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When a new enemy began attacking the Moon Landing Museum in force, causing the whole building to shake and even large, heavy things to sometimes fall over, Bobby knew that he and the others with him were outgunned and outnumbered. He knew it because he used his mindeye to vision great hulking battlemecha striding towards the dome of the museum and thousands of soldiers in power armour charging towards it. With them came monstrous robotic battletanks and floating globe shaped battledroids. Through the misty moon atmosphere flew vertibirds unleashing volleys of mininuke-missiles and 40mm gattling-cannon barrages. They bore the emblems of CHAOTICA, one of the major enemies of Captain Cosmos and the Earth.


Marshal Custard and his Moon Marines were not fools. They happily went into the TARDIS and into the chambers set aside for them and which Bobby sealed off so the heroic fools would not get lost inside the vast eternal internality of the TARDIS or cause trouble by interfering with something they should not touch. Of cours Bobby went in as well as did his followers, robots, androids and anything that could be taken.


Cleveryly, Bobby projected a time alteration field from the TARDIS into the big dome chamber so that everything in it went faster, time wise, than outside. This gave everybody time enough not only to escape but to take as much stuff from the museum as they could carry. Historical stuff was taken but also security hardware, stuff from the tourist shops and anything else that might assist in the future mission or which Bobby did not wish to see destroyed. Most stuff, though, could not be taken even much historically valuable material.


Bobby sealed the TARDIS exterior door, deactivated the time alteration field and the Timelords' amazing machine vanished with a strange humming, thrumming noise.



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The TARDIS arrived, materialised, in a small green clearing in a small well tended walled off garden in a large roman imperial medieval style city in a large land called Cyrodiil that was part of a super continent named Tamriel that was on a world called both Nirn and Mundus. Bobby and the triplets were the first to step out into the clean, cool air of the countryside styled garden, the female triplets being in truth the Eternal Champion, or at least aspects of that one.


It was night time and one could see the two moons clearly in the sky.


Others came out of the TARDIS but not Captain Custard or his Moon Marines for the local world of magic, swords, castles and such like was not quite ready for such. As it was Bobby wore local type stuff as did his grand-daughter and future wife to be. For the moment Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson, Sniffers, Captain Cosmos, Cosmos Girl and the moon monkey also staid in the TARDIS but they were making preperations to enter Kvatch.


The others were three clone guards generated by the TARDIS itself and linked to the TARDIS-Mind. They wore local type garbs, magical armour and had magical swords, shields and crossbows over their backs. The crossbows generated magical energy arrows.


Bobby and the Eternal Champion both sensed coming danger to the city. With purses full of small gems and silver finger-ingots, with magical devices and some good quality blades, the four of them began to look around the garden.


They were soon to run into trouble.



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The TARDIS arrived, materialised, in a small green clearing in a small well tended walled off garden in a large roman imperial medieval style city in a large land called Cyrodiil that was part of a super continent named Tamriel that was on a world called both Nirn and Mundus. Bobby and the triplets were the first to step out into the clean, cool air of the countryside styled garden, the female triplets being in truth the Eternal Champion, or at least aspects of that one.


It was night time and one could see the two moons clearly in the sky.


Others came out of the TARDIS but not Captain Custard or his Moon Marines for the local world of magic, swords, castles and such like was not quite ready for such. As it was Bobby wore local type stuff as did his grand-daughter and future wife to be. For the moment Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson, Sniffers, Captain Cosmos, Cosmos Girl and the moon monkey also staid in the TARDIS but they were making preperations to enter Kvatch.


The others were three clone guards generated by the TARDIS itself and linked to the TARDIS-Mind. They wore local type garbs, magical armour and had magical swords, shields and crossbows over their backs. The crossbows generated magical energy arrows.


Bobby and the Eternal Champion both sensed coming danger to the city. With purses full of small gems and silver finger-ingots, with magical devices and some good quality blades, the four of them began to look around the garden.


They were soon to run into trouble.




Brilliant, from wasteland to paradise, I think. So what is this TARDIS, a time machine, transporter, sorry haven't read the story too much.

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Thank you, Keanumoreira, for the feedback. :thumbsup:


A TARDIS from the program Doctor Who is a Time Lords' machine that is bigger inside than outside, travels through time and space and which, in theory, can change outer appearance only the Doctor's TARDIS has become stuck looking like a British blue police telephone box from the early 20th Century. TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space :geek:


I am glad I got the chance to send Bobby to Tamriel in a way that makes more sense to the story. :yes:

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Thank you, Keanumoreira, for the feedback. :thumbsup:


A TARDIS from the program Doctor Who is a Time Lords' machine that is bigger inside than outside, travels through time and space and which, in theory, can change outer appearance only the Doctor's TARDIS has become stuck looking like a British blue police telephone box from the early 20th Century. TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space :geek:


I am glad I got the chance to send Bobby to Tamriel in a way that makes more sense to the story. :yes:


I gotta get me one of those, then I can pull up all the dresses of those girls who mocked me. :devil: This doesn't leave this thread. :ninja:

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Bobby led the triplets through the gardens until they came to a body lying on a flagstone footpath. The soldier clearly was a member of the Duke's Guard, his elite bodyguard who watched over him and his family. The guard's weapons were gone but nothing else, including his purse of silver coins, indicating it was not a robbery. Still the magical weapons were worth much more than a few silver coins and yet the four newcomers agreed this was no mere robbery. All were now sensing evil and more than that, daedric magic at work of the darkest kind.


Kvatch was a big city and considered by most in the Empire to be the second most important city. The first was of course the Imperial City itself. But Kvatch also had some dark secrets, a dark history. Some said that an ancient Ayleid city was buried beneath it while a few stated it was not a city as such but an underground mixture of temple and laboratory-workshop of ancient magical technologies. They spoke of it as being a temple dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon himself.


It could easily be the sort of place that Bobby needed to go to in order to find what he was seeking.


An owl soared through the air and then something came out into the open before them, a magical entity but friendly enough. Ironically it was lesser daedric but from the little known (in Tamriel) Goddess Shivataria, a goddess who long ago became estranged from the other daedric deities and an enemy of Mehrunes Dagon. It was a gloomp, a hairy creature of friendly disposition in curious scaled leather armour carrying a weapon like a crossbow but with a lens and no visible bolts. Such gloomps were quite deadly but they were on the lighter side of daedra and only served Shivataria.


The gloomp bowed briefly and spoke common daedric in an oddly squaky voice. "You were expected. Kvatch is to be invaded tomorrow night by a massive daedric army pouring out of one great Oblivion Gate and many smaller ones. From the big one will come a mighty machine that will smash through the walls of Kvatch as if they are made of paper and not that magical paper either that might stop it just normal type paper. Okay, so we cleared that up. Mehrunes Dagon is sending a great army but behind him, hidden int he shadows, is an even more ancient and more evil force. Mehrunes Dagon is a fool, though a cunning one, and is being manipulated. He wants to conquer Tamriel but the dark entity wishes access to the hidden place deep below this city as created by the foolish arrogant Ayleids. The secret Order of Twilight Guardians protects the ancient place from intruders but they would be dealt a savage blow if Kvatch was raised to the ground and their magical barriers around that ancient place would most likely be broken."


It made too much sense. Bobby took a nice fresh carrot, a block of lightly stale cheddar cheese and a fresh dead mouse out of a pouch, or it seemed that way, and chucked them lightly to the gloomp as a 'tip'. The gloomp grinned happily, grabbed the items and vanished.


The four moved on through the garden.



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A new woman Bobby emerged in the Jagged Highlands in a great forest valley where Clansfolk seldom went. The forest was strange and twisted, was a place of dangerous psychic spiritual happenings and entities, was a place where even heavily protected convoys could too easily vanish.


It was said that vanished children there became cursed of darkest nature and for ever hunted for the horned one, a great male deer with huge antlers that would for ever elude the hunters. But this tale was not the real truth. Closer to the truth was another tale. The cursed 'children' were a people who chose eternal childhood and gained it through evil means. They had dwelt in the forest that they cultivated and shaped. Then they were punished by the Light and the forest became the prison of these eternally evil children.


The real truth was that the eternal children were the result of dark experiments and the horned one was the secret of true death that these self cursed fools for ever sought.


She was dressed in green stealth power armour and with her came a dozen companions of Clanforcers also in stealth power armour along with drifiting orb shaped robots of various kinds carrying equipment and supplies, being guards or just helping to keep a track of what was happening around them. The forests were of a mutated weirdness and caused trouble for such as scanners and sensors. Motion-detectors were switched off for they never quite showed what was really going on and some times went crazy for no good reason.


They followed a winding dirt track, sometimes barely visible, and there were odd sounds, smells and sometimes flashes of movement. Bobby was after the 'horned one' for she figured that this was another key to finding out what the Darkness was up to and how to defeat it.



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Bobby in the chamber of Nine Wonders knew they were dangerous though in truth, as only relatively few knew, they were but copies.


Liberty Prime stood proud and strong, now mostly restored to its original fighting power with more repairs and even upgrades being done. It had a team to care for it.


The three specialised suits of super power armour, each specialised for amphibious, aerial or ground operations, were fully ready for use and each had a warrior waiting ready and able to use it. Each also had a tech and a medic as a triteam.


Robbie the Robot was good as new, a wonder of genius made solid, was busy materialising valuable goods for the people there. It also had a team in service support of it but a second team was dealing with the materialised goods.


As for the Duplicator, it was being used to duplicate a whole flow of valuable items for use, including small robots. The team was caring for it while another team ran it.


The three Grand Guns, the Solargun and the Lifegun and the Mistgun, each had a team of three dedicated to caring for it and using it if there was the need. Each had its triteam of gunner, tech and medic.


But even as the Nine Wonders were prepared for removal, were taken to an exit area along with other stuff that had been recorded there, Bobby noted something odd about the floor that had been hidden by the Wonders themselves. Odd patterns cleverly blended in with what might be easily seen as elaborate and beautiful decorative stonework. Yet there was more to it than that. Bobby began to go through the process of trying to find a pattern and he soon found one, a very intricate and very cleverly designed coded message.


He set out to solve the code even as the Nine Wonders were sent to a large tabletop mountain, relatively low and very wide, where waited a moderately sized but powerful elite army to carry out another purpose with Bobby at the lead. Now though he knew the army would have to wait and with a dozen Clanforcers plus androids and robots around him, he continued the new task.



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Bobby #1 (man) was in the city of Kvatch in the Cyrodilin Empire on the super continent of Tamriel.


Bobby #2 (man) was still in NexiSanctuary trying to help protect it from Darknio invaders.


Bobby #3 (woman) was beneath Twinhigh was destroyed but then renewed, she appeared in a strange forest in the Jagged Highlands.


Bobby #4 (woman) was in Twinhigh but planning to set out for the city of Arefu, a city built largely on, in and under a huge highway bridge crossing a great river.


Bobby #5 (man) was back in the big fortress at the top of a valley where he was seeking the way to find the truth of there being Thirteen and not just Nine Wonders.


Bobby #6 (phantom-eye) kept roving over the Jagged Highlands but now was roving further southwards in its sweeps.


Bobby #7 (woman) arose close to the DC Citadel.


Bobby #8 (robot) arose deep beneath the National Mall.


Bobby #9 (???) arose ???

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