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Forced windowed mode/not saving correctly


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Hi all,

Firstly I'll inform everyone that I've googled extensively on this problem and have tried ALL of the offered solutions like editing "SkyrimPrefs", clean installing, updating drivers etc etc, my game still refuses to play in full screen (options go back to windowed automatically) and after verifying game cache steam is not creating the "User/MyDocuments/MyGames/Skyrim folder (I've yet to find where it is saving).


I've seen other threads here and elsewhere reporting the exact same problem across multiple builds but all the threads have died without a solution, so I'm not expecting an easy fix for this.


What I'm wondering is if I was to do a complete Win 7 re-install (back to factory) could that fix the issue? Or maybe even making a new Steam account and buying another key? Has anyone tried the above for whatever reason and had Win 7 or Steam retain their old settings?


I've been playing Skyrim for over 2 years with various mods/skse versions etc and I haven't changed any of my PC components or programs. This just happened after my latest clean install, I've done it 3 times previously without issue so I'm at a loss as to what could've caused it.


Thanks in advance for any help or ideas!


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Did you just seriously say you would make a new steam account, reinstall windows 7, and buy a new skyrim, just for this one game --__-- Someones a fan of skyrim.



NEVER Absolutely never make a new steam account just because 1 game is being a jerk. Steam is not the problem, not sure about windows, the copy of the game might me, first of all, launch skyrim through steam go options/settings and on the bottom left select/deselect "window mode" if that doesn't work delete all your skyrim files and re download it through steam, ORRRR, launch skyrim through steam, and go to options and then Resolution and change it to whatever works.








Deleting the skyrim files is an last resort!




One of those should work.



Edited by IceDolphin
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Thanks for the reply and yeah I said it! :laugh:


I bought my gaming PC for 3 reasons, Skyrim with mods and hardcore racing sims/better wheel support. I have a pretty fast internet connection so re downloading the racers I could do in a day and Skyrim without mods I could do on my 360, but after playing it with mods I'll think you'll understand that is not an option.


Short of buying a new PC, I'll do whatever to get back to a full res and modded Skyrim. I've already tried your suggestions btw, it doesn't keep the settings and just reverts back to windowed.

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I also have a similar problem (don't wanna hijack the thread or anything but it's not worth making a new one): my Skyrim (which I just freshly installed) starts up in a really tiny window on the top left corner of my screen. I went through the .ini files, and tried changing it through the regular launcher to different combinations of sizes and fullscreen/windowed mode but nothing works!!


I also tried the OneTweak mod but all that does is (badly) resize my game to fit the screen as if taking a bad .jpeg and stretching it in MS Paint while the window still only lets me see that small top-left section. Another mod I used to fix my window is "Windowed Mode Relocator" which doesn't work and only fills the rest of the screen with a black space while Skyrim stays tiny. Skyrim has been fine since I got it some time last year until I did this fresh install, which I switched from NMM to Mod Organizer and BOSS/LOOT which means I have to run Skyrim through SKSE via Mod Organizer (my mods don't work any other way). I think that's the problem but I refuse to switch back to NMM or not use mods.

Right now, Skyrim is unplayable because it's too small to click things and read text properly (it's a hit and miss with clicking).

What should I do if even changing the .ini file doesn't work!?


I have Windows 8.1 (._.) on a laptop (which handles vanilla Skyrim 100% fine).

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Alright I feel like a bit of a goon but seeing as though I didn't find a solution through google and dozens of different threads for this issue I think I still have a little dignity intact...atleast that's what I'll tell myself.


gzac95, you can take some of the credit for this...I think I found a work around! I had to retrieve ini files for a mate last year for Xpand Rally of all games (from a defunct Windows 7 glitched account) and your mentioning of the ini's gave me the idea to uninstall Skyrim again, create a new user account reinstall from the new one and see what happened. Sure enough on opening options, the fullscreen settings came back!


I spent 4 hours yesterday trying all the fixes I could find/think of so my brain is in no mood to test the install for a few more hours to make sure it remains stable but I'll do it tomorrow and report back if it starts schizting out again for maybe the small few who've experienced this problem and not found a fix.


Fingers crossed!

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