people do not post a BOSS log that only shows what mods are actually ACTIVE, your log shows the 3 HRDLC's but its easy to miss that they are indeed not being used.


Going out on a limb, and gonna guess you are close to the limit of your GPU ...get pro-active and find what is bottle-necking your Rig..?(laptop).


Download "Skyrim Performance Monitor" (SPM) , start it and click run from inside SPM,. Either play for an hour or crash what ever comes first...lol... View the Graph, and or post it here.




EDIT...Acording to your ENB settings you are not seeing any of your ENB preset. No matter what it is...


UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true <<<<while that is set "True" ALL that is working is the ENBboost feature, every thing else is disabled. Does not matter what "Preset" you try , none will work. The entire ENB graphic part is disabled. In order to use a preset that needs to be set False.


Edit 2 : Upon further review you must have an older ENB go to ENB.dev and get the latest version. you are missing some important things....


All three of the above are not in your ENB and could actually help you...Culling and Compression ...
Edited by camaro_69_327
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at least one issue i found was for some reason, brigand dwemer armor from immerive armors was causing a ctd when equipped, upgrading fixed that. haven't had this happen again recently after optimizing textures a little more and updating my mods and enb, and patching skyre better.

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