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Unique names.


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I discovered a while back that I am currently the only living person in existence registered with my name, and am one of only a few people to have the name since records began. That got me thinking. Do you guys have or know anyone who has a unique name. You don't have to have proof, but it will help. Who knows, maybe you're one of a kind!
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Ive used this name 'bridgepiece' for some time now.. I also use the name 'Phelissa' for online games which ive used for a long time also.. Ive seen phelissa used in WoW, not sure if it was before/after I made mines but lol. Dont think Ive ever seen another bridgepiece tho :)
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My surname is unique (I think).


It's "Kubba". It originates from Iraq. A Kubba is actually the name of an Iraqi delicasie. It's basically mince, covered in potatoe or rice (although I prefer the rice ones) and then fried.


It's a weird name, and Im too tired to explain how my family actually GOT that name, but I am pretty sure its unique.

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May I inquire as you your name?


Mine is mundane, Jesse Williams. There's one in every phone book in america. My moniker "theuseless" is one that I haven't found any trouble acquiring wherever I go however.


I have a sister with a (fairly) unique name: Tilashie I have no Idea what it means or what language it is from, I think my mom was high and just made it up lol.

I have another sister named: Nori (which means the rising sun) and I have yet to meet another.

My friend combined his first and last names (kasey and alexander) to form his kid's name: Kalex

I live in a hippy dominated community with names such as: Kaz, Zion and star


The last 3 are real birth names, believe it or not. Just thought I'd share. My hippy mom almost named me Druid, but then my dad realized it conflicted with my family tradition (firstborns get middle of Lee and last of Williams regardless). This would have made me Dru Lee Williams (drooly for the non english croud). lol. I love my folks though.




I'm not a fraggin hippy, I just like the redwoods

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My real life name is Malachi. (Mal ah ki ...rhymes with sky) Not in much use for about 700 years. Only met one other Malachi, and that was at a sword fighting tourney near Houston. He thought he was the only one with it. The name is Irish, like the first saint of Ireland. Yeah, nobody thinks of him, just that one name of Pat that was afraid of snakes, so they celebrate every year.
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I have a fairly unique nickname, but my given is anything but (Ryan, seriously there's like a dozen Ryan's in my school of 500 alone.) one of my friends calls me Bagel, I dunno why, I really like the Beatles and one time I said it with a really cheesy and bad British accent, she said it sounded like "The Bagels" so now she calls me bagel all the time :confused: don't know of anyone who's called Bagel so I figured I'd throw that out there. Some of my friends have interesting knicknames but I suppose knicknames are usually pretty unique.
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