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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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I'm back on Nexus.

rebalious - Ni ni ni ni - Can you tell what is that? Yes - It is that Easter Egg, and argonian from SE.

Anyway; back to the topic.



The world is not going to end, maybe in 5 million or billion years it will, but that's the different story. All of that 2012 so-called doomsday is complete crab. There's no proof, just people shouting it out loud. I stopped watching and listening to 2012 "predictions", if it even deserved to be called like that.

Those people will cause more trouble than the "day" itself, people will start robbing, killing, etc. Whatever it takes to survive that day, they will try to protect themselves, and tomorrow they will wake up piled up with cans of beans in some cave, thinking they survived... nothing.


That's what I will do.

21st December 2012, Friday

I will wake up at 9 or something like that; brush my teeth, turn on the heat as it will be pretty cold at my house. I will also look out of the window, and I will laugh. Then, I will make some hot chocolate, get some cosy clothes, make myself comfortable, turn on the TV and enjoying my breakfast. I will set my old fashioned radio to play something in the kitchen. I will have breakfast like this; Hot chocolate, pancakes with Canadian Maple Syrup and butter on top, piece of cake and a toast with French Brie cheese.



I will turn on the news, listening to 2012 crab, thinking "Yeah, right." As the news will end, I will change the channel to something more welcoming, and I'll also make a topic here, called "You're still thinking the world is gonna end?".


Later afternoon, about 14:00-15:00 I will look at your posts in the topic I have created. Also, it will be a good idea if I go outside and ask people on the street about 2012, if they believed about it, I will laugh at them, saying "See ya tomorrow!"


I will spend the rest of the day, evening, at my house, browsing the internet and watching TV. I will go to bed at 22:00, getting a good sleep...


22nd December 2012, Saturday.


I will wake up, and the first thing, I will say "Fail".

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In 2012 the world will end because I shall destroy it... with cookies. And cookie monsters.

You do realize this whole plot can be destroyed by water? or milk, or tea etc

Or Pretty ponies. Or kids or ( this depends of what type of cookie the monsters is made) even the police ( that will gladly take the tea/beer )

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In 2012 the world will end because I shall destroy it... with cookies. And cookie monsters.

You do realize this whole plot can be destroyed by water? or milk, or tea etc

Or Pretty ponies. Or kids or ( this depends of what type of cookie the monsters is made) even the police ( that will gladly take the tea/beer )

Gud point. SO i will make MANY cookies untill everyones fat and can't do a thing

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22nd December 2012, Saturday.


I will wake up, and the first thing, I will say "Fail".

I'm willing to give them some leway, I'll wait until 2013 before I say "fail".



Ni-Ni-Ni = Argonion (forgot about that)+ Monty Python

Can you tell what it is yet? = Rolf Harris catchphrase


The Rolf Harris Code

Can you tell what it is yet?

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Gud point. SO i will make MANY cookies untill everyones fat and can't do a thing

And make surethat's your army never tastes themselves or they will have the same destiny as the chocolate made pirates, or the Pizza The Hutt, and be self-eaten!


22nd December 2012, Saturday.


I will wake up, and the first thing, I will say "Fail".

I'm willing to give them some leway, I'll wait until 2013 before I say "fail".



Or 2040....


and i have some goods shrubberies wanna one?

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