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Whats the most Challenging game of all time?


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Right now i think the hardest game of all time would be Fzero gx, its nearly impossible to get 100% completion.






Some gameplay


There isn't any HD video of it, I could probably make some, but i don't have a Camera, sigh.


One thing i noticed about he gc and the wii its in true 5.1 prologic, i was surprised to here all 5 channels working with the gc.

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id have to say mortal kombat trilogy on nintendo


pretty much any difficulty is ridiculously hard to win


i can beat everyone sooooo easily except when it comes to the tag team, motaro and shaokahn would probably have to be easier to fight


no matter what move or what you did the bots would just counter or know the right move to hit you with


i would knock them down and they would get up and own before i have even gotten up from my crouched position!


despite doing all the moves and doing the best you could the bots, would spam one kombat kick or punch that couldnt be countered


definetly a ridiculously hard game!

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The game is called xeno tactics. www.onlinegamesquad.com<-Try the game here

It's a little internet game with 6 missions. You have to defend one door with some robots. You can place them anywhere in the field. They shoot at aliens.

Those aliens just walk from the entrance to your gate and don't do anything else, just walk.

You have 20 lives an if one alien passes the door, you lose one life.

You can't win the game, even if you use cheats. It's impossible.

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I played IWBTG, and died 143 times before ending it. I wasn't impressed, personally. Not worth the trouble at all.


Super Putty for the NES. To this day, I still can't beat it.

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The worst and most challenging section in a game I've ever played was fighting that Jack guy for the first time, as a melee character in Fable. Just as I'd start doing damage he'd fly up again and I'd have to fight his damn minions all over again.


Sorry i had to laugh at that, fable is probably the easiest game to beat, its so overpowered, and easy to cheat on.


If you played you're cards right you could earn nearly all buy able weapons at the beginning of the game, save exploit.


Jack of blades was easy.




The second hardest game to beat i think is Metal gear solid 4, i couldn't finish the second last boss at the end there. The vampire guy whats his face, i can think of his name. You had to inject him with something.

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