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Favorite Movies?


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Holy Thread Necromancy Batman! 7 years has got to be a record!


Anyhoo, (in no particular order)


I heart Huckabees

What the Bleep

Kill Bill 1&2

Priates Of The Carribean 1-3

LOTR trilogy

FF7 Advent Children

Shaun of the Dead

Any of the Austin Powers movies


And I'm sure there's others that I've forgotten!

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Star Wars Original trilogy now on DvD woot :thumbsup: ..


:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: well i cant think of them all, i have at least 100 of them

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Did somebody say necromancy? *strokes Aquila Imperialus carved into the side of revolver with a twitchy trigger finger*


My favorites have to be, by genre:


Horror: Sunshine: An odd little, rather short, rather sketchy, but absolutely visualy superb french film, Sunshine never explains it's backstory properly, it doesnt even bother with in depth character, it's just a short, simple film with a short, simple, deeply distrubing storyline about a man gone mad.


Comedy: I've seen a few that qualify, but none are quite so qulaified as this, for me it's one of the greatest, funniest, most deliberately rubbish movies ever made: Army Of Darkness(1988) It's a truly hilarious film, just rent it and watch it K? and bring your family, it's so funny you'l split your sides. Virtualy every zombie joke ever stems from this gloriously ridiculous movie. Shotguns, Zombies, The cheesiest one liners since Chuck Norris, oh, and did I mention, it's got chainsaws, the best movie chainsaw ever(double bladed megasaw)


Serious real-world: Catch 22: Nuff Said. Instant complete and total classic, one to watch, no matter who you are.


Anime: Transformers: G1, for me it's the undisputed monarch of anime. G-1 oringinaly inspired me to start drawing anime myself aged 11, I got good at it, but got drawn more and more into story, eventualy I moved on into modding, then full time authorship. I never stopped loving this oddball genre though, TransFormers is a true classic, and G-1 was some of it's best series'es.


Epic: perhaps soon to be taken over by Ultramarine(Im a HUGE WH40K fanboy) But until Space Marines finaly take their unmatched awesomeness to the big screen, I'll say LOTR.


And as for Army Of Darkness, I really mean that, watch it, almost every video store has a copy, and nobody should miss this one, it's more fun than a barrel of zombies.

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Well, here are a few I can think of, in no particular order:


1. Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.


2. Hogfather


3. The Lives of Others (IMDB Link)

Why: Ulrich Mühe's character, Wiesler


4. Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail


5. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (Best swordfight in all the movies, including the new ones)


6. Repo! The Genetic Opera.


7. Any movie when accompanied by Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary or Rifftrax


8. Howl's Moving Castle (One of the few anime movies I enjoy)


9. Murder on the Orient Express (Any variation)


10. Army of Darkness (Raimi at his Harryheusen-loving best)


There are more, I'm sure.


To Kill a Mockingbird would also be on this list, except for the fact that I had to watch it almost 12 times during school, which sort of ruins the experience.


Similarly with Schindler's List, it's an excellent movie, but one you don't really feel a desire to experience again.

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thread necromancy wow lol this is old


all the original Star Wars movies

Highlander :whistling:



original Rambo

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

Vampire Hunter D


I'm pretty limited on movies, I don't like very many at all....I have more that I like, just can't think right now lol...still sucking down the coffee ;)

Edited by Illiad86
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Well, here are a few I can think of, in no particular order:


1. Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.


2. Hogfather


3. The Lives of Others (IMDB Link)

Why: Ulrich Mühe's character, Wiesler


4. Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail


5. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back (Best swordfight in all the movies, including the new ones)


6. Repo! The Genetic Opera.


7. Any movie when accompanied by Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary or Rifftrax


8. Howl's Moving Castle (One of the few anime movies I enjoy)


9. Murder on the Orient Express (Any variation)


10. Army of Darkness (Raimi at his Harryheusen-loving best)


There are more, I'm sure.


To Kill a Mockingbird would also be on this list, except for the fact that I had to watch it almost 12 times during school, which sort of ruins the experience.


Similarly with Schindler's List, it's an excellent movie, but one you don't really feel a desire to experience again. - I have to agree with you there, Z. There were a couple on my list, including this one, that were of that ilk. Once was enough. But they were excellent films on important subjects, handled well. So I put them on my list. As for To Kill a Mockingbird, it was my favorite book of all time, and one of the few times I thought the film did the book justice. I'm so sorry school had to ruin it for you. It really is a wonderful film. I try not to watch it too often for just that reason. You have a couple of others on your list that were not on mine but that I also loved. The Agatha Christie and the Monty Python, Dr. Stranglove and Starwars in particular. Based on that, I may have to check out a couple of your other picks. Sounds like we may have similar tastes in films. Please do me a favor, and send me a PM and tell me what others you like. I'm always trying to find new movies to watch.

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