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Some tips about mod popularity


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Are we talking about endorsements here or downloads? Most people usually just download and just try it or play with it. Not everyone does endorse things. Other then that I don't think it can really be helped. Some mods can branch out to a bunch of different people's needs and tastes. Some mods are more specific so there may only be a few that might want that sort of thing.


Also some mods might need time to grow (well the download/endorsement thing). I know some of mine took a long time to grow, and looking back on it now its still a pleasant surprise. Though it seems you are satisfied with your work. I think that's the most important part of making mods. In other words as long as you are pleased with your work, then I think that's all that should mainly matter. Anything from there is a nice surprise/bonus.


But I did go and look at your mod that you were mentioning because my curiosity did get the best of me, and while I don't play Redguards, just going off the screenshots I can tell a lot of thought went into designing it. It's definitely unique when compared to other mods I've seen (even my own).

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Are we talking about endorsements here or downloads? Most people usually just download and just try it or play with it. Not everyone does endorse things. Other then that I don't think it can really be helped. Some mods can branch out to a bunch of different people's needs and tastes. Some mods are more specific so there may only be a few that might want that sort of thing.


Also some mods might need time to grow (well the download/endorsement thing). I know some of mine took a long time to grow, and looking back on it now its still a pleasant surprise. Though it seems you are satisfied with your work. I think that's the most important part of making mods. In other words as long as you are pleased with your work, then I think that's all that should mainly matter. Anything from there is a nice surprise/bonus.


But I did go and look at your mod that you were mentioning because my curiosity did get the best of me, and while I don't play Redguards, just going off the screenshots I can tell a lot of thought went into designing it. It's definitely unique when compared to other mods I've seen (even my own).

Honestly, I prefer to talk about endorsements, because a download is a good thing, but an endorsement (but also a positive comment) shows that people really my work. I can download something, but it might also suck.

One of the best things I'd like to know, is that people who downloaded my mod are really happy of having it installed. There's no doubt...I really like my project, but hearing happy people is a bigger satisfaction.


I started this topic because, since it's the only Redguard-themed house and since I really believe in it, my dream was for it to becoming popular, because I'm sure there are a lot of people playing with Redguards that are dreaming a Redguard-themed house, but most of them will never know it.

They will never know it because of three main motivations:

1) They think it's impossible to build a Redguard-themed house, so, they will never search for it

2) When my mod wasn't out, they searched a lot for Redguard-themed houses, and they resigned to continue to search for them

3) There are thousands of house mods, and my mod will probably fall into the depth (it will be more difficult to find it). The signature with the download link will be the only hope I will have.


In poor words: my dream was to realize one of the best dreams every Redguard player might have: a Redguard-themed house (maybe I'm wrong and it might not be one of their dreams, but that was only my opinion).

That's because I talked about popularity: popularity helps things to reach every person, and the word "every person" contains those dreamers I was talking about some seconds ago

Edited by DavideMitra
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They will never know it because of three main motivations:


Not quite correct. The reasons they will never search for your mod is:


1) it is a home mod. Making a home require very little skills, and is something anybody can do.

2) It's a house. The majority of people don't need a house. They got plenty allready.

3) A house is not going to be popular because there is little to it. A good magic-pack is popular because it gives houres of fun. A overhaul gives houres of fun and while you are having hours of fun, you want it to look better. You don't really care for that one house down the road, where you spend a few seconds.

4) You also themed it. People generally don't care about that sort of thing. They want either:

A) A heavily scripted home, with lots of functions. Such as sorting, teleporting, etc, etc.

B) A simple home. they put away the loot, they run out to fight monsters again.


What you have neglected to do, before making a popular mod, is doing research.

my dream was to realize one of the best dreams every Redguard player might have


Your dream is to make a home mod that you dream others will dream about. In essence.

You never checked if people wanted it, nor if people played it.


Doesn't matter if the mod is good or not. You have targeted the minority of the minority. Warriors play as Orcs or Nords. Mages as Bretons and High leves. Assassins as Wood Elves or the beast races. Who plays redguards? Not many.

After having pinpointed the smallest playerbase, you have then made a home. Something the minority cares about, requires the least amount of skill to do and does not solve a problem. Then you theme is specifically after Reguards, meaning you also pinpoint the RPers out there.


the mod might be good, and you have probably spent a lot of time in it. Be proud! For the love of god, be proud of your work! But you have targeted the smallest group of people, without being a "famous" (for the lack of a better word) modder, making the easiest kind of mod and doing it when the game has all but died out compared to how it was just a year ago.


You either do more research, or you get lucky. take the White Phial replacer earlier. A OK model at best, a rather bad texture, a single model, heavy polycount, using asset from Dawnguard DLC. It reached hot file, tripling any endorsement i ever got within a day. Simply because he/she "advertised" it by asking for help, showing progress then releasing it. It "teased" the community, making it known. Then under release it got enough endorsement to get hot files, making sure it doesn't dissapear any time soon.

If he/she released the mod without having said anything, it would be long gone by now, with a couple of endorsement at best.


Best of luck!

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House mods are among the most oversaturated categories on the site, which makes it inherently more difficult to stand out from the crowd. But just avoiding all the common player home tropes (ie placing every god damn architectural style in the same space) and having a simple, elegant themed home should be enough to attract a niche audience. Racial themed homes are an underexplored concept compared to all the extravagant mansions and castles we already have and that's more than enough to justify your mod.



You either do more research, or you get lucky. take the White Phial replacer earlier. A OK model at best, a rather bad texture, a single model, heavy polycount, using asset from Dawnguard DLC. It reached hot file, tripling any endorsement i ever got within a day.



It's not quite on this level, mind you.

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Regarding the reply that mentioned your signature picture looked like someone "getting high", yes, it directly relates to doing drugs. Most people in Britain and America see someone smoking a Hooka as smoking marijuana, since what we call a "bong" is used for that purpose, and has a similar appearance to a Hooka. So while your mod may attract the pot-heads thinking they will get a "smoking a bong" idle, they'll be disappointed if there is no such idle.


Secondly, your dream is not my dream, and you alienate people by saying things like "the dream home of every Real Redguard". This is viewed as an insult by many, including myself. It's a judgmental cliché` that alienates people. You were not given absolute power to decide what "real" anything wants or should have. No one was.


Third, not everyone who likes a mod and uses it presses the Endorse button, for whatever reason. They aren't, and should not be, required to do so. It would be considered courteous to do so, but to many people courtesy is a foreign concept.

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Ah well then if you did make it with people downloading it (endorsements, or even the hot files) in mind you can be disappointed by setting yourself up with expectations that might not be met (even if you did mod for yourself first). All I can say then is good luck, and remember that it will grow in time.

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You either do more research, or you get lucky. take the White Phial replacer earlier. A OK model at best, a rather bad texture, a single model, heavy polycount, using asset from Dawnguard DLC. It reached hot file, tripling any endorsement i ever got within a day. Simply because he/she "advertised" it by asking for help, showing progress then releasing it. It "teased" the community, making it known. Then under release it got enough endorsement to get hot files, making sure it doesn't dissapear any time soon.

If he/she released the mod without having said anything, it would be long gone by now, with a couple of endorsement at best.


That is a really smart strategy!




3) A house is not going to be popular because there is little to it. A good magic-pack is popular because it gives houres of fun. A overhaul gives houres of fun and while you are having hours of fun, you want it to look better. You don't really care for that one house down the road, where you spend a few seconds.

That's why I was sure my mod was destined to be something different to the eyes of the people: because I always roleplay. Being a roleplaying guy, I was sure that people will really care about an house mod.

But I was completely wrong, because most gamers prefer to not roleplay, and houses are only places where to hide your items, nothing more nothing less. It doesn't care if I built an unique house. Its purpose is onlt to store your items.



House mods are among the most oversaturated categories on the site, which makes it inherently more difficult to stand out from the crowd. Racial themed homes are an underexplored concept compared to all the extravagant mansions and castles we already have and that's more than enough to justify your mod.

Absolutely agree.



Regarding the reply that mentioned your signature picture looked like someone "getting high", yes, it directly relates to doing drugs. Most people in Britain and America see someone smoking a Hooka as smoking marijuana, since what we call a "bong" is used for that purpose, and has a similar appearance to a Hooka. So while your mod may attract the pot-heads thinking they will get a "smoking a bong" idle, they'll be disappointed if there is no such idle.

Oh...now I understand! I taught he was referring to me and not to the picture (I taught getting high was also a slang term that was meaning I was considering myself superior to the other people, because here in Italy - literally - an higher person is someone who thinks to be superior to the others).




Secondly, your dream is not my dream, and you alienate people by saying things like "the dream home of every Real Redguard". This is viewed as an insult by many, including myself. It's a judgmental cliché` that alienates people. You were not given absolute power to decide what "real" anything wants or should have. No one was.

I understand what you are meaning...

I only wrote "REAL Redguard" because I really believe in my mod, so, since I really like it, I dream that every Redguard will use it. It's like a merchant that says "My goods are the best". Of course they aren't, but he believes in his goods, and that's why he uses that strong phrase.



Ah well then if you did make it with people downloading it (endorsements, or even the hot files) in mind you can be disappointed by setting yourself up with expectations that might not be met (even if you did mod for yourself first). All I can say then is good luck, and remember that it will grow in time.

I hope it will grow. But, as they correctly told me, for several motivations it won't grow that much.


I agree with Matth85: The important thing is that I really like my mod. I'm proud of it and I will continue to use it without being sad about its popularity! :)



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Making mods shouldn't be about popularity but should be about passion. If you are passionate about your mod and hardworking then chances are others will appreciate and enjoy your efforts. That is what it's all about.

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Making mods shouldn't be about popularity but should be about passion. If you are passionate about your mod and hardworking then chances are others will appreciate and enjoy your efforts. That is what it's all about.

Yes, I made my mod with a lot of passion. Never had that passion for my other mods.

Popularity is always something more...but we agree, because passion comes always first

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First, I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting your mod to be popular or hoping for endorsements. Even if you are modding solely for yourself, it doesn't mean that you can't care about how the mod is perceived by the community if you decide to release it. Wanting to get a little bit of respect for what we do is just normal human behaviour.

One thing I did notice when I looked at your mod is the time of release, 10:54pm on a Sunday night. If that time is correct then I think your timing was bad and it cost you a lot of views and maybe a couple of hundred downloads.

I don’t have the statistics to back it up or anything, just going by my own personal experiences here. I always thought the optimal time to release would be early on a Saturday morning. We know that Nexus gets the most traffic on the weekends, and if your mod were on the front page during high traffic times then you should get more views, and views leads to downloads, and downloads leads to endorsements, and endorsements leads to more views and so on and so on.

You released it as the weekend was coming to an end. If that was the earliest it was ready for release then it might have been better to hold it back until the next weekend.

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