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Bobby and his people gained access to the main dome just minutes before Custard did with his Moon Marines. They came bursting into a great dome chamber dotted with history and at the very centre of it was Apollo 11's Eagle Lunar Lander complete with an American flag of the old USA. A transparent dome covered it and the display was in vacuum. Other machinery stood in displays along with waxwork figures in spacesuits, in uniforms or, as civilians, in civilian clothing. It was a strange anticlimax to fight through so many savage obstacles only to confront a big peaceful scene covered lightly with dust. Nothing moved and the air was a little stale.


Bobby turned and looked at one machine that made no apparent sense. It stood there in front of a hulking above the others though it was in the background and yet it stood out to him far more than did the massive Moon to Mars Roboremote Hauler. It was a blue police box of early 20th Century Great Britain. Indeed it was a police telephone box with a telephone outside that could be used to temporarily hold trouble makers.


A police telephone box? No, he sensed it was far more than that.


He walked towards it and was followed by others. The newcomers spread out but not too far. Something was wrong! This was confirmed when the first skeletal remains were spotted of somebody who had dwelt in the museum. Then more remains along with a burned out security robot, a protectron. Which was when doors flew open in the dome wall and hatches flew open in the floor. Out came vomiting waxwork figures in a wide variety of costumes but mostly in basic dull dark copper jumpsuits with black boots. The one in copper jumpsuits fired pulselaser beams from their right hand pistol fingers and hurled energy balls that formed in the palms of their left hand while the others used a wide variety of weapons or just anything that came to hand. They ran beserker style but not with rage but with a bizarre calmness, an efficient running manner. As they raced at Bobby and his people the costumed cried out such war chants as 'Welcome to the musem', 'Have a nice visit' or "Buy a nice gift for yourself or others at the museum shop'.


The Moon Marines charged at this new, easily spotted enemy in their hulky bulky power armour and massacred them. A few marines fell, blasted or zapped, but their power armour was more than a match for the weaponry of the waxdroids.


Bobby reached out and touched the surviving waxdroids with his mind. The ones in costumes fell passively to the floor and were peacefully captured. The others kept fighting and they were destroyed. Something power and dark was inside them and Bobby could not influence them to stop.


As the last fighting waxdroid fell down, he went to the blue police box and knew it was a TARDIS even as he touched it. What was a TARDIS of the Timelords doing there? He wondered how he could open it but then, with a sharp click, the blue door opened and swung open for him. Inside was a great big chamber, far bigger inside than the blue police box was on the outside. Bobby went inside and found himself inside the Prime Control Chamber.


Lying on the deck was a beautiful middle aged looking woman in a tight green Tshirt, a pouch dotted belt, green multiple pocketed army trousers and black boots. But she was more than just sleeping or unconscious for she was surrounded by the blur of a very advanced status field.



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The adapted mining robot drilled through the last obstacle and back out of the way, twisting to one side even as Bobby peered through the big gap in the ancient fused rock wall that was much older than modern human civilization and also was there before the first North American Indians arrived in North America. Bobby wondered if it was a product of the Time Wars and decided that it could well be so. She stepped through in stealth power armour and found herself in a light green fog that disturbed her greatly for even through her power armour it seemed to be trying to suck away her life energies but it was weak and had little real effect.


"Fog of Undeath?" The first Clanhunter stepped through and aimed his weapon around. "I have never experienced it myself but know a few Clanhunters who have. Never in strength like this, before. Was it a product of the Time Wars?"


She shrugged. "Of the Time Wars and other factors interacting with each other, most likely. When the Duality Gods and the Timelords began their war, the Timelords for the right reasons to defend the Multiverse and the Duality Gods for the worst reason, to conquer and feed on it, the very time-space fabric was disrupted at a fundimental level."


The chamber was huge. It was unnaturally big for it was warped by local time-space distortions. It was almost organic in appearance and its surfaces were of a bizarre organic metallic appearance. Bright yellow-white lights were dimmed by the green horror fog, thinned as it was. The group fanned out being Brothers of Steel in bulkier standard power armour, Clanforcers and Clanhunters. All were naturally disturbed by the antinatural nature of the Fog.


Bobby walked over to a big glistening machine that seemed almost to grow out of one wall. She examined the symbols running down either side of a big mirror like screen. "Duality Gods grew this chamber with a kind of quasiliving metallic material. While most of their machines were basic service-support types, this one is not. It has multiple functions and many of them are dangerous, if not down right evil. The Duality Gods loved to experiment on mere mortals and even immortals if they could catch them. The so called Duality Gods were false gods, were quasiGods, and they were running out of immortality, their powers were slowly, steadily diminishing. So they declared war against the Multiverse and began invading through time-space to steal a solution for themselves from those who clearly did not wish to give it to them."


There were other machines that seemed to grow out of walls but they were all such as food-drink dispensers, life support mechanisms, work-stations and such like. The food-drink was dispensed as globs of slimy goo floating in thick semitransparent liquid, gobs and liquid coming in colour coded flavours. The irony was that though humans could not use it as nourishment, they could use it to turn into various surprisingly efficient products like fuel, plastic and fertiliser.


Bobby was still looking at the disturbing organic machine when the first attackers came as fast shambling zombies being tall, angular humanoids in raggedy metallic robes who glowed pale greenish light and who were eager to vamp life energies from the newcomers. Guns blazed and the first wave of zombies was blown away, destroyed dramatically as projectile and energy weapons flashed into them.



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Bobby and the others prepared for a big attack. They would be outnumbered, that was clear, but they were determined to protect the Nine Wonders. They would use the Wonders themselves, as they already had done, to help stop evil taking control of them.


Bobby did not like to use his special powers in any of the mortal domains or even special devices of power. Now, though, he took out a glowing, shimmering six sided dice with ever shifting and changing colours, symbols and other aspects to its nature. The he threw the dice into the air. It whirled and then stopped in mid air.


Two angels of the Blue Ice Realm, wings folded, in blue softly glowing blue elemental ice armour. Each was armed with a shield and sword, elemental energy defence and offensive power, along with more intrisic abilities.


Four shapeshifters of the weregoyle kind able to switch from humanoid to speciality flying, running, climbing, swimming, digging or general versions at need, they as lightly furry humanoids in simple leather and cloth gear.


Two silver guardian dragons perched with wings folded, powerful and three metres long. They were powerful and deadly, able to spit energy projectiles or flames or other weaponry.


Three copper guardian unicorns each with a copper coloured metallic guardian knight.


Two silver guardian gargoyles equipped with their own awsomely powerful bodies, claws, fangs and folded wings.


Then an elemental demigod, a living demigod as he was a living god of a special kind. She was a woman in appearance, elegantly tall and beautiful, in shimmering translucent armour and holding a large, exotic gun with multiple barrels and lens-barrels. She was a reflection of the humans that she was a guardian of.


Last of all were three lesser clones of Bobby himself. That is demigod clones of himself looking much like himself but wearing dull, dark silvery super power armour.


Bobby felt lightly drained. He drew the dice back to himself and slipped it away. Then he sat meditating on the floor to return regain energies of the psychic, of life, of demigodic forms. The newcomers quietly joined the ranks of the others there and prepared for trouble. The others were, of course, fortress elite guards in power armour, Clanhunters and Clanforcers, the latter two also being in power armour. Of course there were the various robots and special suited soldiers.



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There were two troop-hoverjets, two gun-hoverjets and a logistics-hoverjet, the last carrying extra equipment and supplies, that returned to Twinhigh carrying the freed captives and loot of the demonic Dadoreenme. Even as they landed the female Bobby that had chased Dadoreenme, leapt out of the leading gun-hoverjet and found herself looking at a settlement being improved, transformed, with surprising speed and energy. People seemed keen to wipe away the stupidity and evil of the past, to brighten, to repair, to upgrade, to augment. People who were not welcome before, were streaming. Slaves were freed. Regulators in dust jackets moved openly. Brothers of Steel strode along in power armour.


She walked amongst the people, followed by a handful of Clanforcers and Clanhunters, and paused occasionally to chat with somebody. The people of Twinhigh were far from stupid and knew that the danger was not over but now they felt they had a far greater chance to survive, to fight back, to live the good life.


After taking a working elevator to the top of one of the big towers, she stood on top of it and quietly observed the settlement and beyond. There was violence out there, this was the DC Wastelands, but it was scattered well known violence. Something darker, something more organised was coming and she was concerned. What she did know was it was linked to the zombies down in the ancient chambers hidden beneath the tower that she was standing on.



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The violence in the Moon Landing Museum in the Captain Cosmos reality ceased as all the remaining, more aggressive, security systems were deactivated by Bobby but he kept the more passive ones active and began repairs or replacements being done on damaged or destroyed turrets and robots. He sensed another threat was coming to that place. He placed the Timelord into an advanced medical system in the TARDIS that he had found.


The attack on the Chamber of Nine Wonders never came as reinforcements came rushing in from outside. The Warlord came first and kept his promise.


In Twinhigh Bobby oversaw the rebuilding and changes to the settlement. Beneath one of the great towers, in the ancient chambers that were somehow in an artificial island created long after the chambers were, Bobby and her people destroyed the last of the cursed undead there. She began the investigating of the strange complex and was soon to learn how it came to be inside the artificial island of DC.


The Darknio made no more attacks on the NexiSanctuary but reports from both the Greynio and the Lightnio indicated that they were building up forces to attack across the boundary again, a boundary that was supposed to be impregnable. There was one single report, vague and almost cryptic, that spoke of a dark presence supporting the Darknio in various ways including opening up the boundaries to other zones and resources of many kinds.


The phantom-eye Bobby kept roving across the Jagged Highlands as the Clanways began going through a much needed time of reformation.



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The three Secret Wonders were gone, were stolen. They were powerful, dangerous machines and there was no real clue to who or what had taken them.


There had been the RTE, one of a few created, a Randomised Tranformational Exchanger.


There had been the Androider.


There had also been the Fictionator.


Bobby had used the last before entering the alterative but distorted reality of Captain Cosmos but Bobby had not expected the wonder machines to be stolen. Bobby had feared their exploitation but how could one steal such massive and intricate devices?


Bobby was now deeply concerned.



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One had to make a massive artificial floating island from something so great areas of ground were heaved up by amazingly huge robots and other trickeries to be sent to the place of fabrication. Over a million people died in the creation of the new DC but there were over ten billion people in the world, mainly in the sprawling super-cities of the NeoSoviets that included China and the whole Indian Subcontinent so who cared? Or so reasoned the Mad President but many did care.


The monster robots found some strange, secret places and other things hidden deep beneath the surface of the USA. The ancient temple was one of them. Enclosed in a special way, it was dug up and reburied beneath Twinhigh. The Mad President himself went there only once and then he had it sealed off and all data-records of it destroyed. Not much frightened the great mad man but that did the trick.


So the ancient temple that had once been buried deep beneath somewhere in Virginia, was now in the great DC Island.


Bobby moved from disturbing machine to disturbing machine. As she did she spoke to two armoured figures who followed her. "The Duality Gods grew this quasiliving place, this sorcery science workshop laboratory, to research and develop a new immortality serum. The actual work was done by so called Duality Demigods and their followers, the Duality Daedra, also known simply as the daedra. Volunteers drank the serum, died and became undead zombies. The zombies attacked other Duality Demigods and Duality Daedra. The Duality Gods sealed up the complex, concerned only for themselves, and left those in the temple complex to die a horrific death and then have their souls trapped in limbo thanks to the undeath. It should have been the end of it but the US President took something very dangerous from this place. It was something that should have been destroyed instead."


After a pause she spoke again. "We will destroy this place. I know what the Mad President took. Prepare everybody to abandon the complex."


But at that moment the whole complex exploded, disintegrating as the quasiliving energy source itself was cleverly manipulated by a very well hidden device to turn into a mighty bomb.


Twinhigh shook but thankfully there was no death and no major or otherwise critical damage to the settlement.


But one aspect of Bobby perished and with her too many Clanforcers, Clanhunters and others.



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