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Some tips about mod popularity


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Two days ago, I uploaded my last modding project. Before doing that, I uploaded some other mods (the first one is a dead project, but the second one is a finished one, like the last one). I liked them...but, personally, I find that the last one is something really special. I really believe in this project: they say it is highly creative and, as fas as I know, it is the only existing Redguard-themed house (that's because I consider it special...it is something unique).


How may I LEGALLY increase the mod's popularity? (NO spam or other evil methods: my mission is to let people to know about the mod's existance, but without beeing irritant or evil)


And, last question: what do you think about my signature? Does it transmit some curiosity? Or should I change something?


Thanks for reading and, if you will reply, for your precious tips ;)

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If someone needs a mod they google what their looking for, so make a relevant name to your project. To me your signature looks like someone getting high *just saying*, Don't go and try to make it get more popular, if people need it they'll look for it on their own, nobody likes someone making mods only for popularity, doesn't matter if thats not why you make mods, people assume you're looking for popularity, It's always a bonus if your mods get downloads, but don't try to force it in peoples face, don't go everywhere and say *check out my mods* Like the small channels on youtube do. That's all I have to say.




Good luck.

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You cannot force popularity. If someone who is just not interested in having a Redguard house sees it, they are just not likely to download it. No matter how good it is. Playing as a Redguard, Or for someone playing the desert of Aquina, I would think they would want this though. And of course there are those who will download it because of it's novelty or because they download every house mod. OR because of some other feature they like.


I don't see this as something that will be super popular though no matter what you do to make it attractive.


As for getting it in front of the people who will want it - pics really do help. Pay attention to lighting - the pics I see are a bit to dim. Your description is good. I prefer to look at the description for a mod. But it seems that most people like pretty pictures first. Then a video on youtube ( I never look at these, but I think it may be a generational thing)


The text in your sig is good. but the pic needs to be brighter and possibly more colorful. :thumbsup:

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want it to be popular? make a female character who wears next to no clothes. That's all you need to do.. But if you want to make it a good mod, you need to work your back side off and put in the effort, then write up a fully descriptive description and try to go into full detail with out going into too much details about quests etc, so not to ruin it for people.. if you have a custom voiced character, make sure the sound quality is very high, make sure the voice actor can actually act to an acceptable level and make sure the script you give them is fully fleshed out.

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A popular mod is something you get by either being lucky, or by being smart. Just making a good mod does not work. You need to:

A) Find out what people download.

B) Find out what kind of mods are popular.

C) Make your mod better than the rest.


You made a redguard home? that's nice. You have tailored your mod to a very specific group of people -- those who wants a home mod, and also like Redguards. Without having any numbers, I can take a good guess that there are not a lot of people in that group.

There is nothing you can do about it. The people who does not want a home, or wants one and does not like Redguards, will never download your mod. No matter how good it is.


The whole "I want my mods to be popular!" works kind of like a painters work does. you first need to get quality work that the masses of people enjoy, then you can start smacking color on a canvas. Famous painters can pretty much throw paint on a canvas and sell it -- simply because their previous work were enough to make their name good.


So, in short: You want to make a popular mod? Well, you have to make what the people want, not what you want. You need to cater to what the masses want.


Marketing 101, to put it short.

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"Popular" is not equal to "good".


Whatever is advertised heavily will gain popularity, however you can never win over those who see heavy advertising as an annoyance.


Good mods earn popularity on their own merit. Focused mods such as yours (and mine, for that matter) have a limited appeal and thus will not see those magical numbers we see from wide-range mods.


Until Bethesda remakes Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard!, your mod will simply not appeal to people who have their racial preferences.

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Thanks to everyone for your precious replies! Now I will post some...replies to your replies



To me your signature looks like someone getting high *just saying*

I'm sorry, I'm not a native english...what does it mean "getting high"? In the internet, I only found references to drugs...but, of course, it must mean something else xD



As for getting it in front of the people who will want it - pics really do help. Pay attention to lighting - the pics I see are a bit to dim.

I completely agree: they are everything but not bright. Most screenshots have been taken during a sunny day, I don't understand why they were so dim...



want it to be popular? make a female character who wears next to no clothes.

I agree with everything you wrote, but not with your quoted phrase: a nearly naked female character will give me more views, but the views will only be for the girl, and not for the project.




You made a redguard home? that's nice. You have tailored your mod to a very specific group of people -- those who wants a home mod, and also like Redguards. Without having any numbers, I can take a good guess that there are not a lot of people in that group.

There is nothing you can do about it. The people who does not want a home, or wants one and does not like Redguards, will never download your mod. No matter how good it is.


"Popular" is not equal to "good".


Until Bethesda remakes Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard!, your mod will simply not appeal to people who have their racial preferences.

I agree: that's the "problem": most people prefer other races, and that's why I only got less than 80 downloads in two days (since the mod has been uploaded). Maybe, if it was something like The Elder Scrolls V: Redguard, a lot of people would have downloaded it, because if you're in Hammerfell most people will choose to play with a Redguard. If you're in Skyrim, most people will choose to play with a Nord or an Imperial (because of the Imperial-Nord civil war).



Thanks again for your replies, they really helped me to meditate. Maybe my mod will never be popular, because only 1/20 of people plays as a Redguard. But I really like it, I really believe in my project. And people who downloaded the mod surely like it too: 7 endorsements based on 70 downloads in my opinion is really a lot. In poor words: I'm happy and proud of my work!

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you aid you wanted a popular mod? popular mods are all over the place, and they usually are followers with next to no clothes and screen shots taken with computer crippling ENB's and HD textures installed. Now, the uestion you should of asked was "how do i make a good/great mod that people will enjoy to play?" popular and good are not the same, the beatles were good, justi beiber is popular.

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you aid you wanted a popular mod? popular mods are all over the place, and they usually are followers with next to no clothes and screen shots taken with computer crippling ENB's and HD textures installed.


Second time you complain about that in this thread. We get it, you don't like it.


Now, the uestion you should of asked was "how do i make a good/great mod that people will enjoy to play?"


Yet you do not answer it? You had a better answer on your post above. Why post again?


popular and good are not the same, the beatles were good, justi beiber is popular.


Popular is what the majority of people want/need. Top 100, files of the month are all very good secondary information of what people want.

Good is a personal preference. I bet you will find people not liking the Beatles, and some liking Justing Bieber.


This puzzle me. You post twice, the first being a decent reply, the other one being a waste. What gives?

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