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Easy request! - Two handed version of the pick axe


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I would make the changes but I dont know how in the CK. I could change the model later like make the handle longer or something but if the regular one would work just with scale size when wielded or something that would be fine. Any way I would like a 2 handed version, maybe slow the attack speed down on it so when I use it to mine ore by swinging the pick axe at a deposite it is like I'm working hard to do it. Or at least slow the attack speed way way down on the one handed version so it seems heavy when you swing it. I dont care about it ruining the combat effectiveness of the pick axe. What do you think?

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But do you want a Pickaxe to wield as a Battleaxe (2h axe) weapon or just to reduce the animation speed during mining?
Because the attack speed and the mining animation are different stuff.

Edited by Dumitas
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Yes I know they are different. That is why I asked to reduce combat speed that way when I weild it, either one handed or two handed, when I use it to swing at the deposit its slow like its heavy and Im swinging hard to hit the deposit. The mining animation speed basically aplied to the in game "weapon" or "wielded" version of the pick axes combat animation speed. Longer combat animation speed basically.

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AWESOME! thanks will test ASAP :smile: thanks so much! Also if a made a new model for a twohanded version it would just be a replacer for a vanilla twanded weapon. Could you take that and make it it's own thing so its no longer a replacer? If so I'll make one tonight or tomorrow probably and send it to you. Or would I need to make a new version, could you in the CK set it to use two handed anims instead of the one handed?

Edited by kharlor
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yeah no totally, it will be a complete replacer for like a steel war hammer or something. I just don't know how to make it it's own thing and not a replacer in the CK but I can do the rest of the set up outside CK. Ill get to work on making a cool one to use with my Realistic Skinned Animals stuff I'm working on. you should check it out:


Hunters Rack:



Butchers Bench:


Edited by kharlor
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OK upload the file meshes and textures
Data:Damage, type, recipe,temper etc also a name XD

Edit: Just for crafting no quest or location. I help if i can, but with the limits of my time hope you understand.

Edited by Dumitas
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OK upload the file meshes and textures

Data:Damage, type, recipe,temper etc also a name XD


Edit: Just for crafting no quest or location. I help if i can, but with the limits of my time hope you understand.



I just wanted to say thanks again for the pick axe. Seriously it's so cool to play with. You got the timimg just right I'd say. It would be hard to make a one handed pick axe seem any more real really. Any way its great and alot of fun, it's funner to hit people with it now to lol This one thanks you Dumitas! - Kharlor

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