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pale rings on skin when exporting from Blender


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I just tried adding tspace, updating Tspace, then removing setting the Tspace flag back to 0. It just reverys back to looking as if I never touched it. So the Tspace flag itself is definitely changing the shading. I think you are right, the engine must do some on the fly calculation when it draws the mesh with no Tspace. The nif file size is actually a lot smaller without tspace, it has to effectively contain duplicate data for all the verts in the mesh, even so probably balances out performance wise if the engine is doing the calculation anyway.


On a another note about normal maps and shading which has puzzled me since I started exporting for F3. Is that there is a drastic difference on normal map rendering between identical nifs exported for F3 or for Ob. at export all I do is change the drop down game preset setting, fallout3 and oblivion, same mesh, same textures, same material, same smoothing etc, and in nifskope viewport the meshes look completely different. Nothing can reconsile them.

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