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alt3rn1ty - Formal warning issued

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alt3rn1ty has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Misuse of report system, harassment of mod author via PM.

You reported someone for hiding a post of yours on their mod, it does not matter if they created the upload or not, the uploader added them to the list of people with editing access and mod authors can hide any comment they wish as long as it is not used maliciously.

In the report you stated that they have been hiding comments with useful information and beyond your one comment which is unrelated and about your issues with the unofficial patch which is not related to the mod in question all the other comments were comments made by the mod author about issues with old versions that have now been fixed so are not needed.

Then going on to harass the member via PM after your report had "no action" taken towards it since non was required is going beyond the call and here at the Nexus we take a dim view on harassment.

Any further or repeat action like this will result in the removal of your account so do not let it happen again please.

This warning was issued for what took place here, here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, alt3rn1ty has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future
This user cannot send private messages for 7 days

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The reference links both point to the same location. Was there another reference, or just the one? I'd like to see the PMs if there's a reference for that.

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Oops sorry was copy and pasting about 3 things at the same time guess it did not correctly copy and paste.


Second Link for Staff

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Got it.


I'm going to change this one to an informal warning considering alt3rn1ty has never had a run in with the moderating team here in 8 years and a lot of this can be put down to not understanding our system. The staff won't take action against mod authors, or users the mod author has authorised to manage their pages in their stead, removing any and all comments on their own files at their own will for practically any reason. I say practically any reason because there are some very rare occasions where we will take action (e.g. an uploaded file has a virus and the author is deliberately deleting comments that inform others about said virus in an effort to distribute said virus further).


Looking at the one PM from the report (I cannot seem to gain access to the conversation via the report, perhaps because both parties have deleted the conversation) it does not seem malicious in nature. We can treat this informal warning as a "please leave them alone".


Leaving this thread up as it's already been made public knowledge, so need to remain transparent.

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