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Is it possible to change the default time format?


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Is the time format hardcoded in the game or is there any way to change it? I am european, and find this to be humongous pain in the ass. Not just the ingame clock, but the damn time showing on savegames. I just can't get my mind around it, and just looking at the numbers I have no idea whether it means noon or midnight.

have no idea what was Bethesda thinking when they made it like this, but it's extremely annoying.

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You mean the numbers directly under the save and above the actual In-Game Time of Day?


That's Total Play Time for the current Save Profile/Character you're using. It is displayed in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, so 048.13.15 means you've played 48 Hours, 13 Minutes, and 15 Seconds as that character. Real-Life Time, not Game-Time. My current playthrough shows 048.13.15 on the last save, but 11 Days have passed in the game.

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Do you mean the 24 hour clock? I don't know about how changing the timestamp format on save games, but you can get a twelve hour clock as an extra, togglable HUD element in-game using A Matter of Time.

Uh, you really think an european person would ask how to turn time format into 12 hour one? Besides, the game uses 12 hour format by default, so your post doesn't make any sense.


You mean the numbers directly under the save and above the actual In-Game Time of Day?


That's Total Play Time for the current Save Profile/Character you're using. It is displayed in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, so 048.13.15 means you've played 48 Hours, 13 Minutes, and 15 Seconds as that character. Real-Life Time, not Game-Time. My current playthrough shows 048.13.15 on the last save, but 11 Days have passed in the game.


...what? Please read my post again carefully. I can't write it any simplier. I have absolutely no idea what are you replying to, but definitely not to my question.

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Do you really think any person, regardless of ethnicity, would be willing to help you again in the future when you're so rude and antagonistic to people simply because they don't understand your vaguely worded and unexplained issues? Two people have asked for clarification on what you mean before addressing what they believe you might be talking about. You clearly were not descriptive enough in your question, or it would have been answered by now.


If you're having an issue with the time format of the in game clock, the mod I linked to will allow you to have an indicator of the in-game time, in whichever style you prefer, added to your HUD. It can't change the existing time format - which I don't believe is possible - but it allows you to check the time in game in whatever format you prefer.


If you're having a hard time working out the playtime for a save shown on the save menu, DrNewcenstein has explained its format quite well.


But if you can't tell the difference between noon and midnight on the twelve hour timestamp giving the RL time at which a save was created, then I think you have more serious problems than people not understanding your issue.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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(_so_)Rude? I am sorry, I asked very simple question which was anything but vague. There are - as far as I know - exactly TWO instances of 12 hour time format (forget that, simply time format) in the game: the ingame clock and the time shown in the description of a savegame - both of which I mentioned. I fail to understand how you fail to understand that. Not sure which one of us has more serious problems here. But feel free to try to insult me some more, I don't really care.

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  • 4 years later...

You are completely correct comrade!
Your words are simple, fair and full of righteous wisdom! I too am amazed by the foolishness of Bethesda not giving us the ability to chose a less funny time format. And also the absence of a simple mod to fix this. :o Well except "A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget" but that's a lot more extensive mod then just a time-formate change. =)

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