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Requesting a mod that summons lovecraftian horrors every time you use the TCL command.


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Ok, I was thinking, TCL is good for people who

a. want to cheat, and

b. need to get past a glitch.

but what if there was a way to make even cheating a harrowing experience, and the tedious task of bug-fixing a game of demonic hide and seek?


Here's what I have come up with.

A modder would add an in-game object that toggles the TCL effect, with a note saying something to the effect of, "this spell/device/what have you allows you to travel in the space between spaces, the void, where anything is possible. but beware, for you are not alone..." And, upon using this device, you will be able to pass though walls and under the ground, but at a great risk. For, upon using it, several monstrous beings will spawn in the void (ideally the will only be hostile to the player, cause he is the only one in their world, and will not appear in the overworld, but stay in the void.) My idea for the creatures would probably be a reskinned dragon with the wings made in visible, and trailing tentacles

(more tails?) all ove it. The mouth would be beaked and squid like, and instead of dragon roars the would make whale-like noises. They could breath fire and stuff, but I would prefer if, since there is no where to land and they are supposed to be near-unkillable, their only attack is use's the dragon's swoop-and-pick-up attack, killing them instantly. "But Nexusaurus," you ask, "how will we be able to use this new immersive TCL if these things kill us instantly and are nearly invincible? Well, the answer is this:

These creatures have no eyes and poor regular senses, and detect prey in a different manner that would only work on other, less dangerous entities of the void which will not be made because they are are unnecessary and I don't want to scare modders away with crazy complexity. Anyway, because of their poor senses, sneaking is easier than it would be with normal enemies. on the other hand, if they do find you, you're pretty much doomed. The feeling I'm going for is being out in open water with a pack of blind great whites.


The only way to escape them is to 'get out of the water' by turning off the device/deactivating the spell/whatever,

which deletes them, until you feel you can brave the horrors of the void once more.


Now, some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all this (Heck, I'm re-reading it and it sounds crazy.), so I'll summarize the basics. I am requesting a spell/device, that when activated, enables a console command to happen, and spawns a few reskinned dragons with some adjusted variables. phew, that sounds a lot less intimidating.


So, yeah, I don't even know if this is possible, but if someone could do it, that would be awesome.

Edited by Nexusaurus
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its not possible. also most use TCL for pictures and videos not for cheating. also no one who uses it for cheating would download the mod so it wouldn't make sense to create it in the first place.

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its not possible. also most use TCL for pictures and videos not for cheating. also no one who uses it for cheating would download the mod so it wouldn't make sense to create it in the first place.

Well, darn. That's a shame.

Aaaaanywaaaay... Lovecraftian horror dragons on their own would still be pretty awesome. If some modders feel that they

could just set a few of those up, that would be great.

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