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Can you customize body textures?


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Is it possible to have different body textures on DIMON'S Type 3 depending on the NPC? For example tattoos and pubic styles or does it apply to all characters in game if that makes sense?


I know raiders/ghouls etc can but i want just a handful for say companions and NPC's that are interacted with heavily?

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You can, but each different NPC must be its own race, as the body texture applies to every NPC of a given race. So you can give a different texture to caucasians, asians, etc. And for your NPCs, create a new race just for them, make them that race and give that race the texture you want. Hope that makes sense.
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I think it was more when i tried to create a custon race for my charactor that things went wrong with the game ending and BS. Not sure if the same problems would exist if its for a NPC instead if theres a basic tutorial somewhere im willing to have another go :).
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Yeah i found that afterwards lol tbh this was more a direct me to tutorial question, as im busy putting together a weapon mod atm for personal use. Next on the agenda was ging to be the texture/races idea mentioned here.
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