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Bobby, the woman, aimed her quadgun and crouched in her power armour as the super-mutants charged across the broken grounds towards the Brothers of Steel, Knights in power armour with big guns and thick armour along with fewer Paladins in power mecha with even bigger guns and thicker armour. She and her Clanforcers had not announced themselves to the Brotherhood troopers, had not had time to do so. Now they opened up with the devastating power of quadguns unleashing pulses of elemental power be they lightening, flame-blast, disintegration and kinetic-striker, the last impacting like 20mm armour piercing shells.


Caught by surprise, at an angle and by the Clanforcers' amazing accuracy, the huge hulking behemoths were the first to fall. The Paladins opened up with 30mm and 40mm autoguns, with 40mm grenadeguns and 75mm recoiless-rifles held on their shoulders. The Knights opened up with 20mm autoguns, 10mm miniguns, pulselasers and shortlong missile launchers. Devastating firepower blew apart, knocked down the rushing massemoths, the strange zentaur monsters, massacring them. The smaller but still large biggemoths were also there in large numbers carrying more standard sized weapons but the massemoths carried flamers, miniguns or hand-cannons. As for the behemoths, they were brawn and little thought, lumbering along with great single shot cannon-clube that they fired once before using them as clubs.


They were in sight of the DC Citiadel that was once the New Pentagon, a massive pentagon shaped fortified structure that, like an iceburg, was even vaster underground as it plunged right down into it. The Brotherhood of Steel had taken it over, or at least the top twenty or so huge levels, with their sublevels, with some difficulty. Then they had sealed it off, fortified it, fixed it up as much as possible and made allies with some of those who had dwelt there before they came along. It was meant to be their main base of operations for assisting Wastelanders, for gaining technologies, for maintaining their forces and for other purposes and that it became. But months after the Brotherhood of Steel began to fully operate from it, a massive army of super-mutants struck at the great fortress. They had been under siege since.


Long range autocannons opened up from the fortress, them and autohowitzers, dropping shells amongst the super-mutants that were ripped apart and knocked down by the huge explosions. The super-mutants were being shredded, massacred and then they were retreating. They were doing so in a fairly orderly fashion, controlled by the their hidden master who seemed to direct them through some mysterious psychic means.


The Brotherhood of Steel force, led by Sarah Lyons, turned and greeted Bobby as she came forward with her twenty-five Clanforcers. There were one hundred and eighteen Knights and twenty-one Paladins in the fortified positions but they were exhausted, a few of them were wounded and they were running short of ammo, rations and other supplies. Much of their equipment was also well used and much repaired. In contrast the super-mutants seemed to have a plentiful supply of new equipment and other resources.


The two women met and faced each other.



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Bobby and his three companions, three aspects of the Eternal Champion, moved further through the gardens until they came upon two more dead guards and a gardener, all heaped up under a bush in a hurried attempt to conceal them. It was not longer later that they sensed the first prowling group of Mythic Dawn dressed in red hooded robes and odd black-red headbands that allowed them to transform into Mythic Warriors, complete with daedric type magical weapons and armour of a special kind.


The headbands gave them other tricks but were treacherous to the hosts in ways that the Mythic Dawn fools did not know; they were the slow steady drainage of life energies that reduced their life spans, the exposure of their minds to Mehrunes Dagon and their exposure to horrible pain or even death if Mehrunes Dagon decided to do such to them. The worst was if the Mythic Bands drew all the life energies from them, if they died in this fashion, they would become powerful zombies and their souls would be trapped in limbo until the headbands or zombies or both were destroyed. Somehow the current covens and orders of the Mythic Dawn did not seem to know of these curses.


Three Mythic Dawn killers stumbled through the undergrowth, devoted followers but not trained well in the art of stealthy killing, at least not in a garden setting with twigs to snap, stones to knock and other such noisy disturbances to be made. Bobby slipped up closer, behind them, slipped out three throwing knives and then the Mythic Dawn Followers were falling dead to the ground but with odd slowness, slowed by his magic.


He knelt next to the three and examined the two young attractive women and one man. He then looked up at the three women with an expression of questioning on his face. "Unless the Cyrodilin Empire of this world has invented silicon implants for breasts, modern alloy fillings for teeth and laser tattooing, then I would say these three come from another world, a world much more like that of the DC Island than this one." Then he drew out a weapon that was no less than a power semiautomatic pistol of a type known as a Desert Eagle that fired .44 Magnum bullets. Its magazine was full except for the one bullet in the breach. "Of course this indicates they are from a world less advanced than that one with the DC Island."


Lisa’Tiae the wizard, Shia’Tiae the Swordmaiden and Kiao’Tiae the Antiassassin crouched there, clearly more at home and comfortable in Cyrodiil of Tamriel of Mundus than they had been on other worlds; at least it was clear to Bobby, their father (not a straight forward explanation). Certainly their powers were blossoming more there, a place where their primary forms of magic were strongest reinforced.


Lisa'Tiae cast a spell over the bodies, a glowing field, and exotic symbols appeared, flashing and flickering, in the air. She nodded after a short while. "The world they come from is one called Terra of 2000AD, a world with many problems, much conflict but with prosperity in places and fairly advanced technologies. The Mythic Dawn there is growing steadily in many ways, often pretending to be a Satanic Cult, and uses their daedric powers that are altered in some ways in that universe, sometimes in most bizzare ways."


Bobby nodded. It made sense enough. If one gateway between Alternates could be opened, why not others.


He suddenly sensed something far more dangerous than these fools coming towards them as did the triplets.



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Bobby was not really a robot, at least not a normal robot, but he was an eyebot in shapeform for now moving in a cluster of eyebots below the National Mall of Washington DC. The National Mall had become a savage battle zone, above and below, between the super-mutant armies and their enemies the Brotherhood of Steel plus allies. The fighting was savage above, was more concentrated there, but below in the maze of tunnels and chambers, subways and sewers, basement levels and bunkers, the fighting was far more scattered. Zhouls and feral ghouls were another hazard along with gangers, raiders and bandits. Rogue robots did not help, be they US ones or enemy infiltrator attack machines.


Bobby and the other fake eyebots were searching for something special, for the very same thing that super-mutants seemed to be hunting for down there below the National Mall. They flew low over muddied pools, cracked concrete and long dead zhouls with claws, fangs and spine-spikes. Then there were feral ghouls, ghoulified humans gone savage, as savage as the berserk raiders who invaded from the west, from the Virginian Wastelands. Bandits were simply organised Wastelander thugs but the history, the tradition, of the gangers went right back to Prewar DC Gangs of the 2070s up to 2077.


Radroaches scuttled along the wide, high ceilinged utility tunnel and up ahead of them the tunnel was in better condition thanks to a transparent emergency barrier that had fallen down into place. On the other side of the transparent barrier was a surprise, being two soldiers in dull white gold power armour quite different from that of the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave or any other known forces. Then Bobby the Robot noted the symbols on the power armoured troopers and was surprised but pleased. Knights Templar were its enemies. These two held tririfles each with a 20mm autogun, a pulselaser and a minimissile launcher. They were more advanced, but not hugely more advanced, in technologies than were the Brotherhood of Steel.


Bobby prepared to make contact but then something warned it not to do so.


The two Knights Templar were dead inside their armour. Some force had frozen their power armour into place. They had been there at least a year. Bobby went now to investigate but as it did so it began to sense background danger, elusive and alien but most deadly.



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Bobby in the chamber that had held the Nine Wonders, he finally opened the floor up and a great opening irised open to expose a big spiraling rampway going downwards. He went downwards on the rampway, along with others, until he came into a great chamber that was a copy of the one above. It was fairly well lit, the air was only slightly stale and a light layer of dust covered everything. He walked across the great floor to the large three Wonders that were fairly close to each other on the western side of the chamber.


One was a big grey dome with three big slanted curved coffin shaped devices complete with translucent lids. It was a Transmutator and it could convert humans or a variety of other humanoids into certain kinds of mutants according to programming.


Another was a globe fused down partly into an upright cylinder with a big translucent cylinder in front. This created brainbots of varied kinds with cloned human like brains, creating cyborgs. This was a Brainbotter.


The last was a triple set of translucent upright cylinders in front of three cubes fused almost into one. This was a cloner able to clone from a human not just standard humans but a variety of human subspecies. The was a Varicloner.


But something was wrong. He came to a halt and signalled the Clanforcers and robots behind him to caution. He stepped back and then the walls shimmered, sparkled, and the illusion was gone. The Three Wonders were gone but dozens of super-mutants were there, rushing at Bobby and those with him, screaming in naked rage for they had no armour or arms. They came with blind hatred.


Bobby suddenly laughed and taking out a silver sphere, he threw it into the air. It flashed and filled the great chamber with shiny silver light for just an instant. The super-mutants all at once collasped writhing to the floor and after a moment were still but they were unhurt, were only deeply asleep.


He spoke to his companions. "It is about time we had some of these super-mutants on our side for once. Now, let's get busy, shall we. I need this lot taken upramp to the chamber there. For now I need to find where the real three Wonders are for those were just very clever solid projections."


The Clanforcers and robots got to work while he approached the walls and began to examine them with his senses and a small number of special devices.



Edited by Maharg67
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Bobby #1 (man) was in the city of Kvatch in the Cyrodilin Empire on the super continent of Tamriel.


Bobby #2 (man) was still in NexiSanctuary trying to help protect it from Darknio invaders.


Bobby #3 (woman) was beneath Twinhigh was in a strange, cursed forest in the Jagged Highlands.


Bobby #4 (woman) set out for the city of Arefu, a city built largely on, in and under a huge highway bridge crossing a great river.


Bobby #5 (man) had found three false wonders that had vanished but now he was seeking the three real ones.


Bobby #6 (phantom-eye) kept roving over the Jagged Highlands but now was roving further southwards in its sweeps.


Bobby #7 (woman) arose close to the DC Citadel where she joined the Brotherhood of Steel in its fight against an army of super-mutants.


Bobby #8 (robot) arose deep beneath the National Mall disguised as an eyebot with other false eyebots.


Bobby #9 (???) arose ???

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