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Scenic Screenshot Thread


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Scenic Screenshots for Oblivion


Let your love for Oblivion come through in your screenshots. Let this be home to anyone who wants to share those special moments where Oblivion just takes your breath away!



To disable menus, open up the console and type "TM" followed by pressing enter. Close the console afterwards.


Setting a temporary FOV can make for a wonderful vista. Type "FOV <any desired number below 180>" in your console command. To reset your FOV, just enter 3rd person mode, then return to 1st person mode.

-FOV stands for Field of View. It is the Angular/linear/Areal extent of the observable world at any given moment.


Think what you want your screen to include. It wouldn't be wise to take a very beautiful shot if a small or big land tear is visible. Use your creative eye! WE WONT JUDGE YOU


TFC is a console command that allows the player to become a free flying camera. It comes in handy for unique shots the player view can't always reach ;)


A good FOV that is used by many is 100. Try it yourself.


To kick this off...some screens







Edited by AmpolX
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I created this kind of thread long ago, closed by bben.

Well, I decided to leave it open for now since the first thread suggested some tips that users might not be familiar with. If people post more tips (with examples), I might be willing to change the topic title instead of just closing it.

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